12 terms for golfers
Presentedby the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America
Although there is no standardized formula or single maintenance program for every golf course, there are some basic agronomy terms you can use to communicate with the golf course superintendent at your facility. In fact, if you're more aware of what your superintendent is doing to the course, you'll have a much better understanding of how it might affect the turf you're playing on -- and your round.
Here is a sample of turfgrass terms:
Aeration: The working of a turf soil without destruction of the turf by coring, slitting, grooving, hole punching, forking, sliding, spiking or other means to reduce compaction and improve water and air movement through the soil.
Blend: A combination of two or more cultivars of the same grass species.
Cultivar: A variety, strain or race that has originated and persisted under cultivation or was specifically developed for the purpose of cultivation.
Desiccation: Winter injury sustained on exposed turf areas when subject to high winds or loss of moisture from a plant because of hot, dry weather or chemicals.
Foot printing:
Frost: Dead leaf tissue formed by walking on live, frosted turfgrass leaves.
Wilt: Temporary impressions caused by walking on grass plants that are unable to spring to upright position because leaves lack sufficient moisture.
Hydroseeding: A high-pressure spray technique for applying seed, mulch and fertilizer in a water slurry over a seedbed.
Leaching: The removal of materials dissolved in the soil solution caused by the movement of water down through the soil, past the root zone.
Localized dry spot: A dry area of sod and soil that resists water infiltration.
Matting: To work topdressing, fertilizers or other materials into a turfgrass area with drag mats, usually made of steel.
Plugging: The vegetative propagation of turfgrass by means of turf plugs or small sod pieces.
Scalping: The term for removing more of the green leaf surface than is good for the plant, leaving a stubbly brown turf.
Syringing: Light sprinkling of water on turf usually done during the hottest part of the day to prevent wilting.
For a longer list -- or if you've wondered about a specific term not included here -- see the article, “Turfgrass Terminology for Golf.”
For more information regarding golf course management practices, contact your local superintendent or the GCSAA at 800-472-7878 or