Public Libraries Victoria Network Inc.

Minutes of General Meeting held on Tuesday 20 March 2012 at MAV

1.Attendance and Apologies

Name / Organisation
Karyn Siegmann / Bayside Library Service
Anne Holmes, Sue Gray / Boroondara Library Service
Chris Kelly / Brimbank Library Service
Jenny Mustey / Campaspe Regional Library
Peter Carter / CaseyCardinia Regional Library Corp
Roslyn Cousins / Corangamite Regional Library Corp.
Janice Taylor / City of Ballarat
Sally Jones / Darebin Library Service
Naomi Barr / East Gippsland Library Service
Joseph Cullen / Eastern Regional Libraries
Kim Kearsey / Frankston Library Service
Nerida Dye / Gannawarra Library Service
Patti Manolis / Geelong Regional Library Corp
Sue Webster / Glen Eira Library Service
Susan Bentley / Glenelg Libraries
Carolyn Macvean / Goldfields Library Corp
Charles Gentner / Goulburn Valley Regional Library Corp
Susan Thomson / Greater Dandenong Libraries
Jenny Wyllie / High Country Regional Library Corp.
Suzie Gately / Hobsons Bay Libraries
Terry Aquino / Hume Libraries
Julie Kyriacou / Latrobe Library Service
Michael Byrne / Maribyrnong Library Service
Greg Worrell / Melbourne Library Service
Michael Scholtes / Melton Library Service
Anne-Maree Pfabe,Janet Salvatore / Monash Library Service
Troy Watson / Moonee Valley Library Service
Genimaree Panozzo, Fidelma O’Brien / Moreland Library Service
Geoff Carson / Mornington Peninsula Library Service
Natasha Tsui-Po / Stonnington Library Service
Camille Cullinan / Swan Hill Library Service
Debbie Paylor / Upper Murray Regional Library
Tony Iezzi / Vision Australia
John Murrell (Chair) / West Gippsland Regional Library
Geoff Rockow / Whitehorse-Manningham Regional Library
Paula Clark / Wimmera Regional Library Corp
Jenny Ruffy / Yarra Libraries
Christine Mackenzie, Jane Grace / Yarra Plenty Regional Library Corp
Elisabeth Jackson / PLVN Executive Officer
Wendy Quihampton, Melanie McCarten, Debra Rosenfeldt, Sue Hamilton / State Library of Victoria
Colin Morrison, Kane Roach, Nerida Webster, Kasey Gardiner / Dept for Planning and Community Development.


Name / Organisation
Natalie Brown / Greater Dandenong Library Service
Connee Maggio / Kingston Library Service
Sue Kelly / Mildura Library Service
Damian Tyquin / Port Phillip Library Service
Rhonda Rathjen / Wyndham Library Service
Item No. / Discussion and Resolutions
1.Welcome / The President welcomed all present.
2.Minutes / Confirmation of Minutes
Moved Michael Byrne, seconded Chris Kelly That the Minutes of General Meeting of 6 December and Executive Meetings of 5 December, 6 February and 5 March be accepted with the amendment that it is Goulburn Valley TAFE which has recently joined SWIFT – not the Regional Library. Carried
3.Business arising / None not already on agenda
4. Correspondence / Items for discussion:
12/49 Kumon Proposal
Agreed to forward this to members and to seek clarification about cost.
Moved Terry Aquino seconded Julie Kyriacou That the correspondence be accepted. Carried
5.PLVN Strategic Plan
5.1 Leadership
5.1.1 ACPL. / PLVN reps: John Murrell, Christine Mackenzie Karyn Siegmann, Jenny Mustey
Met at Bacchus Marsh on 23 Feb. Items discussed included a report on developments at Ballarat, National Year of Reading and the State Library of Victoria strategic framework
Thanks were expressed to Sue Hamilton for her support of the ACPL and public libraries generally.. Next meeting will be held in May
5.1.2 MAC / PLVN reps: John Murrell, Anne Holmes
MAC held its second meeting on 21 February. Items discussed included the consultation process around the Tomorrow’s Library document and the Victorians Love Libraries campaign.
5.2 Collaboration
5.2.1 Statewide Projects / Community Engagement – Anne Holmes
More Knowledge for Library Advocacy – Jenny Ruffy
Jenny Ruffy, Carol Oxley and Jacquie Phillips spoke about the internet survey which commences next week.
It was noted that there has been a big increase in Internet access and particularly wifi and the Survey is trying to determine the impact of this on libraries and on their users.We need to get information and stories out to policy makers and funders give profile to libraries as agencies to help people develop online skills.Need to demonstrate what is distinctive about libraries in this context.
The project will use the large US study Opportunities for all and the Moreland Library Service survey of 2011.
The results will be qualitative and quantitative and will look at the benefits for individual and community and the barriers to meeting needs
Final report by will be available in June this year and a presentation will be made to the MAC
Members were urged to support this and to collect as many responses as possible. Through links on library websites, signs on library computers and handed out to computer users
Individual libraries will get their own data
Libraries 2030 –Peter Carter
Karyn Seigmann reported as Peter had been on leave. Stephen Tighe has been appointed as the consultant to assist in this project. The results will feed in to the MAC Review.
In May there will be a 2 day workshop for selected participants organised by the State Library.
Workforce Leadership and Learning – Natalie Brown
Carolyn Macvean reported that the shared leadership program starting up again. Managers can nominate staff. Previous participants and their managers have testified as to the value of this program. It will involve 10days for worships, half day for presentation plus preparation time. Applications open 4 April, close I may. Presentation day in December.
Digitising Victorian Newspapers – Anne Holmes
Digitising of WW 1 papers is continuing.
5.2.2 State Library / Wendy Quihampton spoke to the circulated report. An additional report on the MyLanguage conference will be circulated.
5.2.3 PLVN Projects / Annual Survey – Elisabeth Jackson
Executive Subcommittee is reviewing the content of the Survey with the aim of producing a simplified survey. We are looking at proposals developed by Robert McEntyre and also the IFLA Metropolitan Section survey. Executive has agreed to engage Counting Opinions to conduct the survey. Agreement with Counting Opinions was tabled for signing.
Being the Best we Can – Elisabeth Jackson
Boroondara, Stonnington and Hobsons Bay have completed this process. A number of libraries have indicated they wish to conduct the program in the latter half of 2012..
Collaborative Procurement – Geoff Carson
Geoff outlined the current state of play with the PA and MAV/PLVN contracts. The legal advice on the PA requirement that libraries not enter into other contracts for 6 months was noted but it is unclear what it means.
One solution was to investigate extending the contract with Bennetts so that the 6 months has expired when the new MAV contract starts.
Goulburn Valley has got PA to agree to exceptions.
It was pointed out that libraries are spending a considerable amount of money with PA and should be able to bargain for better discounts. Geoff offered to convene a user group to discuss this and also a collective approach to procurement of e-resources. A meeting with PA will be arranged to discuss these issues.
It was suggested that we should also investigate whether we can get Ministerial approval for libraries to join PA contract at a later stage.
Libraries reported on their experiences with the two contracts. Some of the points made were:
PA contract does not result in substantial cost savings in terms of discounts but saves money in the staff time involved in individual contracting
PA contact enables libraries to stay with the same suppliers and also introduces them to new ones
PA provides excellent back-up support
Use of only one supplier was a major problem with MAV/PLVN contract.
Elisabeth reported on current state of play with MAV contract. It expires in September and work will commence soon on the revision of specifications using the results of the recent survey. More than one main supplier will be sought this time.
5.2.4 DPCD Report / Report from Kane Roach Colin Morrison on the MAC consultation. Consultation sessions have commenced and will
continue until end of April
Nerida Webster and Kasey Gardiner who are doing communications work for the project were introduced.
Facebook and twitter presences have been established and comments here will be fed in to the process
Launch of website next week
1 page community flyer will be sent out and this will be included in a collateral pack to be sent to libraries.
Submissions are due by the end of May.
Living libraries Round 2 now open, closes 11 May. 10 projects were announced in December.
If intending to put in a submission for Round 2 it is advisable to talk to DPCD as soon as possible. The panel adjudicating
will be set up on same basis as previously.
.Library Link Victoria
Agreement in principle that libraries would contribute to purchase of replacement satchels
Noted that returned in error can be a big component of interlibrary traffic but agreed that libraries should return items in ILL
System rather than requiring lending library to contact borrower which is a big administrative burden.
5.2.5 Swift / Goulburn Valley TAFE joined, UMRL and Lake Macquarie are interested in Swift model
Geoff Strempel from Sth Australia spoke at the Swift meeting about the statewide library management system in Sth Aust
Discussion of cross border collaboration
5.2.6 Subcommittees / No individual reports from subcommittees. Report on joint convenors meeting held on 5th March. Each Subcommittee and SIG reported on recent activities and planned events. This has been used to compile a calendar of events.
5.2.7 Public Libraries Advisory Committee John Murrell / PLAC met 14 March. Items discussed included:
National vision and framework
National Year of Reading report.
Early literacy framework. Consideration of national framework. Views will be sought
NBN - We need to keep up pressure for libraries to be involved in rollout
Public library membership drive to take place May –August as part of NYR.
IFLA public libraries satellite is a possibility.
Use of Dollars Sense and Public Libraries research nationally was discussed. Victoria’s effort will be recognised if it does go national
RFID national data model for tags. A workshop was held to develop a model which has beensent to alia Last board meeting endorsed this and it will be available on ALIA website.. Vendors have been involved.
Courier project:
Interest nationally for developing a better way of delivering courier services. We need to clarify our requirements
Goal 3 – Innovation
Advocacy Campaign / Karyn Siegmann and Sue McKerracher reported on the Victorians Love Libraries campaign which was successfully launched at Clayton Library on 19 March. Kits of collateral material were handed out and posted to libraries not represented at the meeting. Members were urged to use the materials in the kits to advocate for better understanding of what libraries do.
The next steps are to get the video shown on TV as a community service announcement and sending a letter and the collateral material to all MPs.
MAV has set up and will maintain a facebook page and is publicising the campaign in its own publications.
6. Accounts and finances
6.1 Financial report
6.2 Libraries Australia subscriptions
6.3 Accounts for ratification and payment / Financial report to 6 March was circulated with the Agenda
Moved Karyn Siegmann, seconded Michael Scholtes That the report be accepted. Carried
Proposal for moving to a population-based charging was circulated at the last meeting
with a decision deferred to this meeting. OCLC have advised that they are not able to provide a cheaper cataloguing service.
Moved Chris Kelly seconded Karyn Siegmann that the circulatedproposal be adopted . Carried.
Accounts for ratification:
Date / Creditor / For / Amount
07/12/11 / Swan Hill Rural Council / Lunch for December General Meeting / $315.10
19/12/11 / Australian Continuous Improvement Group / Being the Best Workshops / $8,250.00
9/1/12 / Frank Design / Design of Victorians Love Libraries brochure / $,3982.00
13/1/12 / West Gippsland RLC / Reimbursement of costs for attendance at PLAC meeting, DPCD lunch in December / $494.41
27/1/12 / Nexus Research / Data Collection for Annual Survey / $5,060.00
30/1/12 / Aust Tax Office / GST for September- December / $19,636.00
1/02/12 / National Library / Libraries Australia half year payment / $119,750.95
28/01/11 / Inticon / Plvn domain name renewal / $33.95
23/1/12 / IFLA / Membership / 538 Euros
(About $676.00)
30/1/12 / State Library / PicVic- 6 months / $1,252.00
6/2/12 / MAV / Salary and admin costs, July-December less amount received for workshops / $3,455.64
24/2/12 / Empatico
( Sue McK) / Victorians Love Libraries / $4,666.20
29/02/12 / Frank Design / Design of web tiles / $1144
2/3/12 / MAV / Exec Officer and admin – Jan -14 Feb / $6,759.91
Accounts for Payment
Date / Creditor / For / Amount
6/3/12 / Victoria University / Deposit for Online Resources Forum / $1000.00
Moved Julie Kyriacou seconded Chris Kelly That the accounts be approved for payment Carried
7.Other Business
7.1 Possible Consortium purchase of Overdrive subscription
7.2 MAC Review and Review of PLVN Plan
7.3 Adult Learning Australia
7.4 Frontline presentation
7.5 LGPro Award
7.6 Sue Hamilton’s Retirement
7.7 Pierre Gorman Award / .Last year New Zealand public libraries managed to get a country-wide subscription
which has resulted in all public libraries having access to Overdrive e-books at a
cost much lower than if they subscribed individually. They did this by dividing the
country into regions. Executive Officer would like to gauge interest in doing
something similar for Victoria ( or even Australia) before investigating further.
Meeting was in favour of this. It appears the main savings come from the costs of modifications to websites and this is amortised with a consortium subscription.
The Plan is due for review this year. Work done for Libraries 2030 and for submissions
to the MAC Review will feed in to this and we need to determine the best way of
involving members in the review.
Members were asked to suggest issues for consideration for the MAC submission. The list of issues is attached to the minutes.
Comments to be sought from members for discussion at May exec meeting
Sally Thompson from ALA gave a presentation on possible collaboration with public libraries. Some of the points made were:
ALA and libraries are both concerned with Lifelong and life wide learning, adult literacy, formal and non-formal learning
Libraries were urged to acknowledge. Adult learners week in October. ALA will send materials.
Find a course database – libraries can put links on their website
ALA Journal could do with some library articles and stories about Informal learning.
Shirley Bateman and Susan McLaine gave a presentation on Frontline as the first in a series of presentations to members from Special Interest Groups. Some of the points made:
913 staff were committed to undertaking the program .406 will be involved in the final stage this year
Participants and library managers have noted a cultural shift as a result of the program – a greater awareness of our role in promoting reading and reader centred approach
Staff have become more proactive in talking to people
Increase in creativity and improved networking opportunities are important side-effects of participation
Attention was drawn to the Opening the book website
Cost of participation is $182 plus GST per trainee.
Suzanne Gately has won an LGPro award for the YuCan café at Altona North Library .
Acknowledgment of Sue Hamilton’ s work for public libraries. Sue is retiring on 5 April and has been a strong and consistent supporter of public libraries both in her substantive Director position and for the last year as Acting CEO and State Librarian.
The 2012 Award was presented by Sue Hamilton to Yarra Plenty Regional Library for the development of Auslan storytime sessions. It was accepted on behalf of YPRLC by Jane Grace
Future Meeting and Workshop Topics
(Calendar of events) / 22 March – ICT Unconference
30 May – Libmark half day forum on Adult Literacy
18 June – Joint meeting of Multicultural and Home Library Service SIGs to discuss
home library services to CALD communities
14 September – HLS Seminar – Reaching Out
19 September – Online Resources Forum
12 October – Libmark all day forum at William Angliss

The meeting closed at 4.00 pm. Next meeting June 19th 2012 at State Library of Victoria.

Meeting dates for 2012:

June 19

September 11 (AGM)

December 4