Education for Homeless Children and Youth (EHCY) Program
2016–17Grantee Expenditure Report

Reporting Period for: 7/1/16-10/31/16, Due on: 11/10/16;Reporting Period for: 7/1/16-2/28/17, Due on: 3/10/17

SACS Resource Code 5630 SACS Revenue Object Code 8290

LEA: ______CD Code: ______

Person Completing Form: ______Phone:______E-mail: ______

Expenditure Codes / Currently Approved Budget / Expenditures for Current
Reporting Period / Balance
(Approved Budget minus
1000-1999 Series
Certificated Personnel Salaries
2000-2999 Series
Classified Personnel Salaries
3000-3999 Series
Employee Benefits
4000-4999 Series
Books and Supplies
5000-5999 Series (excluding 5100)
Services and Other Operating Expenditures
7300-7399 Series (Indicate rate)
Direct Support/Indirect Costs
5100 Series
Subagreements for Services
6000-6599 Series
Capital Outlay
7000-7299 Series
Tuition and Other Transfers Out

Grantee certifies that the above expenditureshave been made and that this project has been conducted in accordance with all requirements included in the grant award.


Authorized Signature and Title from Business OfficeDate


Approved by California Department of Education Date

California Department of Education June 2016

Please send form with original signature to:

California Department of Education

Coordinated School Health and Safety Office

1430 N Street, Suite 6408

Sacramento, CA95814

Attention:Pat Boncella, Associate Governmental Program Analyst


Brief Explanation of Object Codes

The following explanations are very brief. Please consult the most recent version of the CaliforniaSchool Accounting Manual (CSAM) for more detailed explanations. The manual can be viewed at: .

1000-1999Certificated Personnel Salaries

Record expenditures for salaries for services that require a credential or permit issued by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing. Typical categories are the salaries for teachers, teacher substitutes, school administrators, librarians, counselors, or school nurses.

2000-2999Classified Personnel Salaries

Record expenditures for salaries for services that do not require a credential or permit issued by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing. Typical categories of classified personnel are teacher assistants, business managers, clerical staff, administrators such as board members or assistant superintendents who do not have credentials, custodians, cooks, bus drivers, or maintenance workers.

3000-3999Employee Benefits

Record expenditures for the costs of benefits contributed by the employer as a part of the compensation package. Benefits include retirement (Public Employees Retirement System or State Teachers Retirement System), Social Security and Medicare, health and welfare benefits, unemployment insurance, workers compensation insurance, and other benefits that may be offered.

4000-4999Books and Supplies

Record expenditures for books and supplies including the costs of sales tax, freight, and inventory costs. Examples are textbooks, instructional materials, office supplies, custodial supplies, food service supplies, and gas and oil for buses.

5000-5999Services and Other Operating Expenditures

Record expenditures for services, rents, operating leases, maintenance contracts, dues, travel, insurance, utilities, attorney fees, audit fees, and other operating expenses. Expenditures may be authorized by contracts, agreements, purchase orders, etc.

6000-6999Capital Outlay

Record expenditures for equipment and intangible capital assets, such as computer software, including items acquired through leases with option to purchase.

7000-7999Tuition and Other Transfers Out

Record expenditures for tuition payments to other entities, transfers of money to other funds or other programs such as Special Education or Regional Occupational Centers and Programs, and transfers to other districts or joint powers agencies.

7300-7399Direct Support/Indirect Costs

Record expenditures for direct support costs and indirect costs.Please indicate your indirect cost rate within the parenthesis provided.