November 4, 2013
Mayor Mingus called the Working Session of the City Council of East Peoria, Illinois to order at 4:04P.M.
Upon the roll being called the following answered present: Mayor Mingus, Commissioners Decker,Densberger, Jeffers and Joos.
Absent: None.
Also present were: City Administrator, Tom Brimberry; City Treasurer/Comptroller, Terri Gualandi; Fire Chief William Darin; Police Chief Dick Ganschow;Director of Public Works, Steve Ferguson; Director of Planning and Community Development, Ty Livingston; Director of Buildings and Public Property, Robert Cole; City Attorneys, Michael Tibbs and Scott Brunton and City Clerk, Morgan Cadwalader.
Mayor Mingus explained that no officialaction would take place by the Councilat the meeting.
Mayor Mingus stated that the purpose of the meeting is to have a Budget Retreat to discuss various topics, including the Tax Levy; Gaming Funds; City Facility, Staffing and Operational Needs; Levee District Update; Status of Objectives from March 2013 Retreat and Festival of Lights. He turned the discussion over to City Administrator, Tom Brimberry. City Administrator Brimberry discussed the library opening and finishing Council Chambers/Community meeting rooms.
City Administrator Brimberry discussed the tax levy. He handed out a memorandum with supporting documents that discussed three options; including (1) increasing the levy by 1.7% CPI inflation rate that would amount to an additional $89,763; (2) maintaining the current property tax rate that would decrease the amount by $27,476; and (3) levying an equal amount to the 2012 extension that would be the same amount as last year. City Attorney Mike Tibbsexplained that a Caterpillar building was mistakenly included in a TIF district mistakenly that affected the levy amount and will likely be reimbursed to the County. He discussed the Equalized Assessed Value (“EAV”). He discussed the board of review appeals for assessed values. He also discussed the SC2 property assessed value. City Attorney Tibbs discussed reassessments and what is factored into the assessments. He explained that the estimated total is $426,000. He discussed TIF Districts andEnterprise Zones and the effect on property taxes. City Attorney Tibbs discussedthe differences in assessed value of the different townships within the City. Commissioner Densberger explained that he does not have a recommendation at this point but that the discussion is merely informational. Commissioner Joos discussed the connection between property tax rates and property values and his philosophical view that as the property tax rate goes up that the values of the homes will go down.
Commissioner Jeffers explained that he believes that the total dollar amount is important and the rate is not as important. He asked that we take everything into consideration as part of the entire budget.
Commissioner Joos, City Administrator Brimberry and City Treasurer/Comptroller Terri Gualandi discussed the increase in the sales tax over the last five years by 1.7%. There was a discussion about the capital building fund and the quarter cent sales tax. There was a clarification that the City does not receive sales tax from the TIF Districts. City Administrator Brimberry explained that sales tax is up $460,000.00 from last year of which some is dedicated to debt service. He explained that it is on track to meet the budgeted amount.
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City Attorney Mike Tibbs left the meeting at 4:48p.
Mayor Mingus recessed the meeting at 4:48 p.m. to take a break.
Mayor Mingus brought the meeting back to order at 5:07p.m. with all Council Members present.
City Administrator Brimberry discussedGaming Funds and requests for those funds for the next fiscal year. Police Chief Ganschow discussed squad car needs, including nine squad cars and three administrative vehicles. He discussed the squad cars and that the car would change and the equipment would not be able to be refurbished into the new models. Discussion about current fiscal year squad car purchases. Discussion about financing administrative vehicles over five years. Commissioner Densberger recommended purchasing vehicles outright instead of financing them.
City Administrator Brimberry discussed gaming funds and decreasing funds as a resultof video gaming. There was a consensus to include video gaming revenues in the Gaming Funds.
City Administrator Brimberry discussedneed for a space study for the Police Station. He explained that PCM+d could locate a space study for the Police station for a total of $5,000.00.
City Administrator Brimberry discussedFire Department requests from Gaming Funds. Commissioner Joos expressed interest in outright paying for certain items. There was a discussion about refurbishing an ambulance that would include purchasing a new chassis and refurbishing the box.
City Administrator Brimberry discussed Public Works expenses and requests from the Gaming Funds. The request for monies for Highview Road costs. Commissioner Decker discussed streets projects that Patrick Meyer has for future road improvements that includes $800,000.00 worth of projects. There was a discussion about having a working session on streets in the future. Commissioner Decker voiced concerns about the overall streets problems growing. There was a discussion about widening the street along Highview Road and including curb and gutter. Director of Public Works, Steve Ferguson, discussed a FEMA Match on fifteen projects for erosion control and storm water projects.
City Administrator, Tom Brimberry, and Director of Planning and Community Development, Ty Livingston, discussed Planning and Community Development Gaming Fund expenses and requests.
There was a discussion about a City Administrator request for a new vehicle.
The Mayor and Commissioners discussed debt service andEastPort and EastSide Centre loans. There was a discussion about fixed versus discretionary expenditures/requests. There was a discussion about debt service and when those expenses expire and begin to pay back if they are loans.
City Administrator Brimberry discussed staffing needs in the City. An additional Human Resources employee request was discussed. City Administrator discussed a request for recording keeping for Police Departments of two part-time employees. There was a discussion about Building and Public Property need of the part-time code enforcement individual moving to a fulltime position. There was a discussion about an increase in the residential construction which pulls Steve Minner away from Code Enforcement. There was a discussion about a request for a helpdesk person for Information Technology to be trained in many different departments. City Administrator Brimberry discussed a request from Accounts and Finance, including an additional staffing need for a back-up to the counter. There was a discussion about assisting with purchasing toters and the need for additional help. There was a discussion about conversion to accrual accounting and financial system.
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There was a discussion about funding additional requests for operational staff. There was a discussion about giving 1% of the cable franchise fee to Channel 22. There was a consensus for a working session by Channel 22 to present information to Council.
City Administrator Brimberry discussed the Levee District and City Facilities needs. There was a discussion about a New City Hall through a cash purchase. Mayor Mingus discussed a more efficient City Hall. Commissioner Densberger discussed planning space needed and who will be at the new City Hall. There was discussion about a space study. Mayor Mingus and Commissioners discussed longer term plans for police and fire stations and other facilities. Commissioner Jeffers discussed the cost of not building the City Hall. Commissioner Jeffers discussed a net cash flow to City Hall. There was consensus from Council that there be a plan and proposal for the new City Hall space with the space needed and those individuals that will be located at the City Hall. Commissioner Decker discussed the inefficiencies caused by the current City Hall and the costs that are occurring because of the inefficiencies. He also discussed the revenues available for the City Hall. There was a discussion about prioritizing the building of a new City Hall versus other projects and expenses. Director of Buildings and Public Property, Robert Cole, discussed facility needs and uses.
City Administrator Brimberry discussed a Police Station space study and renovation of the Festival of Lights Building.
Commissioner Joos discussed the need for a Fire Station at ICC. Chief Darin explained that there would only need for an additional three people for an additional Fire Station and no need for additional equipment.
City Administrator Brimberry discussedPekin and Peoria’s budget planning process. City Administrator Brimberry discussed the status of the March 2013 retreat objectives. Commissioner Joos discussedthe need for new City welcome signs. Mayor Mingus discussed connecting the older and newer downtown.
Mayor Mingus asked for any questions or comments from anyone in the audience.
John Kahl of 101 Field Court, East Peoria thanked everyone involved in the Teresa Tracy Trot.
Mayor Mingus asked for any further questions or comments from anyone in the audience. There was no response.
Motion by Commissioner Densberger, seconded by Commissioner Decker; Mr. Mayor, I move you that we adjourn the meeting.
Yeas: Commissioners Decker, Densberger, Jeffers, Joos and Mayor Mingus.
Nays: None.
Mayor Mingus declared the motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 7:43P.M.
__/s/ Morgan R. Cadwalader______
Morgan R. Cadwalader, City Clerk