Title:Class got Brass (4-12-17)
Duration: 3:02 minutes
Highlights of Class Got Brass, a contest sponsored by the New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Foundation for whose annual fundraiser, the New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival, Shell is the presenting sponsor.
Class got Brass (4-12-17)Transcript
[Background music plays]
Gentle instrumental music.
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The New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival and Foundation conserves Louisiana’s rich musical culture
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A prime example of that is Class Got Brass
[Video footage]
Greyscale mid-view footage of a brass band playing in the open air.
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Launched in 2012 with a singular mission
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Greyscale side mid-view of girls in glitzy costumes, dancing.
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Conserve and Revitalize a fading tradition
[Video footage]
Greyscale footage of a schoolboy dancing in front of a long table at which people are seated, more people gathered along the railing behind them. The greyscale footage transitions to full colour.
Interview with Scott Aiges
New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival and Foundation
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Scott Aiges / New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival and Foundation
[Scott Aiges]
In New Orleans, which is probably the only city in the world where every 14 and 15-year-old goes crazy for the sound of a traditional New Orleans brass band, none of the schools had brass bands.
[Video footage]
Mid-view of Scott Aiges as he speaks to the off-screen interviewer against the background of a marching brass band sculpture in Louis Armstrong Park, New Orleans. High angle footage of a corridor full of high school students. High angle footage of a logo on the tiles of the school corridor with the wording, “Edna Karr High School Excellence Starts Here.”
Crowd noise.
With arts funding in public schools constantly shrinking, the Foundation offered an incentive.
[Video footage]
High angle footage of a few students in a school corridor. Rear view footage of a boy entering a music classroom, with more students visible in the foreground and background. Mid-view side view footage of Harold Clay and a woman standing in front of a whiteboard in a classroom, engaged in discussion, with another man visible in rear view in the foreground.
[Scott Aiges]
How about if we offered you a grand prize of $10,000?
[Video footage]
Mid-view of Scott Aiges as he speaks to the off-screen interviewer against the background of a marching brass band sculpture in Louis Armstrong Park, New Orleans.
Brass band instruments tuning up.
Every participating school gets money for their music programme, with more than $40,000 given each year. For principals like Harold Clay Junior, this was a no-brainer.
[Video footage]
Wide view of the music room in which students are practicing on brass band instruments against a background of window panels, while chairs and music stands are visible in the foreground. More footage of students practicing on or tuning up their instruments. Front view footage of Harold Clay walking down the high school’s corridor, approaching the camera.
Interview with Harold Clay Jr.
Principal, Edna Karr High School
Brass band music.
[Harold Clay Jr.]
Class Got Brass has a phenomenal impact at Edna Karr High School. It has allowed us to get new instruments where we had duct tape on instruments. It’s given us opportunities to grow…
[Video footage]
Footage of students practicing together on their brass band instruments in the music room environment. More footage of the music room in which students are practicing on their brass band instruments against the background of window panels, as previously described.
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Harold Clay Jr. / Principal, Edna Karr High School
[Harold Clay Jr.]
…not just in quality sound but allow kids to be a part of something outside of many other things they can get involved with after school.
[Video footage]
Close-up of Harold Clay as he speaks to the off-screen interviewer, a bookcase filled with books and a photo frame visible in the background.
Brass band music.
Preserving cultural touchstones such as the brass band tradition is just one reason why Shell is a proud sponsor of Jazz Fest, the annual fundraiser for the foundation’s work.
[Video footage]
High angle footage of Chris Herrero in the music room environment, rear view footage of students playing brass band instruments visible in the foreground. Close-up rear view footage of Chris Herrero in the same setting, band members visible in the slightly out of focus background. Close-up of a sign on a window ledge with the wording “Music is the language of New Orleans.” Wide view of crowds passing through an entrance under a banner displaying the Shell pecten and the wording, “New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival Welcome!” Trees, blue skies and marquees are visible in the background. High angle extreme wide shot of the stage at Jazz Fest with a large audience standing in the foreground. Footage of musicians playing their brass band instruments on stage.
Brass band music.
[Scott Aiges]
That’s what we use for all of the initiatives that we do throughout the year. So if it weren’t for Shell, we wouldn’t be able to do all the work that we do.
[Video footage]
High angle footage of a young boy dancing amidst the crowd of musicians and onlookers. Mid-view of Scott Aiges as he speaks to the off-screen interviewer against the background of a marching brass band sculpture in Louis Armstrong Park, New Orleans. Close-up in profile of Chris Herrero in the music room setting, as before, band members visible in the slightly out of focus background.
Interview with Krystal Frank
Edna Karr H.S. Brass Band
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Krystal Frank / Edna Karr H.S. Brass Band
Chris Herrero singing a tune and brass band music.
[Krystal Frank]
Ever since I joined the brass band, I found another way to express myself through music.
[Video footage]
Close-up of a student fingering a trumpet. Mid-view in profile of Chris Herrero singing a tune to his students. Close-up of Krystal Frank against the background of the music room.
Interview with Justin Goldston
Edna Karr H.S. Brass Band
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Justin Goldston / Edna Karr H.S. Brass Band
[Justin Goldston]
In the culture of New Orleans, this is what we do. You know, we… this is a city of music.
[Video footage]
Close-up of Justin Goldston against the background of the music room.
Interview with Chris Herrero
Band Director, Edna Karr High School
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Chris Herrero / Band Director, Edna Karr High School
[Chris Herrero]
Music is all about emotion. They’re painting a portrait with their sound.
[Video footage]
Close-up of Chris Herrero against the background of the music room.
Brass band music.
That said, winning still matters.
[Video footage]
More footage of brass band members playing their instruments in the music room.
Interview with Mikale Hasten
Edna Karr H.S. Brass Band
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Mikale Hasten / Edna Karr H.S. Brass Band
[Mikale Hasten]
I only won one time though, when I was with Karr, when we won third place.
Third place?
[Mikale Hasten]
Yeah. Well, that’s pretty good.
[Mikale Hasten]
Yeah, no, it’s not good.
Brass band music.
[Video footage]
Close-up of Mikale Hasten against the background of the music room.
[Wilbert Rawlins, Jr]
The tag is pa-dum-pum. Let’s play. One, two, a one, two, ready to play, one.
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Competition Day
[Video footage]
Footage of Wilbert Rawlins and his band on competition day as he gives instructions and they follow his instructions as they practice together.
Brass band music.
Wilbert Rawlins’ kids dominated this competition until last year. They’re back to reclaim their title.
[Video footage]
Continuing footage of Wilbert Rawlins band practicing together.
Interview with Wilbert Rawlins, Jr
Band Director, Landry-Walker High School
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Wilbert Rawlins, Jr / Band Director, Landry-Walker High School
[Wilbert Rawlins, Jr]
A middle school beat us last year. I wasn’t happy with that.
[Video footage]
Close-up of Wilbert Rawlins against a background of buildings, trees and cloudy blue skies.
Brass band music.
[Video footage]
Footage of brass band performing in the park while others dance and the audience looks on.
Edna Karr, under the direction of Chris Herrero, always delivers.
[Video footage]
More footage of brass bands performing for the crowd.
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The Moment of Truth
First place of Class Got Brass. Donna, who’ve you got?
[Video footage]
High angle wide view of the crowds in the park. Mid-view footage of the Landry-Walker band awaiting the results.
Whoa! Wilbert Rawlins, band director.
[Video footage]
Footage of the Landry-Walker band cheering and celebrating and then walking up on stage to hold their presentation cheque.
[Wilbert Rawlins, Jr]
Okay, so [unclear] you guys is work hard, this is what you get.
Cheering and applause.
[Video footage]
Footage of Wilbert Rawlins speaking into the microphone on stage, gesturing to his band who are holding the presentation cheque. Low-angle footage of the band holding the presentation cheque and celebrating their win.
Class Got Brass has prompted area schools to launch brass bands, ensuring that the second line is around for generations to come.
Brass band music.
[Video footage]
High angle wide footage of the crowd in the park standing behind the long judges’ table, while a band performs in the foreground. Side-view footage of a brass band performing for the crowd. High angle footage of a band performing for the crowd. Front view footage two brass band musicians passing under the Louis Armstrong Park arched entrance as they play their instruments.
Shell jingle.
Shell Pecten centred on a white background with text displaying below.
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© Shell International Limited 2017