Present: Cllrs:N Wookey (Chairman), V Smith,M O’Halloran,Ms A Palmberg (Clerk) and four residents.
006/18Opening Procedures
a)Apologies for absence – Apologies were received from Cllr D Payne, Cllr T Graham, Cllr S Burtonand Borough Councillor J Bone. Apologies were approved.Cllr C Stockdale did not attend the meeting.
b) Declarations of interest from members – None
c) Approval of the minutes from the meeting held on Thursday 11th January 2018
Members approved the minutes from the ordinary meeting held on Thursday 11th January 2018.
007/18 Public Time
To receive comments from members of the public
A letter from a resident had been previously circulated requesting some information regarding the use of the defibrillator to be included in Village Life magazine as a “refresher” for parishioners.
Members RESOLVED: It was agreed that an article on the defibrillator would be re-published in the May/June issue of the magazine.
008/18 Reports
New Streetlight (Glebe Road/North Street) – Awaiting an update on the installment of the new streetlight.
SID Mobile Speed sign – The speed sign has now been ordered and should be delivered in the next couple of weeks.
Courses and Training – The Clerk attended the SLCC Regional Financial Course at Whittlebury Hall on 31st January 2018. The New GDPR Act will come into force in May 2018 and will involve some robust due diligence. The Vice Chairman attended the “Chairmanship” course on Monday 5th February 2018.
Annual Parish Meeting – The annual parish meeting will take place on Thursday 15th March in the Village Hall.
b)County Councillor
County Cllr Gough reported that due to the present situation at NCC, the Secretary of State, Mr Sajid Javid has deployed Mr MaxCaller CBE to undertake an investigation into NCC’s governance and finances. A report on his findings will follow in March. Manyparish and town councils are now urgently considering how they can best protect the most valued local services such as libraries.
c)Borough Councillor
Borough Councillor Clive Hallam mentioned that the financial situation at NCC has had an impact on WBC and the Borough Council is in effect funding itself but also making substantial cuts. He mentioned that works to the Isham by-pass have, as a result, been put on hold. Cllr Smith enquired about possible future S106 monies. The Chairman asked if monies could be used towards the provision of a footpath from the new development to the village along Wilby Road.
Members RESOLVED: It was agreed that the Chairman would formally write to Mr Heaton-Harris MP to request some information on any possible S106 funding. Copy to Ms Marisa Pitthamand the Borough Councillor of Wellingborough Borough Council
009/18 To discuss and agree a designated councillor to monitor and oversee parish streetlights
The Chairman advised the meeting that he has already contacted Cllr D Payne regarding this matter. In future, the monitoring of the streetlights will fall under the responsibility of Cllr Payne.
Please note however that should there be a faulty light, kindly contact the Clerk who will report it.
010/18 Toconsider and agree the provision of hi-viz jackets for parish council volunteers
The Clerk mentioned that due to more stringent insurance requirements, any volunteers will in future have to wear hi-viz jackets when working for the council.
Members RESOLVED: It was agreed that the Clerk would order these in due course and prepare a risk assessment.
011/18 To receive, discuss and decide on new applications:
There are no new planning applications
012/18Financial Matters:
a)To receive the receipts and payments account to 31stJanuary 2018
b)Balance at bank before payments have been deducted: £9,895 (This includes £5k Lark Energy grant)
c)Payments to be authorised
Payments February 2018 / £MA Village Hall / 000718 / Village Hall Annual rental Jan- Dec 2017 / £285.00
Anna Palmberg / 000719 / Clerk's Salary (January) / £278.85
HMRC / 000720 / PAYE and NI / £0.60
The above payments were approved. All were in favour.
The meeting closed at 20:25pm
Date of next Parish Council meeting – Thursday 8th March 2018 in the Village Hall, Mears Ashby
Please note, this is a public meeting and you may be filmed, recorded and published