Organization and Management in the Seed Sector - Germany 2008
Organization and Management in the Seed Sector
International Training, Germany, June 23 – July 4, 2008
Seed Sector
The production of sufficient and healthy food is a challenge that has not lost its importance. Other challenges are the increasing demand for raw materials and fuels, the efficient use of water, the conservation of genetic resources and the protection of the environment.
The seed sector plays a major role for the performance and development of agriculture. The efficient and sustainable use of natural production conditions depends on seed and planting material which posses the required characteristics concerning genetics and seed quality.
The stakeholders in seed systems require mechanisms that provide for the sharing of benefits between all parties. Shortcomings in benefit sharing are a major obstacle for seed supply and limit the performance of agriculture in many countries, regardless whether they are industrialized or not.
Innovations in plant breeding and seed technology may only reach farmers and consumers if seed supply is market oriented and efficient. Weak elements in a seed system are thus limiting the benefit of public and private research investments.
To improve the seed supply of a country or region both public and private stakeholders have to develop and to adapt specific technical and organizational solutions that match with the current economic and political frame conditions and social demands.
The training and human capacity building programmecovers the entire chain from conservation of genetic resources, breeding of varieties adapted to farmers’ and consumers’needs, to the organization of quality control and certification. It includes technical, organizational and economic aspects of seed production and covers all elements of a market and demand oriented seed system. The subjects are illustrated by the following bullets:
- Seed legislation and international trade regulations and agreements (GATT, OECD, EU)
- Interaction of a formal seed sector with informal local seed systems
- Management of seed enterprises (business and finance planning, marketing)
- Plant breeding, maintenance breeding, conservation of genetic resources, GMO
- Implementation of variety testing, registration and protection
- Seed multiplication, processing, storage and packing
- Quality management, certification and consumer protection
- Seed health, quarantine and phyto-sanitary control
During the training relevant laws and regulations are presented. The demands, interests and interaction of farmers, consumers, private companies and public administrations are illustrated. A survey on the wide range of technologies will be provided. The economic aspects of seed production, including marketing, and the assessment of the demand of farmers and consumerswill be presented. The main locations visited are centres of seed production in the federal states of Hesse, Lower Saxony,Saxony-Anhalt andThuringia, in the centre and the north of Germany.
During lectures and excursion participants shall become familiar with all elements of a seed production and supply chain. The German system will serve as one case study. The exchange of experience between participants will be facilitated in discussions and work groups.The participants will work on own subjects as individuals and in groups.Through the entire programme they will be supported by a seed sector specialistas a moderator.Participants are encouraged to present their professional tasks and challenges in order to enable them to find solutions which are promoting their actual and future work and targets.
The training programme is designed and implemented by SeedConcept, which provides technical and organizational consultancies, project evaluations and training for the seed sector. The programme organizer and moderator is a seed specialist with specific experience in seed sector development. He moderated and organized similar training programmes for DSE / InWEnt and SeedConcept in the past. The programme is carried out in cooperation with private companies, public administrations and research institutions. Main partners are the German Federal Office for Varieties, KWSSAAT AG and Lochow-Petkus GmbH.
The tuition fee is € 1500.-, it includes training material and transport during the programme. At € 900.- standard accommodation and full board is offered. Specific arrangements for accommodation and board as well as medical and liability insurance are offered on request.
Participants and application
Thefinal programme and contents will be adjusted to the specific needs of the participants (maximum number of 16). The applicants are therefore invited to provide details of their tasks and interests. The programme may be extended to elaborate on a specific subject or for practical training. Please specify your needs and ask for an offer.
Applicants should have a good basic knowledge of English, which in combination with their vocational training and professional experience allows them to follow the presentations. The selection of participants is based on the application, CV and suitable additional information provided by them.
The training addresses managers, researchers, extension and technical staff. We hope to receive participants from the private industry as well as from the public sector and NGOs. To receive further information and application forms please declare your interest through an informal message. The deadline for application is April11, 2008. Please send all messages and inquiries to:
SeedConceptPaul Hoesch St. 4tel. & fax:0049-89-82085522
81243 Munichmobile:0049-171-1285132
Programme Proposal*
Day / Topica.m.p.m.
Saturday, June 21 / Arrival at Berlin
Sunday, June 22 / Arrival at Berlin
Monday, June 23 / Opening, Introduction of staff and participants
Presentation on agriculture and seed production in Germany / Presentation of participants´ activities
and country reports
Tuesday, June 24 / Presentations on: plant breeding, maintenance breeding, seed health etc. / Visit and presentation on quarantine and phyto-sanitary control
Wednesday, June 25 / Visit of Lochow-Petkus seed company and plant breeding station / Visit of farmer and seed multiplier (cereals)
Thursday, June 26 / Visit of KWS seed company / Presentation / discussion: Economy, seed production and marketing
Friday, June 27 / Visit of certification agency: certification, official health testing / Visit of seed multiplier (farm management, mechanisation, production and marketing)
Saturday, June 28 / Presentation / discussion / workshop
Sunday, June 29 / Free – optional excursion
Monday, June 30 / Visit of SUET company: seed treatment, pelleting, other seed preparations / Visit of Petkus-Wutha, manufacturer of seed processing equipment and storage facilities
Tuesday, July 1 / Visit to public breeding laboratory and private seed trade company (vegetables) / Workshop
Wednesday, July 2 / Visit of IPK Genebank / Visit of vegetable breeder
Thursday, July 3 / Presentation on seed legislation, variety testing, variety protection and registration / Visit of station and trials of the Federal Office of Varieties (cereals, potato, sugar beet, oil plants, grain legumes)
Friday, July 4 / Workshop / Presentation of workshop results, evaluation and closing
Saturday, July 5 /
Sunday, July 6 /Departure
* The programme is subject to change and will be adjusted according to the needs and requests of the participants