Islamic University of Gaza
Department of Computer Engineering
ECOM 2312, EELE 2313 – Digital Design.
3 Credits, Fall Semester, 2016_2017
Course Syllabus
Lecture times: Sunday, Tuesday: 8-9:30 L504
Instructor:Ruba A. Salamh
Course web site:
Course Description:
This is the first course in computer hardware design that introduces student into digital logic circuits covering number representation, digital encodings, Boolean Algebra, combinatorial logic design, sequential logic design, and programmable logic devices. The course will introduce the basic building blocks implementing various digital operations, and techniques mapping from specification to logic networks. Issues that need to be considered for digital designs will also be discussed. This course should prepare students for more advanced courses in computer system design, design automation, and other courses in computer science.
Text Book:
Digital Design (5th Edition),
M. Morris Mano and Michael D. Ciletti.
Prentice Hall/2011
Thomas l. Floyd
Digital Design: Principles and Practices, John F. Wakerly
Grading Policy:
Assignments + Quizzes / 20%Midterm exam / 30%
Final / 50%
Course Objectives:
This is the first course in computer hardware design, which covers the fundamentals of digital logic design and switching theory. During the course, the student is expected to learn about the following:
1.Number systems, binary systems, base conversion, representation of numbers and characters using binary codes, and binary arithmetic.
2.Boolean algebra and its laws, axioms, theorems, and operations.
3.Manipulation and simplification of Boolean algebraic expressions and functions using Boolean theorems and K-maps.
4.Combinational devices such as multiplexers, decoders, and adders.
5.Analysis and design of combinational circuits using basic gates and/or combinational devices.
6.Registers and counters: Their design and use in implementing specific operations.
7.Memory, Programmable Logic, ROMs, PLDs, PLAs, and PALs
Learning Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course, students should:
- Have an overview of digital systems and their applications.
- Have a thorough understanding of different numbering systems (with emphasis on the binary, decimal, octal, and hexadecimal systems) and be able to convert from one base to another.
- Understand how signed numbers, unsigned numbers, and alphanumeric characters are represented in binary.
- Comprehend the basic definitions, axioms, and theorems of Boolean algebra.
- Be able to manipulate and simplify Boolean algebraic expressions and functions of different forms.
- Be able to use Karnaugh maps to minimize Boolean expressions and functions..
- Be able to analyze and design digital combinational circuits using basic gates (AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, XOR).
- Understand the design and operation of decoders, encoders, multiplexers, comparators, adders, and subtractors.
- Be able to analyze and design combinational logic circuits using decoders and multiplexers.
- Understand the design and operation of different latch and flip-flop types (SR, JK, D, and T).
- Be able to analyze and design clocked synchronous sequential circuits.
- Understand the operation and be able to design different types of registers and counters using flip-flops.
- Be able to configure registers and counters for different applications.
- Understand the operationof ROM, RAM, PLAs, and PALs devices.
Teaching & Learning Methods:
Pay attention to the following issues to make the teaching and learning processes successful:
- Resources: textbook, references, class lectures, lecture notes, and other resources such as the web.
- Comprehension: attendance, class participation, and weekly preparation are your way to success.
- Responsibilities: keep an eye on what the class is covering, be alert for the announcements, watch your performance and see your instructor in the office hours if needed and don’t delay things.
- Communication: sort out your problems and concerns with the instructor as soon as possible either in the class, in office, or by email if necessary.
- Grading: there will be no grade curving or bonuses in both exams. The exams are designed in such a way to allow a student to achieve excellent grades if he/she studies sufficiently and thoroughly.
Topics / ReadingsBinary Systems / Ch.1 in textbook
Boolean Algebra and Logic Gates / Ch.2 in textbook
Gate-Level Minimization / Ch.3 in textbook
Combinational Logic / Ch.4 in textbook
Synchronous Sequential Logic / Ch.5 in textbook
Registers and Counters / Ch.6 in textbook
Memory and Programmable Logic. / Ch.7 in textbook
Additional Notes:
- Quizzes:Sometimes (& suddenly) I will test you by giving Quizzes at the beginning of the lecture! - To solve it easily and to get the highest marks, you should always read the last two lectures before attending the class, and don't be late.
- Attendance and Participation:
- Excellent attendance is expected.
- JUST policy requires the faculty member to assign a ZERO (35%) if a student misses 10% of the classes without an acceptable excuse accepted by the dean.
- Attendance will be taken by calling names or by passing around an attendance sheet.
- If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to find out about any announcements or material you may have missed.
- Participation in the class will positively affect your performance.
- Disruption and side talks will possibly result in dismissal from class.
- Turn off your cell phone before you come to class.