Erie Canal Webquest
Directions: Using the website links answer the following questions in complete sentences
1. What 2 bodies of water are linked by the canal?
2. From its proposal to completion, how long did the Erie Canal take to build?
3. What was one reason the canal was built?
4. Why was the canal called “Clinton’s Big Ditch?”
5. Click on the word “Locks” to see how they work. Explain in your own words how a boat used to go through the locks.
6. Go back to the original page: What is the Erie Canal used for today?
7. What did the barges haul through the canal, according to the song?
8. What does “Low Bridge, Everybody Down” refer to? (If you’re not sure, look at the next site.:)
This next site is a portion of a man’s journal who was a passenger on the original canal.
9. How could the trip on the canal be dangerous?
Click on the slide show of the Erie Canal for the next questions. Click through the first 2 slides until you see a menu at the bottom of the slide. Choose “Excavation.”
10. What did they use to uproot trees and HOW did it work?
11. Go back to the main menu, click on “History.” What 2 famous founding fathers predicted that canals would be an easy mode of travel?