Searching the South DakotaState Library Updated 10-29-09
If you ever need to borrow any books or media items from the South Dakota State Library and want to see what’s available, please complete the steps below. Once you have found what you’d like to order, Mrs. DeHaan will order the items for you.
To search for books, videos, DVD’s or audiobooks:
- Go to
- Go tobasic search or advanced search (AV).
- Change the library drop-down bar and go up to “all SDLN libraries.”
- Search by title, author, subject heading, etc.
- Once your results appear, click on the underlined title for more details. Also check the owning libraries link to check the availability.
- Please print the full view of recordof anything you’d like ordered and give Mrs. DeHaan the sheet. She will order the item(s) for you.
- Most books may be borrowed for approximately 28 days including mailing time; sometimes, they may be renewed, depending on the lending library’s policy, if others are waiting for the item, etc. Most AV items are loaned for only one week.
- For a video/DVD search, you will need to do an advanced search. Change the library to All SDLN libraries.Under the optional limits, change the format drop-down bar to video. (Make sure that it’s still under all SDLN libraries; the SD State Library is the default and when you make changes, it goes back to the SD State Library.)
- For audiobooks, do an advanced search. Change the library to All SDLN libraries. Under the optional limits, change the format drop-down bar to Sound Recordings. The recorded book does not come with the book. If you order the book also, it may arrive at a different time from the cassette/CD.
- Please note that they do not allow you to give a date rangeof when you’d like the book, video, DVD, or audiobookto arrive. They send the item as soon as it’s available. Occasionally, books arrive the next day (if they’re at the actual State Library which is rare), but if they have to come from a different library via the State Library, then they may take several weeks to arrive. AV items are the least reliable.
To search forperiodicals:
- Go to
- Use the For school and library users link.
- Try the various links for periodicals found throughProQuest, InfoTrac,EBSCOHost,SIRS Researcher, SIRS Discoverer, A-Z e-journals, and SDNA Newspapers.
Many of these links are accessible through the school’s computers because we have a paid subscription for this service. If you’re at home or just need other types of articles, try or (Internet Public Library).
Quick overview of databases available through the State Library:
1. Go click on the "For library and school users" icon near the bottom. You will find the following databases in alphabetical order:
- Aberdeen American News(1995-present)(via Newsbank)
Find full-text articles on local news, issues, events, people and much more from current and archived issues of the Aberdeen American News. Updated daily, it includes obituaries, editorials, announcements, sports, real estate and other sections.
The Aberdeen American News will be unavailable after June 30, 2010. - Aberdeen American News Historical Newspapers (via Newsbank)
Find full-text articles from scanned images of the Aberdeen American, 1907-1922, and Aberdeen Daily News, 1885-1922.
Available 1) from home & office using a library card issued by SD State Library or any other SDLN-member library; 2) on PC's in 400+ SD libraries & on their campuses; and 3) on PC's of SD State Government.
Aberdeen American News Historical Newspapers will be unavailable after June 30, 2010. - America's News Magazines(via Newsbank)
Full-text articles from 26 popular news magazines. Browse by title or search current or archived issues. (no pictures)
America's News Magazines will be unavailable after June 30, 2010. - AncestryLibrary
Of interest to those researching local history and family histories. Includes U.S. Federal Census records from 1790 thru 1930, immigration records, military records, the Social Security Death Index, the family history library and more. NOT licensed for access by use of library cards.Click for more info. - Archive Grid
provides online access to nearly a million descriptions of archival collections held by thousands of libraries, museums, historical societies and archives worldwide. NOT available for access at home. - CAMIO
contains fine art and decorative art from pre-history through contemporary works. All content is rights-cleared for educational use in the classroom or to illustrate papers, Web projects and other assignments. NOT available for access at home. - Capital Journal (December 2007-current) (via Newsbank)
Find full-text articles on local news, issues, events, people and more from current and archived issues of the Pierre Capital Journal. Updated daily, it includes obituaries, editorials, announcements, sports, and other sections.
Capital Journal will be unavailable after June 30, 2010. - Career Library
A trial resource available until December 31, 2009, it includes information about careers and colleges and offers interest inventories, videos, and quizzes on standardized tests. - Daily Republic, The (July 30, 2008-current) (via Newsbank)
Find full-text articles on selected local news, issues, events, people and more from current and archived issues of the Mitchell Daily Republic. Updated daily, it includes obituaries, editorials, announcements, sports, and other sections.
Daily Republic will be unavailable after June 30, 2010. - EBSCOHost(all)
Links to six EBSCOHost databases: Academic Search Premier, Business Source Premier, MasterFILE Premier, Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts, Teacher Reference Center, and Regional Business News. - Farm Forum (2005-current) (via Newsbank)
Find full-text articles on weekly regional agricultural news from current and archived issues of the Farm Forum.
Farm Forum will be unavailable after June 30, 2010. - Gale Virtual Reference Library
Core collection of online reference books in the following subject areas-health, history, government & law, science, education and business. These resources are available to an unlimited number of users at one time. - HeritageQuest
Of interest to those researching local history and family histories, it includes U.S. Federal Census records from 1790 thru 1930; 25,000+ family and local history books (every word searchable); the PERiodical Source Index/PERSIT (a comprehensive subject index covering more than 6,500 genealogy & local history periodicals); and Revolutionary War Pension & Bounty Land Warrant Application Files. - InfoTrac(all)
Links to six Gale InfoTrac databases. Discovering Collection(grades 6-12); InfoTrac Junior Edition(middle schools); Junior Reference Collection; Kids InfoBits(grades K-5); Professional Collection; and InfoTrac Student Edition(high schools). - Learning Express Library
Online learning platform of 300+ practice tests covering ACT, SAT, GED, PRAXIS, ASVAB, and more. Complete answer explanations and study suggestions. - LexisNexis Congressional, Statistical and State Capital
Provides access to state, federal and statistical information including the Federal Register, Congressional Record, state resources and compiled statistical resources. - netLibrary
Full text of 10,000+ commercially published books in the arts, humanities, social sciences, life and physical sciences, business, computers & more, plus Cliffs Notes. - Newsbank Special Reports
NewsBank's Special Reports focus on topics of current interest. They include content from sources throughout the world to provide a global perspective, current and background information, statistics, maps, images, websites, and suggested search terms. New information is added daily to featured and current reports.
Newsbank Special Reports will be unavailable after June 30, 2010. - ProQuest(1986+)
Provides the full text (image or text+graphics) from 1,700+ magazines/journals and newspapers for k-12, college, and general users, including Barron's. - Rapid City Journal(via Newsbank)
Offers content currently available on the Rapid City Journal web site. Find full-text articles on local news, issues, events, people and more. Updated daily, it includes obituaries, editorials, announcements, sports, and more.
Rapid City Journal will be unavailable after June 30, 2010. - Sanborn Maps-SD
The Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps for 82 South Dakota communities from 1867 to 1970. - SIRS Discoverer (grades K-9)
Full-text articles and graphics from more than 1,600 U.S. and international magazines, newspapers and U.S. government documents, which were carefully selected for their educational content, interest and level of readability for middle and elementary curriculum topics. - SIRS Issues Researcher®(grades 6-12)
A general reference database containing thousands of full-text articles exploring social, scientific, health, historic, business, economic, political and global issues. - South Dakota Newspaper Association/SDNA Public & Legal Notices
Locate public and legal notices published in South Dakota Newspapers. Notices are archived for three months. This resource is provided as a public service by the South Dakota Newspaper Association members. There are no limits to access. - South Dakota Newspapers (via Newsbank)
Newspaper content from Rapid City Journal, The Daily Republic (Mitchell), Aberdeen American News, Capital Journal (Pierre), Farm Forum and selected articles from AP content from the Sioux Falls area. New content is added daily.
South Dakota Newspapers will be unavailable after June 30, 2010. - World Book Foreign Language Edition French and Spanish translations of the World Book Discovery Encyclopedia. Enciclopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos (Spanish Language Encyclopedia) Traducción de lengua española de la enciclopedia del descubrimiento del estudiante del libro del mundo. Los artículos, los mapas y las imágenes son incluidos. (Spanish-language translation of the World Book Student Discovery Encyclopedia. Articles, maps and images are included.) L'Encyclopédie Découverte (French Language Encyclopedia) L'Encyclopédie Découvertes (World Book Student Discovery Encyclopedia) Les articles, les images, le diccionaire visuel, les activités et les Websites consultés sont comprise. (French-language version of the World Book Student Discovery Encyclopedia. Articles, images, a visual dictionary, activities and reviewed websites are included.)
- World Book Public Library Edition World Book version designed for public libraries. World Book Online for Kids (grades K-5) contains interactive games, easy-to-read articles and more. World Book Online Info Finder (grades 5-9) is designed to support student information needs with research tools and science project information along with encyclopedia articles. World Book Online Reference Center (grades 9-adult) includes encyclopedia, e-book and primary source content plus computer tutorials and life skills information.
- WorldBookSchool Edition World Book version designed for schools. World Book Kids (grades K-5) contains thousands of easy to read articles, interactive games, teacher resources and more. World Book Student (grades 5-9) contains encyclopedia articles, maps, images, timelines and more. World Book Advanced (grades 9-12+) is a powerful reference tool that includes encyclopedia, multimedia, e-book and primary source databases. World Book Discover (differentiated instruction, i.e.ESL, reluctant readers and adult learners) is a reference tool that includes encyclopedia, multimedia, e-book, and primary source databases. Features include article read aloud, and a job and life skills section.
- WorldCat & More FirstSearch indexes
A worldwide catalog of 56 million items found in 9,000+ libraries, including State Library & 25+ SD libraries. Additional indexes to books, articles, dissertations, archive material, and more available by selecting a different database to search.