What am I thankful for? (125 total inscriptions)

1.My family

2.Familia y amigos

3.My mom

4.Family and Education


6.Freedom of Religion

7.Hope hopehope

8.My friends, life, the little things

9.Gavilan College staff


11.Each day I am able to live and breath

12.My family

13.Being able to attend college

14.My Gavilan Family

15.My family and education

16.My imagination

17.Tattoos! Paint your canvas

18.Family, health and all the good friends I have meet

19.Familia and amigos

20.Thanks god for my family

21.My family and friends

22.My mother’s support

23.My family and friends and that they continue their well-being

24.My hardships


26.Getting paid to do what I love (music)

27.My health, school, my family, my church, God

28.My family

29.Daniel, Justin, David, Cyvonne, Kim, Annette

30.God for my family

31.Peace for all people

32.Having people that care about me

33.Everything family

34.Being able to provide for my Aunt

35.Family & Friends


37.God Everything

38.Having agood life

39.My family and my dog

40.Friends, family, and health

41.Andrew James

42.My family

43.Paris & Emma

44.My Familia






50.Good Health and family


52.My boyfriend

53.And friends


55.Mathew & Scott, heather

56.Mom and Dad

57.Myself and friends

58.My family


60.Learning Council

61.My family

62.Family and Friends

63.Than I’m in California not Indiana

64.Family and friends





69.My Husband

70.A warm place to live food and water and family and friends

71.“All you need is love” Enjoy every moment Family is the most important

72.My family friends



What am I Thankful for?

1.My friends and family and what they have done for me always being here for each other. Thankful for my beautiful girlfriend

2.My friends and family. I wouldn’t be who I am today without them. 


4.My friends and family


6.Christmas and thanksgiving

7.My family, for my life, and for everything

8.All the faculty that support students

9.#thankful, my leg

10.All my friends and family

11.My wife and son

12.Diego, Chata, Emily, Pobo, Maya, Mom, Dad

13.Bacon, and her


15.My success and loved ones, the office & my boyfriend

16.Family and job, Rosie A


18.Making Friends at GAv

19.Hot and Cold running water

20.Day Arlina

21.The number 42

22.My friends

23.The freedom to be myself

24.Family health and security

25.My mom

26.The time to spend with those I love and value

27.Being free to state my opinion


29.My wonderful family and getting to spend with them

30.My Jonah & my Brandon


32.My mom

33.My daughter tiffany and my lovely Aunt Rosa and for everything God Given me


35.Family and friends


37.Pumpkin Spice

38.Learning Council

39.Friends and family

40.For a loving husband, my children

41.The Gavilan Community

42.All of my friends and family and Star Wars and Harry Potter

43.The opportunity to teach

44.Family, work opportunities

45.My family, friend, and peers, Happy Thanksgiving 2016

46.My family

47.Dabbing—Dude same

48.Disney movies Pixar and Disneyland

49.Family Health and friends

50.Every opportunity that Gavilan College has offered me. Not only that But I am also very thankful for all of the great people I have met throughout the course of the years. Each and every single one of them have given me the support I …don’t get at home because of them and the hard work I have done I am thankful to be in the place I am. Lastly I am thankful for my little sister she keeps me sane and my friends, they keep me in track.

51.For Gavilan and the space it has given me to be open about who I am where I might not be able to otherwise. As a member of the LGBTQ+ community.