Play Therapy Continuing Education Test for:


General Information

Citation: Daniel S. Sweeney and Linda E. Homeyer (1999: San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Inc.)

Format: Book

# Pages: 410

# Credit Hours: 10 (APA, NBCC, APT approved)

% Pass: 80%

Test Fee: $100


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Learning Objectives:

Based on the content of the workshop, I am able to:

1. Explain the benefits and rationale for group play therapy with children.

2. Analyze critical factors to consider when creating a play therapy group.

3. Predict whom group play therapy is best for.

4. Describe familiar with the historical context/beginnings of group play therapy.

5. List major theoretical approaches to group play therapy.

6. Use a variety of group play therapy techniques.

7. Plan group play therapy techniques with purpose and intention.

8. Discuss group play therapy process and practice with special populations.


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1. According to Sweeney, how many basic advantages of therapeutic play groups are there?

a. 5

b. 6

c. 9

d. 11

2. Which of the following is a contraindication for group play therapy, according to Ginott?

a. Extremely aggressive children

b. Children with selective mutism

c. Sexually acting-out children

d. Both A and C

3. Ginott believes that play group therapy retards the derivation of insight.

a. True

b. False

4. The catalytic effect can be both positive and negative.

a. True

b. False

5. What is one reason Slavson believes that acting out alone does not meet the treatment conditions of group psychotherapy?

a. High degree of guilt

b. Weak ego structure

c. Altruistic nature of the therapist

d. None of the above

6. Choose the word that fills in the blank with the best answer: What a child perceives in the phenomenal field assumes ____________ importance in contrast to the reality of events.

a. Secondary

b. Less

c. Primary

d. Some

7. Fill in the blanks: Questions tend to take children out of the world of ___________ and into the world of __________.

a. imagination, reality

b. play, self-responsibility

c. pain, reflection

d. affectivity, cognition

8. Establishing treatment goals is a part of child-centered group play therapy.

a. True

b. False

9. Fill in the blank: In terms of age, Landreth and Sweeney recommend group play therapy members be within ________ of one another.

a. 1 year

b. 18 months

c. 2 years

d. 2.5 years

10. Fill in the blank: Landreth and Sweeney write the general rule of thumb is to establish the length of a group play therapy session based on the __________ of the group members.

a. Interest

b. Identified issue of focus

c. Age

d. Time constraints

11. In Jungian theory, the collective unconscious consists of innate organizing patterns. Theses are called ______________.

a. Schemas

b. Archetypes

c. Prototypes

d. Gestalts

12. What age group does O’Connor use the four-step problem-solving strategy (problem, plan, action, answer) with?

a. 4-12

b. 6-12

c. 5-10

d. 6-10

13. Developmental group play therapy is based on two premises: the child participant must have the beginnings of an inner self, and the adult needs to experience caring touch in order to be able to provide caring touch for the child.

a. True

b. False

14. In most Adlerian play therapy groups, leaders will want to achieve group balance by mixing children who are experiencing higher degrees of difficulty with children who are experiencing minor difficulty.

a. True

b. False

15. The DTORF, referenced by O’Connor, is a scale made up of a hierarchically arranged list of behaviors in what 4 domains?

a. emotion, familial, socialization, academics

b. behavior, emotion, socialization, familial

c. communication, cognition, socialization, academics

d. behavior, communication, socialization, academics

16. Healthy contact in group play therapy from a Gestalt perspective involves which of the following?

a. Use of the senses

b. Ability to express emotions

c. The use of intellect

d. All of the above

17. A major part of the role of the Adlerian play therapist is developing hypotheses about the lifestyles of clients, including assessment of which of the following:

a. Levels of social interest

b. Attachment type to primary caregiver

c. Behavioral patterns

d. Both A and C

18. It is important for a Jungian group play therapist to actually enter into a fantasy conceptually, envisioning group members for who they have become.

a. True

b. False

19. Oaklander states after 3-4 weeks a group will begin to gel, children feel comfortable in the setting, and anxieties about sharing themselves dissolve.

a. True

b. False

20. Fill in the blank. According to Kottman, the working stage in Adlerian group play therapy typically takes place in sessions ____________.

a. 3-5

b. 4-6

c. 7-10

d. 8-10

21. Why are children under the developmental age of 2-3 not good candidates for ecosystemic structured group play therapy?

a. They have not developed language skills necessary for this type of group

b. Their primary focus is on the development of a relationship with a caretaker

c. Both of the above

d. None of the above

22. Fill in the blank. All art media must be assessed for the potential for ______________.

a. Distractibility factors

b. Creating anxiety

c. Causing harm

d. None of the above

23. Jungian psychology has traditionally focused on child development and therapeutic work with groups.

a. True

b. False

24. Fill in the blank. In Developmental group play therapy, the adult that is paired with a child is called the child’s ___________.

a. Leader

b. Partner

c. Facilitator

d. Teacher

25. Art media continuum includes art materials ranging from those that are easy to control (pencils, crayons) to those that are less easily controlled (wet clay, finger-paint).

a. True

b. False

26. Fill in the blanks. Bertoia recommends groups of ___________ members who are no more than ________ years apart.

a. 4-6; 2

b. 6-8; 2

c. 4-6; 3

d. 6-8; 3

27. The primary function of a structured ecosystemic play therapy group is to lessen the child’s symptomatic behaviors.

a. True

b. False

28. Circle time has 3 clearly defined parts. What are they?

a. The beginning, middle, and parting

b. The Hello, creative play, and Good-bye

c. Both A and B

d. None of the above

29. Impromptu art making includes art activities in which themes are not suggested by the therapist.

a. True

b. False

30. A therapeutic approach that provides the preadolescent with opportunities for creative expression through activity and play in a group format is consistent with the developmental needs of this age group.

a. True

b. False

31. Two activities Bratton and Ferebee recommend for use with preadolescents are the Rosebush Fantasy and the Beehive Activity.

a. True

b. False

32. Fill in the blank. In working with latency, adolescent, and adult groups in clinical settings, DeDomenico found that, generally, group sandplay decreased ____________.

a. Isolation and withdrawal

b. Problematic behavior

c. Suicidal ideation

d. All of the above

33. What types of toys do Bratton and Ferebee state are useful for symbolic acting out?

a. Face masks

b. Barbie and Ken type dolls

c. Model airplane and car kits

d. Both A and B

34. According to De Dominico, parallel play is a more communal form of play than joint play

a. True

b. False

35. What are some types of children that should be kept out of RAPT groups?

a. Children who are not able to tolerate the degree of permissiveness necessary for the group to function effectively.

b. Children who act out sexually

c. Children who are openly psychotic

d. All of the above

36. Following a period of free play, what do Bratton and Ferebee recommend devoting the last 10-20 minutes of group time to?

a. Journal time

b. Snack time

c. Structured group physical activity

d. None of the above

37. Stages of communal work in group sandtray-worldplay include which of the following?

a. Shyness and intimidation

b. Chaos and disorganization

c. Revisioning and refinement

d. All of the above

38. Fill in the blank. Puppets provide a vehicle for developing empathy and support among group members and enable the expression of deep ___________ through the pooling of unconscious needs.

a. Conflicts

b. Emotions

c. Trauma

d. Schemas

39. Fill in the blank. The most basic method of the Scribble activity Bratton and Ferebee recommend involves ________________.

a. One group member making the first scribble and then other group members taking turns to add to the scribble

b. Having group members sit in a circle with their own sheet of paper and instructing them to make a scribble on it, then pass it to the right for the next person to add to the scribble, and so on.

c. The therapist giving group members each a sheet of paper with the same scribble on it and asking them to make a drawing out of it.

d. None of the above

40. De Domenico recommends storing objects of different categories in a series of small bins for preschool aged children.

a. True

b. False

41. Children who are extremely narcissistic would be good candidates for RAPT groups.

a. True

b. False

42. At least one puppet should have a tongue that protrudes from the mouth, for use with sexually abused children.

a. True

b. False

43. Fill in the blank. When each person in a group has done their own sandtray, DeDomenico writes it is vital that the builders remove the first _________ objects from their own world?

a. 1-2

b. 2-4

c. 3-5

d. 4-6

44. In RAPT groups the process of change is observable in four distinct phases. What are they (in the correct order)?

a. Chaos, struggle, resolution, harmony

b. Struggle, chaos, harmony, integration

c. Reenactment, reexamination, redirection, reintegration

d. Redirection, reexamination, reenactment, reintegration

45. Glover asserts the challenge for the therapist in doing group play therapy with African Americans is that some African American children may have a tendency to move about a lot and take breaks from their play.

a. True

b. False

46. The sibling group offers dependability as an existing subsystem when other systems appear to be in chaos.

a. True

b. False

47. How many individual play sessions do Smith and Smith recommend to adequately assess a child’s individual needs and potentiality for a RAPT group?

a. 1

b. 2

c. 1-4

d. 3-4

48. Glover writes that because of the belief held that time is circular, lateness and absence may be more common in group play therapy with children from this cultural background than with other children.

a. Hispanic Americans

b. Asian Americans

c. Native Americans

d. Multiracial Children

49. Fill in the blank. Oe asserts it is easier to deal with breach of confidentiality in sibling groups than in non-sibling groups for ____ reasons.

a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

d. 4

50. Who do Smith and Smith recommend bring snacks and drinks for the weekly snack ‘n talk time in RAPT groups?

a. The leaders

b. Group members take turns

c. Parents of group members take turns

d. None of the above

51. Fill in the blank. Homeyer writes that a child who has experienced sexual abuse over a long period of time has typically engaged in defensive techniques, such as numbing, ____________, repression, and dissociating.

a. Splitting

b. Projection

c. Withdrawal

d. None of the above

52. Fill in the blanks. Play groups in elementary schools are effective whether the school counselor is working on a _________, __________, or __________ situation.

a. Crisis, educational, ongoing

b. Primary, secondary, tertiary

c. Preventative, ongoing, educational

d. Preventative, crisis, remedial

53. A common developmental response to hospitalization of children between 4-6 is to interpret medical experiences as punishment.

a. True

b. False

54. Children who have been sexually abused may use the following behaviors in play therapy:

a. Masturbation

b. Self-stimulating behavior using toys or other children

c. Sex-role confusion

d. All of the above

55. White and Flynt have used play media in the following ways:

a. Have the group draw a mural

b. Have the group tell a story in the sand

c. Have each member draw a self- portrait and tell about it

d. All of the above

56. Fill in the blank. ____________ are specially trained professionals who provide therapeutic group play activities in the hospital.

a. Pediatric counselors

b. Child therapists

c. Child life specialists

d. None of the above

57. Sexual abuse issues in group play therapy include which of the following?

a. Betrayal

b. Powerlessness

c. Both A & B

d. None of the above

58. Oe asserts there is a lack of literature on sibling group therapy.

a. True

b. False

59. Le Vieux writes children do not generally understand the finality of death until what age?

a. 4