Regulation#309 of 07.12.1999.

On adoption of the Temporal List of required documents for export/import operations in RT by Customs Committee of Republic Tajikistan


In order to enforce the legal control over the transportation of the commodities via Tajik Custom’s border being referred to the legal act #11 of the Custom’s Codex of Republic of Tajikstan there is a present Regulation asserted.

  1. Customs declaration of exported-imported goods via Customs of Republic Tajikistan are to be done in case if importer/ exporter as a subject of international economy provides the required documents according to the List.
  2. To activate the present Regulation from the day of its enactment.
  3. Secretarial department is to multiplicate and to send the regulation to all the regional offices and detachments of Custom’s Committee infrastructure.
  4. To make all the Heads of regional departments responsible for performance of the present Regulation.
  5. Deputy Chairman of the Custom’s Committee is to be responsible for the monitoring.

The Chairman of the Committee M. Nizomov

Temporary List of required documents for export / import operations in Republic Tajikistan.

According to the requirements of the current legal acts and regulations there must be the following documents presented:

-the adewifit of a participator of international economy, affirmed by the Ministry of Economy and International Relations of Republic Tajikistan.

-Contract of the transaction bearing bank requisites of the business counterpart .

-Certificate on origin of the good, which is issued by the Chamber of Commerce of Republic Tajikistan.

-Certificate on quality standard, issued by Committee of State standard “Tajikgosstandart”.

-Quarantine certificate on agricultural production, issued by “Gosquarantine” under the Ministry of Agriculture

-Veterinary certificate, issued by Department of State Veterinary inspection under the Ministry of Agriculture

-Letter of confirmation from the bank on 100% prepayment according to the List of the commodities in conformity with Decree #424 of the President of Republic Tajikistan of 24.02.1996.

-Dealing passports/extracts from the contract with the bank on the guaranteed payment within the period of 120 days in conformity with the Decree of the President #1249 of 13.07.1999.

-Letter of confirmation on sale’s taxation fees paid while exporting cotton and aluminum.

-Insurance policy for commodities insurance while exporting by government bodies issued by State company on investment insurance “Tajiksarmoyaguzor” in conformity with the Decree of the Government of Republic Tajikistan #547 of 31.12.98

-Licenses for the transportation services rendered by the transportation company using the vehicles of the company of ABBAT under the Ministry of Transportation and Road Inspection of Republic Tajikistan in conformity with Decree of Government of Republic Tajikistan #123 of 26.03.97

-Letter of permission of Government of Republic Tajikistan on import of articles made out of aluminum according to the instruction of Government of Republic Tajikistan #497(14) of 4.05.98

-Letter of permission of Government of Tajikistan on import of wastes and flotsam of black and colored metals in conformity with the Decree of the Government of Republic Tajikistan #514-20 OF 16.12.97

-Letter of Permission of Government of Republic Tajikistan on import of cotton production in conformity with instruction of Prime-Minister of Republic Tajikistan #32-103 of 16.09.98

-Letter of Permission issued by the Committee on Precious Metals under the Government of Republic Tajikistan and State Committee on Industry of Republic Tajikistan while importing or exporting precious, semi valuable metals, admixture of metals, articles made out of admixture of metals,ore, concentrated substances, flotsam and wastes of valuable metals, rare metals, raw materials for admixture of metals, intermixture productions, and articles made out of them according to the Decree of the Government of Republic Tajikistan #88 of 12.02.97.

-Letter of permission issued by the Committee of Valuable Stones, Jam stone’s raw materials under the Government of Republic Tajikistan for export and import of valuable stones and jam-stones in conformity with Decree of Government of Republic Tajikistan #357 of 07.08.97

-Quotas and licenses issued by Corporation “Hurokvory” for export and import of alcohol products (spirit), tobacco and tobacco products according to the Decree of the Government of Republic Tajikistan #48 of 19.02.99 and #453 of 27.10.99.

- Note: subexport of the above mentioned commodities should be performed only with the permission of the Government of Republic Tajikistan on a regular basis.

-Letter of permission issued by the M of Healthcare of Rwpublic Tajikistan on export of medicaments according to the Decree of Government of Republic Tajikistan #258 of 10.06.96

-Letter of permission issued by Ministry of Environment of Republic Tajikistan on import of toxic substances, chemicals for agricultural protection , mineral, organic and non-organic fertilizers according to the Legal Act of Republic Tajikistan “On Environmental Protection”

-Letter of permission by Ministry of Agriculture of Republic Tajikistan on import of agricultural, decorative grasses (including their seeds) and silkworm and its product according to the Decree of the Government of Republic Tajikistan #62 of 20.02.98

-Letter of permission issued by Ministry of Communication of Republic Tajikistan on import of radio facilities and HF devices according to the Decree of the Board of Ministers of Republic Tajikistan #371 of 01.08.94

-Letters of permission of the bank able-bodied to permit import of hard currency valuables, including the foreign hard currency according to the decree of the Government of Republic Tajikistan #235 of 04.06.96

Regulations of the Government of Tajikistan on export:

  1. Uranium and other radioactive substances, the articles made out of them , know-hows, devices, facilities and equipment, the sources of radioactive pollution, including radioactive wastes.
  2. Gunpowder, explosives and the wastes.
  3. Narcotics, psychotropic substances, poisons.
  4. Weapons and ammunition, parts for the setting-up and manufacturing and services in the field of military collaboration.
  5. Technical passports and documentation for the ammunition ( for setting-up and exploitation )
  6. Licensed and registered weapons for administrative and personal use
  7. Military uniform, clothes and the attributes
  8. Means of protection from military poisons, their integral parts and the attributes.
  9. Means of decoding, ( including decoding devices, their integral parts, software for decoding), technical passports for the decoding devices
  10. Collections of pieces of mineralogy, paleontology.
  11. Pieces of art, antiques and objects for collecting, namely rare objects of art which are of historical, scientific, cultural value.
  12. The information on mother load, regions and places with mineral and raw fuel substances disposals which are located in the territory of RT,(including schemes, maps and blueprints).

Regulation on import

  1. Uranium and other radioactive substances , the articles made out of them , know-hows, devices, facilities and equipment, the sources of radioactive pollution, including radioactive wastes.
  2. Gunpowder, explosives and the wastes
  3. Narcotics, psychotropic substances, poisons.
  4. Weapons and ammunition, their integral parts for devising, setting up and exploitation in terms of military collaboration.
  5. Technical passports and documentation for the ammunition ( for setting-up and exploitation).
  6. Licensed and registered weapon for administrative and personal use
  7. Military uniforms, clothes and the attributes.
  8. Means of protection from military poisons, their integral parts and the attributes.
  9. Means of decoding, ( including decoding devices, their parts, software for decoding), technical passports for the decoding devices.
  10. Collections of mineralogy, paleontology pieces.
  11. Pieces of art, antiques and objects for collecting, namely rare objects of art which are of historical, scientific and cultural value.
  12. Information on mother load, on regions and places with raw fuel substances and minerals disposals, which are located in the territory of RT ( including schemes, maps and blueprints)
  13. Wild animals, birds which are inserted into the Red Book