Spelled out TITLE of Application (Abbreviation or Acronym)

Metadata information

  1. Select the most relevant categories with respect to the function of this open source application:

☐Freeway management
☐Roadway operations & maintenance
☐Crash prevention & safety
☐Road weather management
☐Transit management
☐Traffic incident management
☐Emergency management / ☐Information management
☐Commercial vehicle operations
☐Electronic payment & pricing
☐Traveler information
☐Intermodal freight
☐Driver assistance
☐Collision notification
☐Collision avoidance
  1. List up to 5 keywords that are relevant to this open source application, separated by comma:

Examples: performance, safety, DSRC, FRATIS

  1. Check ALL computing operating systems and environments this open source application will operate in:

☐ Windows

☐ Mac

☐ Linux

☐ Android mobile

☐ iOS mobile

☐ Windows mobile

☐ Other:

Content for Application Page

Try and use plain English were possible, avoid lingo and include adequate explanation for new terms. Spell out initial acronyms when first used. Please include one or more relevant graphic images for the application. If none is available from existing documentation, the OSADP administrator will improvise a graphic for association with your application.

Samples of applications input for each of the sections can be found on the OSADP website (You don’t need to be registered to view application information)

Tab 1: Overview Tab

High-level description of what the application does.

Tab 2: Description

Detailed description of the application. Consider the following:

  1. List specific functions (inputs/outputs)
  2. A reason why people would want to use the application
  3. What are the requirements for installing/running?
  4. Identify dependencies and references
  5. Describe the platform (for example, android devices running android os 4.1 or higher)
  6. Key architecture diagrams or information
  7. What data, if any, is used?
  8. What are the products of and interfaces to the software? Etc?

Tab 3: Release Notes:

  1. Release Notes
  2. License information
  3. Installation instructions
  4. Operating requirements
  5. Related websites/references

If using Apache Version 2.0 this is the standard language that can be re-used for your application.

“Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License."

Tab 3: Documentation

Provide documents or links to documents if online with your application submission. Example of possible documents could include:

  1. Systems Engineering Deliverables; for example:
  2. Concept of Operations
  3. System Requirements
  4. System Architecture and Design
  5. Release Plan
  1. Installation/set-up instructions
  2. User Guide/FAQs
  3. Development documents:
  4. Release Plan
  5. Evaluation/Impact Assessment plan
  6. Test Plans/Procedures
  7. Project information and background:
  8. Scope Statement
  1. Final Report/summary of results

Tab 4 and 5: Discussion and Similar Applications

Created by OSADP admin. No need for information here.