The following general criteria is provided as a guideline for your proposal:
A. Clearly state your topic and objectives.
B. Be consistent with the theme of student success courses and related areas.
C. Describe in detail how you will provide involvement and interaction with participants during your session.
1. Name:
City: State: Zip/Postal Code:
Fax: (_____)______Email:
2. Name, title, email address, and telephone numbers of co-presenters-
3. Title of your presentation:
4. Objectives of your session:
5. Describe the methods to involve audience:
6. One page abstract (Please attach to this proposal.)
7. Abstract summary (75 words or less). This abstract will appear in the conference program.
8. One paragraph resume. (Please include one for each presenter. These will be used to introduce you at the conference.)
9. List the AV equipment you require. (Each room will have a post-it note flipchart, markers, LCD projector, screen and electric cord. Presenters are responsible to bring their own laptop.)
10. TWO tuition waivers are extended to each client school. These waivers are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. (NOTE: Additional registrants from client schools, including presenters, will be assessed $125 for their attendance at the conference if they are not the first or second registrant from their college or university.) Please send this information to:
College Survival/Houghton Mifflin
Call for Papers
2075 Foxfield Road, Suite 100
St. Charles, IL 60174
Fax 800-210-0212
Check (ü) which conference you are submitting:
¨ NATIONAL Conference (summer)
Proposal deadline is April 1st. Participants who have accepted proposals will be notified by May 1st. Program length will be 75 minutes.
¨ Fall Energizer Conference
Proposal deadline is August 1st. Participants who have accepted proposals will be notified by September 1st. Program length will be 75 minutes.
Submitting proposals by e-mail attachment is preferred.
Send proposal to Thank you.