December Month of the
Divine Infancy
Monthly Gathering: Our next gathering will be December 17that 1:00 pm inthe Parish Center dining area. Note the change in date due to Christmas.
Orientation Formation: (Matt) Read chapter 2 in The Franciscan Journey and answer questions at the end of the chapter. Kyle will lead.
Inquirer Formation: (Theresa) Meet at noon on December 17th in the T.C. Center Youth Room. ReadChapter6in The Franciscan Journey(Writings/Stories of St. Clare) andanswer the questions at the end of the chapter. Sister Lois and Pat will lead.
Ongoing FormationThere will be no Ongoing formation due to Christmas and celebration of the Creche.
Spiritual Buffet: Sr. Lois will lead the discussion on December 14th at 11:00 in the Youth Room at the Parish Center.
Council Meetings: Our next Council meeting will January 9th at11:00 am at the Parish Center.
Gospel Sharing: There will be no Gospel Sharing in December. If time allows Bonnie will present a spiritual exercise for us.
Waseca Back Pack Program: On December 14 at 3p.m. all are welcome to meet at the Waseca Food Shelf Building to pack meals for school children.
God Humbly Bends Down
Sr. Lois Erpelding, OSF, Spiritual Assistant
As Advent began, I chose again to be in awe with the Franciscan spirituality focused on Jesus' Incarnation. Blessed Duns Scotus sees Jesus' Incarnation, not as a divine thought nor reaction to any event, but the cornerstone of the whole plan of salvation. Blessed Scotus declared that everything was, is, and ever will be based on Christ. In this accepted alternative theology of Incarnation, Jesus did not come because of the sin of humans; Jesus is gift to us out of pure abundant love. Thus, God's very nature is absolute freedom, love, and not based on a need.
Sr. Ilia states: "Imagine a God, who is humbly bent low, to embrace us in love compared to a God who sits on a high throne and keeps score of human sins." (Ilia Delia, The Humility of God, pp. 51-2)
The gift of Jesus’ Incarnation comes with needed response. Jesus’ love calls us into intimacy, mutuality, service, and a faithful love response to a God, who loves us with unlimited love. Within our troubled world, we continue to notice some light bearers, who witness compassionate loving. As we light Advent wreaths and glow our Christmas trees, let us daily name some of these God bearers, who make our world a little fuller of love. "To be free is to be able to live in truth, to love radically, and to act justly by living the grace of costly discipleship. Freedom in God is what makes Christ alive in our world. We are called to be humble and free in love, like Jesus, that we may help move the world toward unity to love." (Ilia Delio, The Humility of God, p. 65)
Daily let us celebrate Emmanuel, our God dwelling with us. As we pause in wonder, what pleas await our responses? Let our Franciscan stance be an inclusive "we". May we open ourselves to receiving the resilience of those, who are poor; the giving of those, who have little, and the acceptance of those, who companion us. Together let us be grateful for allowing God's grace to lead us forth as we evidence anew the impact of Jesus’ Incarnation.
Gospel Sharing Leaders - 2017Jan / Prayer Partners / Jul / Carol
Feb / Sarah / Aug / Jenise
Mar / Sr. Lois / Sep / Picnic
Apr / Divine Mercy / Oct / Peggy
May / Pat / Nov / Pat
Jun / Kyle / Dec / Christmas
Ongoing Formation Leaders - 2017Jan / Prayer Partners / Jul / Bonnie
Feb / Retreat / Aug / Pat
Mar / Bonnie / Sep / Picnic
Apr / Carol / Oct / Jenise/TBD
May / Bonnie / Nov / Carol
Jun / Peggy / Dec / Christmas
2017Snack Schedule
Jan / Pat, Lisa / Jul / Sr Lois, Gerri
Feb / Joan, Evie / Aug / Arlys, Carol
Mar / Kyle, Sarah / Sep / Picnic (All)
Apr / Jean, Bonnie / Oct / Pat, Lisa
May / Jenise, Kathleen / Nov / Joan, Evie
Jun / Doreen, Peggy / Dec / Kyle, Sarah
December Franciscan Saints and Blesseds
December / 2 / Bl. Maria Angela Astorch2 / Bl. RafalChylinski
8 / Immaculate Conception
10 / Bl. Peter Tecelano
12 / Our Lady of Guadalupe
13 / Finding the body of St Francis
15 / Bl. Mary Frances Schervier
19 / Bl. Conrad Offida
Featured Saint this Month:
Maria Angela Astorch was a Capuchin Poor Clare. From her we can learn to respect the ways of man, and at the same time make men open to the ways of God. She was able to respect the individuality of each.
Thoughts in the Silence at Dawn
Bonnie Johnson, sfo, Formation Director
I am certain I am not alone in my desire to stay snuggled under the blankets on cold winter mornings. But as I sipped my morning coffee at dawn before Mass today, appreciating the silence, noticing the hundreds of tiny footprints of the birds in the snow seeking food at the feeder, and the paw prints of a stray cat trying to find shelter for the night, I felt a sense of peace, love of God and joy for all that He has given us, especially the gift of Jesus in the Eucharist and His Holy Spirit to be with us always.
I began to ponder the birth of Jesus…was Joseph able to make a fire to warm the babe? Did the animals huddle together to share each other’s body heat like stray cats do? Was their only light the star of Bethlehem? How difficult it must have been for Mary to ride that plodding little donkey for nearly 70 miles …for at least 17 hours? Was there a cold wind coming from the Mediterranean Sea? Something for me to consider when I am reluctant to give my warm bed to drive a few blocks to attend morning Mass.
I know that God had a reason for choosing a humble birth for his only son. I believe Francis knew it too. He understood that it was only by humbling himself and disassociating himself from all that was worldly would he find true joy.
While I obviously can’t exactly live as Francis did I can ask myself: Is it a want or a need? How will the humble birth and Franciscan simplicity guide me in celebrating the birth of our Savior? How will that guide me in the gifts I will give to my loved ones? How will I share my blessings with my neighbors?
My wish for all of us at this blessed time of year is that:
- We will enjoy the company of family and friends for that is love.
- We will share our blessings in some way with those less fortunate for that is compassion.
- We will renew our Franciscan spirit with conviction for that is obedience.
- We will experience theunique peace and joy of God’s loving presence in our hearts as we celebrate the birth of our Savior.
Signs of a Franciscan Spirit
- Etching the Commandments of God and the precepts of Holy Mother the Church in our hearts and living them daily.
- Participating joyfully in the monthly meetings with our fraternal family.
- Praying the Liturgy or the Hours devoutly gleaning God’s message for us each day.
- Faithfully wearing our tau crosses as an outward declaration of our desire to imitate Christ.
- Reverently saying Grace before and after meals regardless of whom we are with and wherewe are at.
- Humblyexamining our conscience each night asking God to help us see ourweaknesses and overcome them with His help.
- Faithfully meeting our Savior at daily Mass, as often as possible.
- Generously supporting ourFraternity through donations to the common fund.
- Joyfully giving good example, avoiding disputes and ministering to the needs of others, especially the disenfranchised and the poor,
From Prologue to the Rule of the SFO
We are spouses, when by the Holy Spirit the faithful soul is united with our Lord Jesus Christ; we are brothers to him when we fulfill "the will of the Father who is in heaven" (Mt 12:50).
We are mothers, when we carry him in our heart and body (cf. 1 Cor 6:20) through divine love and a pure and sincere conscience; we give birth to him through a holy life which must give life to others by example (cf. Mt 5:16).
Council Meeting Minutes Dec 12, 2017
- The Fraternity has voted to make donations as follows:
- $25 to St. Vincent De Paul Society in Owatonna,
- $25 to the Food Shelf in Janesville
- $25 to the Sacred Heart Church Sharing Tree
- The Fraternity will be packing food for the Waseca school back pack program for children who otherwise would not be assured of a sufficient meal on weekends.
- Sarah and Arlys will be signers on the fraternity checking account.
- We will have our Creche celebration at our December meeting. In January we will exchange Prayer Partners and have our White Elephant gift exchange.
A Christmas Prayer
Loving God, help us remember the birth of Jesus, that we may share in the song of the angels,
the gladness of the shepherds,
and worship of the wise men.
Close the door of hate
and open the door of love all over the world.
Let kindness come with every gift and good desires with every greeting.
Deliver us from evil by the blessing which Christ brings,
and teach us to be merry with clear hearts.
May the Christmas morning make us happy to be thy children,
and Christmas evening bring us to our beds with grateful thoughts,
forgiving and forgiven, for Jesus' sake. Amen.
-- Robert Louis Stevenson