The Dean’sReport to the Rector Concerning Quality of Education
Year of reporting
Annual programme evaluations
Date of Dean’s approval

Table of contents

External part

Status of faculty programmes

Any follow-up points from the previous year

Visions and future perspectives

Internal part

Quantitative and qualitative material


Clam for the analysis of quantitative and qualitative material

Status of the faculty programmes based on analysis of quantitative and qualitative material

Progress on points identified the previous year for the dean and Rector to follow up on

Visions and future perspectives for the faculty programmes

Data definitions

External part

Status of faculty programmes

Status of the faculty programmes based on analysis of quantitative and qualitative material

Any follow-up points from the previous year

Progress on points identified the previous year for the dean and Rector to follow up on

Visions and future perspectives

Visions andfuture perspectives for the faculty programmes

Internal part

Quantitative and qualitative material

Status of the faculty's annual quality assurance of programmes – including a description of negativ devations from faculty standards for quality andthe need for follow-up and corrective action
Drop-out rate(s)
Study progression, the average number of ECTS credits per student per year
Graduate unemployment statistics
Number of teaching hours on the bachelor’s programme / Put a cross in the box if the faculty’s study programmes live up to the UCPH standard.
Full-time/part-time academic staff ratio, FTEs
Student/full-time academic staff ratio, FTEs
Research matrix
Results of annual programme evaluations
Competence matrix
Quantitative material – every year
Status ofeducational environment assessment action plans
Qualitative material –every third year
Study start / Report period/next reporting year:
Student counselling and career guidance / Report period/next reporting year:
Pedagogic skills enhancement for full-time, new and part-time academic staff / Report period/next reporting year:
Qualitative material – every six year
Research quality / Report period/next reporting year:


Front page

Faculty / Insert name of faculty.
Year of reportering / Please indicate the year covered by the report.
Enter 2017 if the report was drawn up during academic year 2016–2017 for submission to the Rector in 2017.
The 2017 report covers quality-assurance work in the previous academic year, i.e. between 1 October 2015 and 30 September 2016.
Annual programme evaluations / Please insert the names of the study programmes that have been subject to a programme evaluation.
Date of the Dean’s approval / Insert date of the Dean’s approval of the report.

Clam for the analysis of quantitative and qualitative material

Status of the faculty programmes based on analysis of quantitative and qualitative material

What is the current status of the programme and of student progress based on quantitative and qualitative material? Does the study programme live up to the standards that the faculty has set for it?What has happened since the last report? Do the results of programme reports and programme evaluations suggest any need for change?

Progress on points identified the previous year for the dean and Rector to follow up on

Progress on the points that the dean is following up on, cf. the dean's report to the Rector on the quality of study programmes?
Progress on the points that the Rector is following up on, cf. the Rector's feedback to the dean on last year's report on the quality of study programmes?

Visions and future perspectives for the faculty programmes

In which direction are the programmes heading? Is there a need for educational-strategy initiatives, i.e. interventions in the long termto improve the programme? In which direction are the programmes heading? Is there a need for educational-strategy initiatives, i.e. interventions in the long term?
Has anything been identified that requires attention or is anything so serious that it requires immediate intervention?

Data definitions

Drop-out rate(s) / Drop-out rates from bachelor’s programmes are calculated as of 1 October for at least the first year of the programme (key data F.3.1).
The first-year drop-out rate, calculated as of 1 October 2016, indicates the proportion of students who have dropped out during the first year.
Drop-out rates for master’s programmes are calculated for the whole programme (key data G.1.4).
The drop-out rate for the whole master’s study programme as of 1 October 2016 indicates the proportion of students who dropped out after the prescribed study period + one year.
The 2017 report covers the drop-out rates calculated as of 1 October etc.
Drop-out rates for academy profession and professional bachelor’s programmes are calculated both for the first year and for the entire programme.
Drop-out rate(s) for continuing education master’s, postgraduate diploma and higher adult education (academy) is not calculated or included in the Deans’ reports on quality of education.
Study progression, the average number of ECTS credits per student per year / Study progression is calculated as per 1 October as the average number of ECTS credits per student per year.
Study progression calculated as of 1 October 2016, indicates the number of ECTS credits acquired by each full-time student between 1 September 2015 and 31 August 2016.
The 2017 report covers the study progression calculated as of 1 October etc.
Average number of ECTS credits per student per year for continuing education master’s, postgraduate diploma and higher adult education (academy) is not calculated.
Graduate unemployment statistics / For bachelor’s, master’s, academy profession and professional bachelor’s programmes, unemployment figures are calculated as the percentage of unemployed graduates 4th-7th quarter after completing their studies. However, for bachelor’s programmes unemployment figures are not reported to the Rector.
The unemployment figure for 2016 is based on those who graduated in 2014, etc.
Graduate unemployment statistics for continuing education master’s, postgraduate diploma and higher adult education (academy)are not calculated.
Number of teaching hours on the bachelor’s programme / Calculated as the number of teaching hours per week during the semester. A semester (two blocks) lasts 14 weeks. There are two semesters per year.
Only indicate programmes that fall below the UCPH standard. The UCPH standard is 12 hours of teaching per week in both semesters.
Full-time/part-time academic staff ratio, FTEs / Full-time/part-time academic staff ratio are calculated in terms of FTEs. Full-time and part-time academic staff are defined as per ministry’s method of calculating working hours. Includes the activities that are part of the study programme, i.e. teaching, preparation, supervision, exams and administration.
Full-time/part-time academic staff ratios are calculated for all programmes.
Full-time/part-time academic staff ratios are only calculated on programme level.
Full-time/part-time academic staff ratios are only calculated for the most recent year, i.e. if the programme evaluation is conducted in 2017, the full-time/part-time academic staff ratio is indicated for the study year 2015-2016. Enter 2016 in the appropriate field.
Student/full-time academic staff ratio, FTEs / Student/full-time academic staff ratio are calculated in terms of FTEs.
For the FTE-ratio, student FTEs are taken from the FTE report, while full-time members of academic staff are calculated as per the calculation for the ratio of full-time to part-time academic staff.
Student/full-time academic staff ratios are calculated for all programmes.
Student/full-time academic staff ratios are only calculated on programme level.
Student /part-time academic staff ratios are only calculated for the most recent year, i.e. if the programme evaluation is conducted in 2017, the full-time/part-time academic staff ratio is indicated for the study year 2015-2016. Enter 2016 in the appropriate field.
Research matrix / Research matrix: Comparison of the programme’s study activities, the lecturers’ research activities and the programmes’ research environments.
Please comment on strengths and weaknesses.
Competence matrix / Competence matrix: The competence matrix is designed to ensure that the description of objectives for the study activities support the programme’s competence profile and the relevant description in the Qualifications Framework.
Please comment on strengths and weaknesses.
Status of educational environment assessment action plans / Once a year, the faculties take stock of the work on the initiatives in their three-year action plans for the educational environment assessment (UVM) and make any adjustments necessary.
It is important that progress reports for study-environment action plans are concise, i.e. the faculties must account for whether activities are going according to plan. This can be done in prose form or using traffic light symbols. They must also comment on activities that are not going according to plan (= amber and red).
Study start / A report on study-start across the whole faculty is submitted every three years. Study-start on individual study programmes is also included in the programme evaluations every six years.
Reported every three years to the Rector.
Please indicate the three-year period covered when submitting reports. In other years, please indicate when the next report will be submitted.
Student counselling and career guidance / Reported every three years to the Rector.Annual internal reports are also submitted in the faculties.
Please indicate the three-yearperiod covered when submitting reports. In other years, please indicate when the next report will be submitted.
Pedagogic skills enhancement forfull-time, new and part-time academic staff / Reported every three years to the Rector.
Please indicate the three-year period covered when submitting reports. In other years, please indicate when the next report will be submitted.
Research quality / Based on the most recent research evaluation, account for the quality of the research environments that contribute to the study programmes. Focus on the strengths of the research environments and on their staffing situations, including recruitment needs, until the next evaluation.
Reported every six years to the Rector.
Please indicate the six-yearperiod covered when submitting reports. In other years, please indicate when the next report will be submitted.