EDLF 345 M&M’s Activity
Lesson 1: Introduction to Spreadsheets
1)Initial Details10 min.
a)Have Ss complete Philip’s survey as they come in.
b)Check to see that all Ss are Math/science.
c)Have Ss sign-in and provide e-mail addresses.
2)M&M Activity (S pairs)15 min.
a)Hold up bag of M&M’s—what’s this? What’s inside?
b)Pass out Data Record Sheets.
c)Pair Ss up (Science & Math)
d)Complete Data Record Sheet—suggest candy histograms
e)Debrief Q’s:
i)How did your predictions compare with your data?
ii)How did your data compare with your neighbors?
(1)Did all the bags have the same colors?
(2)Did they have the same total number of M&M’s?
(3)Did they have the same number (percentages) of each color?
(4)Are green M&M’s the most rare? (Philips’ Question)
Let’s collect some data and answer these questions!
3)M&M Spreadsheet Simulation (groups of 6)20 min.
(see activity sheet)
a)Place Q1 on overhead—How would you find total number?
i)What’s a good way to organize data? (see activity sheet)
ii)Add TOTAL heading
iii)Add column letters and row numbers
iv)Add formula
b)Place Q2 on overhead—How would you find average number of each color?
i)Add row and label it AVERAGE
ii)Add formula to calculate average for each color
c)Place Q3 on overhead—What is the average percentage of each color?
i)Add row and label it PERCENTAGE
ii)Add formula to calculate percentage for each color
4)Spreadsheet Summary10 min.
(have Ss work at computers in pairs)
i)Identified by numbers: 1,2, 3,…
ii)How many rows are possible? Lots! Just keep counting!
i)Identified by letters of the alphabet: A,B,C
ii)How many columns can there be? There are only 26 letters in the alphabet.
iii)What strategy would you use to add more columns?
iv)A,B,C,…Z, AA, AB, AC,…AZ, BA, BB, BC,…BZ AAA, AAB, …
c)Cell names
i)Each cell of the spreadsheet is identified by a column locator and a row locator:
B3 is in column B and row 3
E10 is in column E and row 10
AZ100 is column AZ and row 100
d)Cells can have different types of information
A cell containing a letter of the alphabet is a label.
A1 is a label with the information NAME
A cell with only numbers is a value.
B2 contains the number of red M&M’s for the 1st person in the group
Values are entered into a cell either directly or as a result of a formula. When a formula is recorded in a cell, the spreadsheet immediately follows the instructions and places the resulting value in the cell.
The spreadsheet recognizes the formula by the beginning equal sign (=).
=SUM(B2:G2) is the formula that instructs the spreadsheet to complete the addition B2+C2+D2+E2+F2+G2 and to place the resulting value in the cell
=AVERAGE(B2:B8) is the formula that instructs the spreadsheet to add the values in cells B2, C2, D2, E2, F2, and G2, to divide that sum by 6, and place the reulting value in the cell
5)Have Ss design M&M spreadsheet
a)How do you save your work?
b)Create a Pie Chart
c)Compare data to M&M website information:
1. What is the total number of M&M’s in each student’s bag?
2. On average, how many M&M’s are in bag?
What’s the average number of green M&M’s?
What about the other colors?
- What is the average percentage of each color in a bag?
4. Are green M&M’s more rare than other colors?
Spreadsheet Summary
Identified by numbers: 1,2, 3,…
How many rows are possible? Lots! Just keep counting!
Identified by letters of the alphabet: A,B,C
What happens when you run out of letters?
A, B, C,…Z, AA, AB, AC,…AZ, BA, BB, BC,…BZ, AAA, AAB, …
Cell names
1)Each cell of the spreadsheet is identified by a column locator and a row locator:
B3 is in column B and row 3
E10 is in column E and row 10
AZ100 is column AZ and row 100
2)Cells can have different types of information:
A cell containing a letter of the alphabet is a label.
A1 is a label with the information NAME
A cell with only numbers is a value.
B2 contains the number of red M&M’s for the 1st person in the group
A cell with instructions for the computer to perform is a formula.
The spreadsheet recognizes the formula by the beginning equal sign (=).
=SUM(B2:G2) is the formula that instructs the spreadsheet to complete the addition B2+C2+D2+E2+F2+G2 and to place the resulting value in the cell
=AVERAGE(B2:B8) is the formula that instructs the spreadsheet to add the values in cells B2, C2, D2, E2, F2, and G2, to divide that sum by 6, and place the resulting value in the cell
M&M’s Data Record Sheet
- Describe the content of one bag of M&M’s before opening it.
- Open your bag of M&M’s, but DO NOT EAT YOUR DATA! Record the data from your bag of M&M’s in the data table.
Color / Number of M&M’s / Fractional Representation of M&M’s of this Color / Decimal Representation of the Fraction / Percent Representation of the Fraction
- To prepare for next activity, record the number of M&M’s for each color on individual 3x5 cards. For each color, prepare a card like this:
When finished, you may eat your data!