David L. Hakim
Contact: Or Visit the Wiki at
Course Overview:
Throughout the year we will be studying some of the major themes in biology. Some of the topics include the chemistry of life, cell structure and function, genetics, natural selection and evolution, among others. This course is designed to give the student a better understanding of the functions of life and the world around them.
· Notebook or lined loose-leaf paper for note taking
· 3-ring binder or folder - this will be used to keep notes and handouts organized
· Online textbook -
· Writing utensil
Grades will be calculated through using a total point system. Each assignment will count for a certain amount of points. For example, a test might be worth 100 points, and a quiz may count for 20 points. At the end of each marking period, the student’s grade will be calculated by how many points the student earned out of the total amount of points possible. If you keep tidy records you will be able to calculate your grade at any point during the year. I will also have your grades posted in the front of the room.
· Assignments will vary, but will include tests, quizzes, lab assignments, classwork, homework and projects.
· Extra credit assignments are not typically given on an individual basis. All homework, classwork, etc. MUST be turned in for the possibility to exist.
· Achieving a good grade in this course will require CONSTANT effort.
It is your responsibility to keep all returned assignments. There is always the possibility that your assignment got stuck to the bottom of a classmates and I missed it or did not put it in the gradebook. If this occurs, I am relying on you to bring it to my attention by looking at your posted grades. However, you must have the assignment to prove that you completed it.
Absence Policy:
· If you are absent you are expected to make up any work that you miss. It is YOUR responsibility to take to a classmate to or to me at the end of the period to see what you missed.
· Late work is not typically accepted longer than a week after it’s original due date. Points will be deducted for every day the assignment is late.
Plagiarism is passing off someone else's words or ideas (published or not), as your own. You begin this course with a blank slate and with complete trust. In most cases, I believe that you will do all your own work, and I fully believe that every word I receive from you is your own. If you are caught, you will get a zero on the assignment with no chance to make it up and it will be on your permanent record.
Warm Up’s / At The Bells (ATB’s)
Everyday you come to class there will be a question posted on the board which you should begin to answer as you get out your materials for class. You may use your notes or any other materials you have to answer the question. I would like you to write the date, the question and the answer on a sheet of loose leaf paper. Sometimes these will be turned in for a grade, extra credit or counted as a quiz. Questions from your warm ups can and will be used for test questions. If you are absent make sure you copy a classmates warm ups or ask me for them.
I have created a wikispace for this class, which can be viewed by going to This site should be very valuable to you in that I will be posting assignments and the PowerPoint notes to your classes page. If you are absent or miss notes or an assignment, you should visit the site and print off what you need.
Online Book
To save you effort I will not be assigning each student a book. I will keep books in the classroom for when we need to use them. However, for homework assignments, studying, etc. you can access the book online at Type in the class login and password and you will be able to see the same images as if you had the book.
LOGIN: biology237
The classroom atmosphere that develops is largely dependant upon you the students. Being respectful, honest and friendly to your classmates and the teacher goes a long way in ensure that we all enjoy this school year.
Some things NOT to do…
· Be disrespectful (to ANYONE)
· Interrupt the teacher or your classmates when they are speaking
· Be late to class (three lates to class = 1 detention, then 1 detention for each following late)
· Sleep in class
· Be unprepared for class
· Do not walk around the classroom or line up at the door
Some things TO DO…
· Come prepared and willing to learn
· Participate and ask questions in class
· Be respectful of everyone in the classroom
· Do your homework!
· Use common sense
Basically, I expect that you know what behavior is acceptable and what is not. Use common sense and we’ll have a smooth year. REMEMBER I am here to help you learn, enjoy and succeed in this school year! Please come see me if you have ANY concerns or need ANY help what-so-ever!