Evaluation of EAL Practice in the Early Years Foundation Stage
Foundation leader:
Leadership and Management
Aspect / Evidence / ActionSetting/school has an EAL policy for language development and curriculum access with specific focus on language
acquisition for Early Years Foundation Stage and is understood by all staff, parents and carers
Staff are familiar with the curriculum and the approaches to learning ensure EAL learners can access the learning
Early Years staff make appropriate provision for EAL children to ensure access to Early Years Foundation Stage
through effective targeting of additional adults.
Staff understand and are sensitive to cultural, religious and language needs of bilingual children and their families.
Bilingualism is valued as an asset and a learning opportunity. Children develop a positive self-image and have opportunities to operate in their first language or
Communication with EAL parents is effective through interpreters and bilingual staff where appropriate.
Policy and procedures for dealing with racist incidents are in place and shared with staff, parents, carers and children.
Effective use of first language for learning
Aspect / Evidence / ActionStaff record language background and first language skills on admission to setting
Work with bilingual staff wherever possible to
- Provide positive role models
- Raise self esteem
- Provide religious/cultural advice
- Support understanding, concept development and
- Raise language awareness of all children
- Support home school links
- Provide a multi-cultural learning environment
Provide opportunities for the child to work bilingually or in first language eg. through dual language stories and songs, encouraging first language use in role-play and other activities to develop English as well as maintain first language skills
Display a range of script and praise first language script features in emergent writing
Use first language to explain learning outcomes, instructions, tasks and activity
Aspect / Evidence / Action
Develop a multi lingual ethos
Use first language to encourage children to make links to children’s prior experience, interests and enthusiasms.
Use bilingual staff to introduce English labels for concepts learned and skills taught
Use of ‘first language’ language to support children in exploring meaning and interests
Use bilingual staff to support first language assessments where appropriate/necessary
Use staff to carry out oral sampling
LEARNING AND TEACHING - Language Development, Curriculum Access
Aspect / Evidence / ActionRecognise that EAL children may experience a silent period but praise and accept efforts to join in or communicate
Pair the silent child with a confident cooperative peer with strong English language skills
Record observations of all the children’s communication skills including non-verbal gestures, body language and other signs of understanding
Use clear, natural speech and continue talking even when the child does not respond
Ensure the child is supported during whole group times
Aspect / Evidence / Action
Use lots of visual support, objects, pictures, non-verbal gestures etc
Give children roles and tasks requiring little or no English, eg. helping to share out drinks and food at snack time, tidying etc which will raise confidence and self esteem
Enable the children to join in the full range of activities using first language where necessary
Use consistent routines, explained to children and parents so
that the child knows what to expect
Use additional verbal support, eg. repetition, modelling,
varied questioning to ensure child gains access to vocabulary
Keep language profile records based on regular discussion with parents and support staff to record developments in both
languages where appropriate
Aspect / Evidence / Action
Give parents information on the local communities the setting/school serves in order to promote understanding of bilingualism and cultural diversity
Try to learn key words and phrases of the children’s home languages
Encourage children to use whichever language they are most comfortable with
Encourage visitors from the community including parents and siblings to help settings provide appropriate and relevant activities
Ensure children’s home languages are reflected in the equipment and resources the setting provides eg. tapes, books, puzzles, posters, rhymes, songs/artefacts
Aspect / Evidence / ActionEarly Years Foundation Stage plans show scaffolding and differentiation for EAL learners where appropriate
Show evidence of a language focus and speaking and listening in plan
Targeted role of additional bilingual assistant/additional adults to support curriculum access through use of first language where appropriate
Partnerships with Parents/Carers/Community
Check spelling and pronunciation of children’s and parents’ namesReassure parents that use of first language at home will support their child’s learning
Ensure all parents are welcomed and respected - they are informed about the daily routines, expectations of the setting/school
Strategies are in place to ensure that all parents/carers understand their children’s progress in the context of national expectations
Systems are in place to ensure that all parents/carers can access and respond to information on their child’s learning
Parents’ different linguistic, cultural and religious backgrounds are valued and regarded as positive assets
Aspect / Evidence / Action
Setting/school develops links with the wider community to share resources/expertise/skills
Parents are encouraged to use their skills to support school activities
Parents are knowledgeable about the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum and are supported to be actively involved in their children’s education