Notes of Meeting of Diamond Jubilee Allotment Committee

Date of meeting 8th April 2015

People Present – Keith jones (Chair for meeting) Viv Tsesmelis (Secretary), Tony Horton, Jill Street, Terry White, Graham Black, Roger Fullard, Julia Jones

Apologies – Jo Williams, Debbra Pastel-Tullah

  1. Review of AGM and outcomes
  1. Actions taken at AGM were noted, in relation to election of new Chair and Secretary, namely Julia Jones and Viv Tsesmelis
  2. Report back was made on request to Parish Council to review the height of solid structures placed on the allotment site. The Parish Council had decided that structures should not be higher than one metre.

Actions Agreed

As a result of the new Chair and Secretary a discussion was held on the revised roles and responsibilities of the Committee Members. The revised listing is attached as an appendix to these minutes.

It was agreed that in relation to the decision on the structures, a notice should be put on the web site and the decision should be included in the next newsletter. There was some discussion about the exact wording to be used and Keith agreed to pull something together and circulate it to members for comment.

  1. Minutes of meeting 3rd March 2015

The minutes of the meeting were accepted as a correct record by those present at the meeting.

Matters Arising (numbers refer to last minutes)

5. Point of contact for Parish Council is Liz Hassall

6. Tony checked the lock. As agreed, he bought pliers and Jill put a note in the newsletter and included locksmith details in the shed

6. It was agreed to keep fuel in Roger’s tool box on plot 38

6. Jill has attached a note to the strimmer advising on fuel to use

6. Tony turned on the water and everything is operating well.

6. Roger and Graham have both looked at additional mowers. After some discussion about the pros and cons of various types/sizes/weights etc. it was agreed that Roger and Graham would do some further investigation, including obtaining costings and report back either via email or at the next meeting. It was generally agreed to be worthwhile to purchase a further mower for path cutting.

9. Jill reminded plot holders about the need to keep paths free of stones.assallH H

  1. Finance

Debbra had circulated a report, but as she was not present, there was no further discussion.

Debbra is to be asked to clarify the position re vacant plots

  1. Site Maintenance

There was some discussion about the possibility of rabbits still being present on site. Tony had repaired the gate at the top of the site and it was felt there were no other sources of entry, but perhaps the rabbits were now burrowing somewhere on site. It was agreed a further inspection would be made and plot holders would be asked to be vigilant and report any sightings of rabbits or rabbit droppings.

Several people had volunteered at the AGM to be on the rota for strimming/cutting of paths. Roger agreed that he would coordinate the volunteers and make contact with people as appropriate.

Tony reported he had treated the bench on the Chris memorial site.

It was agreed to hold a ‘work morning’ to fill in the holes in the drives with the remaining gravel. It was agreed this would take place on Monday 27th April at 10a.m. and volunteers would be invited by notices on the website and in the newsletter to attend and if possible to bring a wheelbarrow.

  1. Website

Keith agreed to put a notice on the website reflecting the committee discussions/decisions, including:

Introducing the new committee members and details

Confirming the decision of the Parish Council about solid structures

Ask for volunteers for the work morning

Julia would also reflect these issues in the newsletter she agreed to produce

  1. Any Other Business
  1. Jill had been contacted about the allotments being included again in the Stonnall open gardens event, due to take place on 19th July. Members felt this was a good event to be involved with and several people agreed to be available to support the afternoon. Jill will respond to agree to inclusion.
  2. BBQ social – members felt this had been a good event to bring plot holders together and it was agreed to hold another event this summer. Consideration will be given at the next meeting to the best date to stage this.
  3. It was reported that one of the plot holders has brought a very large water container on to site. There was some discussion about the viability of having further water points on site, but this was decided to be ineffective as it would be very expensive and compromise the water flow to existing containers, which already struggled.

To ensure parity in approach to all plot holders, and taking account of the decision from the Parish Council, it was agreed that the plot holder be approached and asked to remove the container. Graham agreed to do this.

  1. Jill reported on a conversation she had had with a site holder who would not be able to tend their plot for a while following a hospital procedure. She had suggested if they wanted a temporary break we could consider other options for the site such as temporary loan to another plot holder, covering part of the site or help from other plot holders for a season. She would follow up with them.
  1. Jill had heard that two or three plot holders intended to give up their plots and one other wanted to take on either a bigger plot or a second plot. Jill agreed to follow up with Debbra to establish who had now paid fees, or was giving up their plot, in order that we could be clear what was available.
  1. Date and Time of Next Meeting

It was agreed this would take place on Monday 18th May @ 7.30 and would be on the site.


Chairman/Secretary duties


Set and send out agendas – Chair and Secretary

Chair meeting - Chair

Take minutes of meeting and distribute – Secretary

AGM – send out information to plotholders – Secretary / Web Site

book venue and organise refreshments - Secretary

agenda and minutes – Chair / Web Site

rent renewal forms – Secretary / Web site

chair meeting - Chair

Chairman's report - Chair

Point of contact

Plotholders – Chair / Secretary

Committee - Chair

Shenstone Parish Council – Chair

Landowners - Chair

Land agent - Chair

NSALG - Secretary


Keep register of contact details updated –Secretary

Waiting list register – Jill Street

Show prospective plotholders around, registration forms, rent, keys etc. – Jill Street with support from all committee members

Welcome to new plotholders – Jill Street and/or Chair

Chase up rents not paid ( Treasurere's role?) – Treasurer


Check email messages and respond – Chair / Secretary

Newsletters – write and send out - Chair (2 hand delivered by Jill, rest by email)

General information to plotholders, land owners, SPC etc. (email and by post) – Chair /Secretary

Letters of non-working of plots, Tenancy Conditions not adhered to, Risk Assessment problems etc. - Chair / Secretary


Keep spare locks & keys – Jill .

Arrange Risk Assessment and follow up actions – Graham