Employer Expression of Interest / Data Capture Form

Please use this form to confirm your interest in enrolling learners on a Manchester Metropolitan University Degree Apprenticeship for January and Sept/Oct 2019. Following receipt of this form, the University will conduct its due diligence processes and may need to contact you for further information as part of this process.
Name of company/organisation:
Company House number:
Number of employees:
Does your organisation pay the Apprenticeship Levy? This is applicable if your UK annual wage bill is in excess of £3m per annum / Yes☐No ☐
How long has the company been established?
If less than 3 years, please provide a copy of your accounts
What impact will the apprentice have on your business? How will the organisation benefit?
Have you previously had an apprentice? / Yes, at Manchester Met ☐ Yes, at another provider ☐ No ☐
Lead representative details
Job title:
Please indicate below how many apprentices you are considering recruiting/enrolling for 2019 entry
Programme / Number of apprentices / Where appropriate, please select anticipated start date
New role / Existing Staff / Total
Advanced Clinical Practitioner Masters / Jan 19 ☐
Chartered Manager Degree Apprenticeship:
  • Business Professional (Standard programme)
/ Sept 19 ☐
  • Retail Management (4 year)
/ Sept 19☐
  • Hospitality Management
/ Sept 19☐
  • Health & Social Care (Top-Up)
/ Sept 19☐
  • Public Sector (Top-Up)
/ Sept 19☐
Digital & Technology Solutions Degree Apprenticeship / Sept 19☐
Digital & Technology Solutions (Masters) Apprenticeship / Jan 19☐
Sept 19 ☐
Laboratory Scientist Degree Apprenticeship / Sept 19 ☐
Healthcare Science Degree Apprenticeship / Sept 19 ☐
MBA Degree Apprenticeship / Oct 19☐
If the potential apprentices are existing members of staff, please provide their details overleaf. If these details are not yet known please leave this blank.
Employer Declaration
As per the Apprenticeship Funding Rules, to receive funding for an Apprentice you must be satisfied that this is the most appropriate learning programme. By signing this document you are confirming that:
  • the Apprentice has the right work in England;
  • the Apprentice spends at least 50% of their working hours in England;
  • the Apprentice is employed by you, or a connected company, or connected charity as defined by HMRC;
  • the Apprentice can complete all elements of the Apprenticeship within their contracted hours;
  • the role within the organisation provides the opportunity for the Apprentice to gain the knowledge, skills and behaviours required to achieve the Apprenticeship;
  • this is either a new job role or an existing job role, where the Apprentice needs significant new knowledge and skills as part of their role;
  • the Apprentice will be paid a salary of at least £12k gross per annum;
  • the Apprentice has a contract of employment which covers the duration of the Apprenticeship and is employed for at 30 hours per week;
  • you will ensure the Apprentice(s) spends at least 20% of their time on off-the-job training;
  • the Apprentice will be allocated a workplace mentor who will support them through their apprenticeship journey and participate in regular progress reviews with the Apprentice and the University.
If any part of this agreement changes you are required to notify the Apprenticeship Unit immediately .

Employer Name:


Job Title:



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R:\Business&Law\MMUBS\PPC\Apprenticeships Unit\Policies, Processes, Forms and Guidance\Employer Forms\Employer Application Pack\Employer Formal EOI Form_2018 v3.docx

Apprenticeship Data Capture Form (if information is known)
Please complete the following information for each existing member of staff you would like to enrol:
Full Name: / Job Title / Number of contracted hours worked per week / Name of Line Manager / Line manager email / Does the candidate have GCSEs in English & Maths at Grade C or above? / Name of Apprenticeship Programme
(Also preferred pathway if more than one is available)
Copies of certificates will be requested at application stage*

* Candidates who cannot provide evidence will be required to undertake Functional Skills as part of the Apprenticeship

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R:\Business&Law\MMUBS\PPC\Apprenticeships Unit\Policies, Processes, Forms and Guidance\Employer Forms\Employer Application Pack\Employer Formal EOI Form_2018 v3.docx