Content: Unit 1

Major Concepts: The Five Themes of Geography

Geographers use two basic questions: (1) Where are things located? (2) Why are they there? Geographers use the five themes of geography to answer these questions and organize information.
1.  Location
2.  Place
3.  Movement
4.  Human Environment Interaction
5.  Region
/ Standards:
HAG1 Use map and globe skills learned in prekindergarten to grade five to interpret different kinds of projections as well as topographic land forms, political, population and climate maps.
HAG2 Use geographic terms correctly, such as delta, glacier, location, settlement, region, natural resource, human resources, mountain, hill, plain, plateau, river, island, isthmus, peninsula, erosion, climate, drought, monsoon, hurricane, ocean, and wind currents, tropics, rain forest, tundra, desert, continent, country, nation, and urbanization.
HAG3 Interpret geographic information from a graph or chart and construct a graph or chart that conveys geographic information (e.g., about rainfall, temperature, or population size data.)
HAG4 Explain the difference between absolute and relative location and give examples of different ways to indicate relative location for countries or cities across the world.
HAG 5 Identify how current world atlases are organized and the kind of information they provide for each continent and country.
HAG 7 Use the following demographic terms correctly: ethnic group, religious group, and linguistic group.
Key Questions:
·  Where are things located?
·  Why are they there?
·  What is geography?
·  How can the five themes of geography help you understand the world? / Skills and Outcomes: When students have finished studying this topic, they will know and be able to:
·  Define and explain key geoterms emphasized in unit 1.
·  Identify the five themes of geography and relate each theme to real-world examples.
·  Use the five themes as a way to organize information about places.
·  Understand the difference between absolute and relative location. / Formative/Summative Assessments: Students will complete the following products/other assessments to demonstrate the skills and understandings they have acquired.
·  Quiz- Teacher Resources Section Quiz, main ideas and key terms.
·  Expository Writing Assignment: Using 2 column notes and teacher tested project, students will answer the essential question: How can the five themes of geography help you understand the world?
·  Five Themes Collage: students will cut and paste pictures of the five themes of geography and present to class how and why the picture represents each theme.
·  Postcards: In cooperative learning groups students will look at postcards from around the world. Students will identify the five themes of geography.
·  Freyer Model: Five themes