Blackman High School

Mrs. Griggs

English III – Syllabus 2017-2018

Subject Matter: All assignments and lessons covered in the class will be in compliance with 11th grade TN State Standards.

Dear Students and Parents,

Welcome to Blackman High School! The following information is vital for success in Honors English IIII. After reading these pages, both the parent and student need to sign on the appropriate lines on the second page.

Parents, I would appreciate any contact information, especially email addresses, you can provide so that I may communicate effectively with you this year. Please detach and return the bottom section of the second page by Friday, August 18th. Please keep the remaining portion of this syllabus for your information and reference. Feel free to contact me at any time by phone or email. I will do my best to respond promptly. I am looking forward to a wonderful year!


Erica Griggs

904-3850 ext. 22957

Classroom Rules
1. Be on time and be prepared.

2. Maintain a clean work environment.

3. Respect others and school property.

4. Work diligently and remain in your seat.

5. Speak one at a time during discussion.

6. All school rules apply in class.

Materials Needed

  • 3 ring binder (may be shared with another class)
  • Paper
  • Pencils
  • Blue/black ink pens
  • Highlighters
  • Dry erase marker (markers)


Level 1: Warning

Level 2: Punishment of Teacher’s Choice (detention, essays, extra work, etc.)

Level 3: Parent Contact

Level 4: Principal’s Office

Grading Scale

Homework / Classwork/ group work = 40%

Class participation =10% discussion/bell work/ quick write/ small group activities

Quizzes = 20%

Tests / Essays / Projects = 30%

*State tests are calculated into a student’s final grade according to RCS policy.

This year Rutherford County will be using the Parent Portal to post grades online. More information will be sent home in the weeks to come clarifying how to use the Parent Portal.


Remind 101 –Distribution list (text reminders)- I will send reminders out from time to time about test and/or major projects. To receive these reminders, please follow the instructions below.

To be added to the English IIIRemind 101 distribution list, please text 81010

Text this message:


***Important email note***

I am more than happy to communicate by email whenever you have questions. I do my best to check emails at home during the evenings/weekends; however, I cannot always promise to reply prior to the following school day in the event you email me in the evenings. Please keep in mind, all assignments are due on time, regardless of whether or not you receive a response.

Homework Policy

With rigorous requirements set by the state and county for this course, it is imperative for your student to complete homework assignments and projects outside of class on a regular basis. There will not be enough time in class for your student to complete all assignments. If you do not see your student completing homework, reading at home, or working on projects at home, there is need to be concerned. Feel free to contact me at any time concerning this matter.

The homework policy is as follows:

  1. If any homework assignment is not turned in on the assigned due date, the student will receive a zero for that assignment and he/she will be required to attend Lunch and Learn.
  2. If the student desires to make up the zero for a grade of up to 80%, he or she must complete the assignment and turn it in the next day. Consequences will increase for repeated failure to complete homework assignments.
  3. In the event of an absence, the student should follow the make-up work policy in his or her agenda (Complete and submit work within 5 school days).

General Course Information

Bell work: These exercises count for 10 percent of your student’s 9 week’s grade.

Composition Studies will include, but is not limited to the following: Diction and style, proofreading, analytical essays, and narrative/creative writing. MLA and Harbrace Handbook standards are followed.

Grammar studies will include but will not be limited to: usage, agreement, punctuation, and sentence structure.

Reading: each student will read and analyze material in class as well as outside class.

Each Student will receive a textbook. In addition, students may access the text book online at Any outside reading will be accessed through the media center or class sets of novels, etc.

For Your Information

  • Your student will be required to read one book outside of class each grading period. A reading list will be provided.
  • The Summer Reading Assessment, which is required, will be due August 28th.
  • Your student will need his or her agenda each day for passes out of class, writing down assignments, and other important uses.
  • Food or gum is allowed in the classroom provided students maintain a clean environment. Students may have drinks if they dispose of the bottle in the recycling bin.

I understand the information in the above pages and will strive to be a positive influence in the classroom.

______Student Name (print) and Signature Date

______Parent Name (print) and Signature Date

Contact Information - Student Name ______

Mother’s Name (First and Last)______

Email (please print)______
Phone Number(s)______

Father’s Name (First and Last)______

Email (please print)______
Phone Number(s)______