League Registration Form – 2017
Team InformationUse a separate form for each team – Only signed forms are accepted – Payment must accompany form
Team Name:
Company/Club: / Address:
Coordinators Name: / Email:
For fixture and result updates all players should check the aberdeentouch.com website
or Aberdeen Touch Rugby facebook page
Indicate referees
Expert and Intermediate teams should nominate S.T.A. qualified referees
Novice and Beginner teams should nominate ONES.T.A. qualified referee where possible and another referee (qualified or not) who knows the rules and prepared to referee.
Name/email / RefereeLevel
0,1,2 or 3 / Years of experience:
Touch or Rugby / No. / Name/email / RefereeLevel
0,1,2 or 3 / Years of experience: Touch or Rugby
1 / 8
2 / 9
3 / 10
4 / 11
5 / 12
6 / 13
7 / 14
You can register additional players below but only a maximum of 14 can play in any one game
PreferredLeague & Skill Level
#Final league placement is at tournament organisers discretion – Some Leagues may not occur if insufficient teams registerLeague:(Please tick)
/Skill Level: (Please tick)
/Experienced –Several Years experience
/Intermediate-Some years experience#
/Novice – Little experience, 1-2 years
Beginner – No Previous league experience
Return form with cheque & payable to “Aberdeen Touch Rugby” to:Aberdeen Touch Rugby, c/o 7Middleton Ter, Bridge of Don, Aberdeen, AB22 8HW
Or pay online by Paypal. BACS account number also available on request
Description / Dates / Cost / £
Mixed Summer Leagues (10 weeks) / 26th April to 28th June
Expert & Intermediate mixed teams / 26th April to 28th June / £ 350
Mixed Novice/Beginner mixed teams / 26th April to 28th June / £250
Men’s SummerLeague: / 24th May to 28th June / £250
Women’s Summer League: / 24th May to 28th June / £125
Autumn Mixed League (6 weeks) / 2rd August to 6th Sept / £250
The above individuals have read, understood, agree and promise to uphold the Aberdeen Touch Rugby Tournament guidelines and will comply with the rules and regulations in place at Woodside Sports Complex. All the above individuals agreethat participation in any of the above events is at their own risk. The organisers, committees and owners of Aberdeen Touch Rugby, Aberdeenshire RFC, Woodside Sports Complex and the competing companies, clubs and teams bear no liability for loss, damage or injury to any competitor, spectator, referee or any other individual connected with the above programme of events. I have circulated copies of the tournament guidelines and asked each member to register with the user group.
Name: Position: Dated: