Keys To Safer
Detection & Prevention of School Violence
E-News January, 2001
The New Millennium with Keys'
1.)... Grant Time - Safe and Drug Free Schools & Others
2.)... L-ock O-ut V-iolence E-veryday Campaign (example - Hot Springs, AR)
3.)... New!! Harry Potter Activity & Literature Guides.
4.)... New!! Books on Bullying
5.)... New!! Home Drug & Alcohol Testers (for parents peace of mind)
6.)... New!! National Reports can be downloaded (FBI Report and others...)
7.)... And more....
Here in Arkansas we have been blessed with some true winter weather for the first time in many years. Despite the inclement weather, a number of schools were represented at the workshop on December 11 & 12 to learn about Safe and Drug Free Schools grant procedures. Otistene and Dorothy are helping schools through the process who were unable to have a representative at the meeting. If your school is still looking for a program to fill the needs of this grant or others you receive in your area, contact Keys To Safer to learn about programs that have been used in other schools under this grant and others. Our Training Page is: Now, here is what one has said:
Thank you for all your hard work with our recent request for training. I want you to know that the speed with which you responded allowed me the freedom to continue my daily work with complete confidence that we would meet the Safe and Drug-Free Grant deadlines this year with quality training. We needed to use this funding quickly and wanted it to be spent on quality training that our staff so desperately needed. Since you at Keys To Safer have provided us this type of quality training in the past, we at the Rogers Public School District felt very comfortable to ask once again. Boy were we right! We are looking forward to the Assessment/Certification Training: "Early Warning Signs" and the Anger Management/De-escalation Training. We are also excited about instituting your Assessment/Crisis Model in our district. Thanks again!
Karen Benham, E.C. Director/Drug Education Coordinator
Rogers Public Schools, AR
2.)... L-ock O-ut V-iolence E-veryday Campaign (example - Hot Springs, AR)
Violence! It’s everywhere we look; on the playground, on television, on our streets and even in our families. Are there no answers? Must we accept the violence as a natural part of life today? Yes, there are answers, and no, we cannot accept this mindless violence. We must stand shoulder to shoulder and declare: Not in my School, not in my home, & not in my community. Through the leadership of the Garland County Judge, the Hot Springs City Manager, and the Juvenile Judge our community will host the first annual Lock Out Violence Everyday Campaign during the week of February 11-17, 2001. With the initials of the campaign spelling L.O.V.E., it seemed appropriate to hold the campaign during Valentine’s week. The idea behind Locking Out Violence Everyday is that we do not want to lock ourselves or our children in, but rather to lock out that which we do not want in our lives, violence. The L.O.V.E. campaign also draws attention to all aspects of violence. It is not spawned in our schools but is brought in from home and the streets. The campaign takes one week to focus on domestic violence, school violence and street violence. A variety of organizations and individuals will present activities during this week to help focus on answers to violence in all its forms. Then, throughout the year we can put these answers into practice and repeat the slogan of the LOVE campaign: Not in my School, not in my home, & not in my community. If anyone has questions or desires more information about this L.O.V.E. campaign or desires to establish one in their community, visit the website, . You may also call Rosalind Hudson, Volunteer Center of Hot Springs & Garland County at (501) 623-7983 or Mike Nelson, Keys To Safer at (501) 847-5225.
3.)... New!! Harry Potter Activity & Literature Guides -
With the Harry Potter craze that has swept the world a teacher/parent who doesn't take advantage of the wild popularity of J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series may be missing an educational opportunity of a lifetime. With the Harry Potter Literature Guides, educators and parents can direct their Young People to glean even more gems of brilliance from the series.
Keys now offers study guides for teachers and parents to use the Harry Potter writings as texts for a variety of lessons. Follow this link to learn how you can "inspire" your students into learning while they are being entertained.
4.)... New!! Books on Bullying -
- Taking the Bully by the Horns - The book handles the subject of bullying quite well. This book was written to help children, it is sought out by parents, teachers, librarians, and guidance counselors. Many schools and libraries have purchased it as a learning tool.
- Nasty People - This book should be read by anyone who experiences frequent and serious conflicts/bullying.
5.)... New!! Home Drug & Alcohol Testers -
Parents have been seeking for ways to know if their child is involved with drugs. Now, rather than telling parents to take their child to a clinic, we offer a variety of drug tests to be preformed in the privacy of their own home. These are FDA approved and have a degree of accuracy suitable for home use. If you suspect that your child is drug involved and not telling you the truth, have him or her take the test at home. Some parents just wanting peace of mind or have kids who have been drug involved in the past and want to help them keep their commitments may desire this. To keep the cost down, these tests are drug specific. However, they can also be purchased as combination tests that will verify up to five families of drugs.
Parents have asked how they can know for sure if their child has been drinking. You cannot always count of smelling alcohol on their breath or seeing visible signs of alcohol consumption. Keys now offers a home breath tester for alcohol. These testers are not calibrated for court accuracy as are the ones the police use; however, they are sufficiently accurate for home use. Parents' report that it is very "sobering" for a teen to arrive home and to be asked to blow into a tube. The idea is not for parents to become cops, rather parents can demonstrate that they are concerned and willing to go an extra mile to help their children develop responsible habits. These testers can be used to demonstrate to your teen just how little alcohol it takes to register. In many states, if a teen registers any level they can be charged as "in possession" since they have the alcohol inside them. It has also been reported that parents have used these testers on themselves to see if the glass of wine with dinner makes it unwise to drive home.
6.)... New!! National Reports - downloadable (FBI Report & more...)
Now available on the Keys' site are 19 National Reports that may be downloaded. The Reports deal with Safety, Early Warning Signs (FBI's Report), Youth Gangs, Drugs, Violence, and more. Keys' stands ready to help Schools and Youth Organizations take the information in these reports and develop effective programs that are based on National research. Please feel free to contact us to help.
7.)... And more....
* Special Services -
* Keys' Safe School Articles -
* FREE Items to Request or Download -
*** Recognizing & Reporting "Early Warning Signs" tips for Students** NEW Handouts **
*** Bullying in Schools ** NEW Handouts **
* What Others are saying about Keys' -
* Obtain Emblem/Award from Keys' -
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Keys To Safer Schools website is at
Contact: Mike Nelson or Frank Green at or call (501)847-5225
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