Teaching and Learning Cooperative
Proposal – Facilitator (Groups of 5 or more)
Title of Proposal: AB2913 CLAD State Certification Training
TLC points requested: 20
Proposal Submission Date: May 2, 2006
Proposal Description (2-3 sentences for publishing to prospective participants):
Participants who complete this six-day training will qualify for the AB2913 (CLAD Alternative) certification to work with English language learners. All teachers who participate in this class must have been tenured in a California public school district on January 1, 1999. Teachers who hold only a Multiple Subject Credential must also have taught full-time for nine years in a California public school district.
Intended Audience: K-12 teachers who do not currently hold the CLAD certification
Implementation Timeframe (Beginning and Ending Dates): Class sessions: six full-days between Sept. 25, 2007 and October 30, 2006 during the regular school day.
Proposal Facilitator: Shirley Day
Work Location: LSS Phone: 748-0010, ext. 2702
District Goals to be Addressed: K-12 Literacy (support for K-12 reading, writing, or mathematics)
Proficiency for all students across all grade levels and content areas, as measured by standardized state measures (cahsee, cst)
Increased access to rigorous curriculum and course (AP courses, A-G)
Intended Learning Outcomes:
Participants will:
- become familiar with the English language development standards (listening and speaking,
reading, and writing) and their application across content areas
- become familiar with effective instructional strategies for teaching ELL students
- develop four standards-based lessons for ELL student across content areas, based on
research and best practices, particularly focusing on literacy strategies
- understand cultural considerations in working with ELL students and their families.
Professional Growth Activities – Acquisition of New Learning
State what new learning participant(s) will acquire through this proposal, including the anticipated timeline:
This state-approved AB2913 training (formerly called SB395) consists of approximately 40-45
hours of in-class instruction. Additional outside work (portfolio development, preparing for
essay exam, etc.) is also required. Many PUSD teachers have attended this class in the past.
The major areas of study are: Cultural considerations in education; ELD Standards and
instruction; Content area instruction for EL's; Literacy across the curriculum; Linguistics; State
EL program requirements.
The class will be held for six full days between Sept. 25 and Oct. 30. Portfolios will be due December 17.
Classroom Implementation Activities
State how participant(s) will implement new learning in the classroom:
After the in-class instruction, all participants will complete the following:
1. a final essay exam (appro. 1-2 hours) demonstrating their ability to apply the instructional
strategies and concepts concepts to meet particular student needs, including their rationale for
making each instructional recommendation
2. a portfolio containing:
- four standards-based lessons which they have developed, specific to the needs of
the English learners in their class, based on the principles they have learned in the training
sessions; student work will be included as evidence that they have actually taught the lessons
to their English learner students
- reflections, as described below
Reflection Activities
State how participant(s) will reflect on their new learning:
1. In preparation for the essay exam, participants will complete a class content summary
card, requiring them to synthesize and reflect on the most important concepts from the class.
2. As part of the their portfolio, participants will complete several quickwrites as reflections on
their new learnings and their previous experiences in working with English learner students.
3. After participants have taught the lessons they have developed, they will complete a
written reflection where they will evaluate the effectiveness of the lsssons, as well as
defining the next learning step(s) for their EL students.
Budget Request
If you anticipate needing fiscal support for the implementation of your proposal, please list prospective needs and estimated costs.
· Costs are covered by District ELL funds.
If you are the facilitator, will you need “facilitator hourly” (if you opt for no points)?
Yes If so, for whom? No
Revised October 1, 2005