The Presidency in History “Staff and Advisors”
Lyndon B. Johnson
I. National Security
National Security Council
-The President: Lyndon B. Johnson
-The Vice President: Hubert Humphrey (1965-69)
-Secretary of State: Dean Rusk (1963-69)
-Secretary of Defense: Robert S. McNamara (1963-68),
Clark M. Clifford (1968-69)
-Director, Office of Emergency Planning:
Edward A. McDonald (1963-65) Bufford Ellington (1965-66)
Farris Bryant (1966-68) Prince Daniel (1968-69)
-Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs:
-McGeorge Bundy (1963-66)
-William W. Rostow (1967-69)
-Executive Secretary: Bromley Smith (1963-69)
Central Intelligence Agency
-Director: John A. McCone (1963-65)
Vice Admiral William F. Rabord, Jr., USN Ret. (1965-67)
Richard N. Helms (1967-69)
-Deputy Director: Lt. Gen. Marshall S. Carter, USA (1963-65)
Richard N. Helms (1965-67)
Vice Adm. Rufus L. Taylor, USN (1967-69)
Office if Emergency Planning
-Director: Edward A. McDermott (1963-65) Buford Ellington (1965-66)
Farris Bryant (1966-68) Price Daniel (1968-69)
-Deputy Director: Franklin B. Dryden (1965-66)
Dr. Myron R. Blee (1966-67) Mordecai M. Merker (1968-69)
-Civil Defense Advisory Panel Chairman:
Edward A. McDermott (1963-65) Buford Ellington (1965-66)
Farris Bryant (1966-68) Price Daniel (1968-69)
II. Economic Policy
Special Assistant to the President (for domestic affairs, fiscal, economic, and
regulatory issues)
-E. Ernest Goldstein (1967-68)
Council of Economic Advisors
-Walter W. Heller (1963-1965)
-Gardner Ackley (1965-68)
-Arthur M. Okun (1968-69)
-Gardner Ackley (1963-65)
-John P. Lewis (1963-65)
-Otto Eckstein (1965-66)
-Arthur M. Okun (1965-68)
-James S. Duesenberry (1966-69)
-Merton J. Peck (1968-69)
-Assistant to the Chairman:
-Joseph J. Walka (1964-65)
-Lewis J. Spellman (1965-66)
-Charles B. Warden, Jr. (1966-69)
Office of Economic Opportunity (est. in 1964)
-Sarent Shriver (1965-68)
-Bertrand M. Harding (1968-69)
-Deputy Director:
-Jack T. Conway (1956-66)
-Bertrand M. Harding (1966-68)
-Robert Perrin, acting, (1968-69)
-Executive Secretary:
-Fred Nadherney (1965-66)
-James M. Harkless (1966-68)
-Harold R. Sims (1968-69)
Office of the Special Representative for Trade Negotiations
-Special Representative for Trade Negotiations:
-Christian A. Herter (1963-67)
-William Matson Roth (1967-69)
-Deputy Special Representatives:
-W. Michael Blumenthal (1964-68)
-William Matson Roth (1964-67)
-vacancy (1967-69)
III. Domestic Policy
Special Assistant to the President (Head of domestic staff)
Joseph A. Califano (1965-69) (handled task forces, commissions, budget
Staff Assistants:
-Fred Bohen (worked for Califano on domestic legislation
staff, 1965-68)
-James C. Gaither (worked for Califano, responsible for
legislative program development and coordination of task forces, 1964-69)
-John E. Robson (worked for Califano on inflation and
other economic issues, 1966-68)
-Stanford G. Ross (worked for Califano on inflation and
other economic issues, 1966-68)
-Harry J. Middleton (Staff Assistant for domestic affairs,
-Matthew Nimetz (Staff Assistant, worked on crime, urban
affairs, pollution, and transportation, 1976-69)
Special Assistant to the President on health and education issues
-S. Douglass Cater (liaison with HEW, 1964-68)
Staff Assistant:
-Ervin Duggan (worked for Douglass Cater on health and
education issues, 1965-69)
-Ben Wattenberg (speech writter, 1966-69)
Special Assistant to the President (for domestic affairs, fiscal, economic, and
regulatory issues)
-E. Ernest Goldstein (1967-68)
Special Assistant to the President (for domestic and urban affairs)
-Richard N. Goodwin (1963-65)
Special Assistant to the President (worked on Great Society legislative
-Bill D. Moyers (1963-65)
Staff Assistant:
-Ben Wattenberg (speech writer, 1966-69)
Special Assistant to the President (for Civil Rights issues, legal review, and
-Harry C. McPherson (1965-66)
Office of Science and Technology Policy
-Director: Donald F. Hornig (1964-69)
-Special Assistant to the Director: Robert Barlow (1967-69)
-Deputy Director: -Colin M. McLeod (1964-67)
-Ivan L. Bennett (1967-69)
-Assistant to the Director: David Z. Beckler (1963-69)
-Executive Secretary, Federal Council for Science and Technology:
-Edward Wenk, Jr. (1963-65)
-Charles V. Kidd (1965-69)
National Council on Marine Resources and Engineering Development
(est. in 1968)
-Chairman: Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey
-Secretary of State: Dean Rusk
-Secretary of the Navy: Paul R. Ignatius
-Secretary of the Interior: Stewart L. Udall
-Secretary of Commerce: C.R. Smith
-Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare: Wilbur J. Cohen
-Secretary of Transportation: Alan S. Boyd
-Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission: Glenn T. Seaborg
-Director, National Science Foundation: Leland J. Haworth
Special Assistant to the President (Cabinet Secretary)
- Horace Busby, Jr. (1963-65)
-Robert E. Kintner (Planned staff and Cabinet meetings, advised on
appointments, 1966-67)
-Charles Maguire (Staff Assistant for Cabinet Affairs,
IV. Legislative Affairs
Special Assistant to the President (for Congressional Relations)
-Lawrence F. O’Brien (1963-67)
Congressional Liaison
-Robert L. Hardesty (Staff Assistant, 1967-68)
-Mike Manatos (Administrative Assistant, liaison to the Senate, 1963-68)
-Charles Roche (Aide for House Liaison and Legislative Affairs, 1966-68)
-Irvine H. Sprague (Aide for House Liaison and Legislative Affairs,
-Henry Hall Wilson Jr. (Administrative Assistant, liaison to the House,
Legislative Counsel
-Jake Jacobsen (1965-67)
-Harold Barefott Sanders, Jr. (1967-69)
Bureau of the Budget
-Kermit Gordon (1963-65)
-Charles L. Schultze (1965-68)
-Charles J. Zwick (1968-69)
-Deputy Director:
-Elmer B. Staats (1963-66)
-Phillip S. Hughes (1966-69)
-Assistant Director:
-Charles L. Schultze (1963-65)
-William M. Capron (1964-66)
-Henry Rowan (1965-67)
-Charles J. Zwick (1966-68)
-William D. Carey (1966-69)
-Fred S. Hoffman (1968-69)
Consultant for Intergovernmental Relations
-Brooks Hays (1965-66)
V. Presidential Politics
Special Assistant to the President (for Political Affairs)
-Marvin William Watson (liaison with Democratic National Convention
and other political groups, 1965-68)
-James R. Jones (worked for Marvin W. Watson, 1965-68)
-Clifon C. Carter (liaison with the Democratic National
Committee, 1963-64)
Assistant for Correspondence
-Ivan Sinclair (answered public opinion mail, 1964-65)
-Paul M. Popple (1965-67)
-Whitney Shoemaker (Staff Assistant, 1967)
Press Secretary to the President
-Pierre Salinger (1963-64)
-George E. Reedy (1964-65)
-Bill D. Moyers (1965-66)
-George E. Christian (1967-69)
Deputy Press Secretary to the President
-Robert H. Fleming (1966-69)
Assistant Press Secretary to the President
-Malcolm M. Kilduff (1964-65)
-Luyatt Thomas Johnson, Jr. (1968-69)
Administrative Assistant to the White House Press Secretary
-George E. Christian (was also serving as Special Assistant to the
President, 1966-67)
Staff Assistant to the White House Press Office
-Willie Day Taylor (maintained newspaper clippings file, 1963-69)
-Robert E. Kintner (Coordinated Speech writing, Special Assistant to the
President, 1966-67)
-Horace Busby (Special Assistant to the President, 1963-65)
-Richard N. Goodwin (Special Assistant to the President, 1963-65)
-Robert L. Hardesty (Staff Assistant 1967-68)
-Harry C. McPherson (Special Assistant, 1965-66
and Special Counsel, 1966-69)
-Charles Maguire (Staff Assistant, speech preparation, 1965-68)
-Harry J. Middleton (Staff Assistant, 1967-69)
-John P. Roche (Special Consultant to the President, 1966-68)
-William R. Sparks (Staff Assistant, wrote for the President and Cabinet
Members, 1966-68)
-Jack J. Valenti (Special Consultant to the President, 1964-65, Special
Assistant to the President, 1963-66)
-Ben Wattenberg (Staff Assistant, worked for Bill Moyers and Douglass
Cater, 1966-69)
VI. Administration of the Government
Office of the Vice President
Vice President
-Hubert H. Humphrey (1965-69)
Spouse of the Vice President
-Muriel Fay Buck Humphrey
Special Assistant to the President (for recruitment and presidential
-Ralph A. Dungan (1963-64)
Counsel to the President
-Myer Feldman (1963-65)
-Milton P. Semer (1966) (Not able to double check this date)
Associate Counsel to the President
-Lee C. White (adviser on civil rights issues, 1964-65)
-Hobart Taylor, Jr. (drafted letters for the President, 1964-65)
-W. DeVier Pierson (1967-69)
Special Counsel to the President
-Harry C. McPherson (1965-69)
-Larry Eugene Temple (assisted with scheduling and liaison with Justice
Department, 1967-69)
-Lee C. White (advisor on civil rights issues, 1965-66)
Deputy Special Counsel to the President
-Clifford L. Alexander, Jr. (1966-68)
-Lawrence E. Levinson (1968-69)
-DeVier Pierson (worked on agriculture, trade, and communications,
VII. Administration of the White House
Chief of Staff
-Walter Jenkins (1963-64) Special Assistant to the President (also
concerned with domestic affairs, personnel and budget issues, and congressional liaison)
Staff Assistant:
-Mildred Stegall
-Bill D. Moyers (1964-67) Special Assistant to the President
- Larry Eugene Temple (Special Council, 1968-69)
Appointments Secretary
-Kenneth O’Donnell (Special Assistant to the President, 1963-64)
-Marvin William Watson (Special Assistant to the President, 1965-68)
Staff Assistant:
-Mildred Stegall
-James R. Jones (Special Assistant to the President, 1968-69)
Director, Executive Volunteers
-Frank McDermott (1964)
Advisor for National Capital Affairs
-Charles A. Horsky (1963-67)
-Stephen Pollack (1967-68)
Special Assistant to the President-Director, Food for Peace
-Richard W. Reuter (1963-66)
Special Assistant to the President for Consumer Affairs
-Miss Betty Furness (1967-69)
Special Assistant to the President on the Arts
-Roger L. Stevens (1964-66)
Special Assistant to the President (for Vietnamese non-military affairs)
-Robert W. Kormer (1966-68)
Counselor to the President
-Charles S. Murphy (White House Coordinator for the transition to the
Nixon Presidency, 1968-69)
Special Consultants to the President
-John P. Roche (Vietnam, liaison to the intellectual community, 1967-69)
-Gen. Maxwell B. Taylor (After serving as ambassador to South Vietnam
he consulted the President on Vietnamese affairs, 1966-69)
-Jack J. Valenti (presidents personal aide for a variety of issues, 1964-65)
Physician to the President:
-Rear Adm. George G. Burkley (MC), USN (1964-65)
Vice Admiral George G. Burkley (MC), USN (1965-69)
Military Aide to the President
-Major General Chester V. Clifton, USA (1964-66)
-Brig. Gen. Robert N. Ginsburg, USAF (1968-69)
Armed Forces Aide to the President
-Lt. Col. James U. Cross, USAF (1966-68)
Staff Assistant
-Frederick Panzer (directed research activities, providing clipping service,
poll information, press summaries, speech kits, 1963-68)
-Paul M. Popple (1964)
-Mildred Stegall (worked for Walter Jenkins and Marvin Watson, liaison
with the FBI, administrative and personal matters)
White House Mail Operations
- Paul M. Popple (1964-66)
Executive Clerk
-William J. Hopkins (1963-69)
Personal Secretary to the President
-Mrs. Juanita Duggan Roberts (1964-69)
Press Secretary and Staff Director for the First Lady
-Mrs. Elizabeth Carpenter (1964-69)
Social Secretary
-Mrs. Bess Abell (1964-69)
Chief Usher
-J. Bernard West: (1963-69)
Special Assistants I don’t know what to do with:
-Donald F. Hornig (1964-69) (Can’t find his duties)
-David L. Lawrence (1963-67) (he was Governor of Pa from 1959-1963
and died in 1966, but is listed as a Special Assistant for JFK and LBJ in the government registrar however I was not able to locate what his job was if he worked for the white house)
-George Reedy (late1965- April 66) (Can’t find his duties)
-Jack J. Valenti (Special Assistant to the President, served as the
President’s personal aide advising on civil rights, urban affairs, foreign policy, duties included speech writing, appointments scheduling and a variety of other task, 1965-66)
-Stafford L. Warren, MD (1963-65) (Can’t find his duties)
Deputy Special Assistant to the President
-Francis M. Bator (1966-68) (I don’t know what or who he assisted)