Coordinator Name: Organization:
Mailing Address:
Event Name & Location:
Event Date: Email: Phone:

Please complete numbers 1-11 for ALL events:

1.  # of events held:

2.  Length of event (hours):

3.  # of volunteers - actively works during event:

(ex: picks up litter, plants vegetation, manages event, etc.)

4.  # of youth volunteers: ______

5.  # of participants – otherwise actively contributes_____

(ex: contributes materials at a recycle drive, etc.)

6.  # of behavior change workshops (BCW) held:

7.  # of attendees at BCW: ______

8.  # of youth attendees at BCW:

9.  In-kind donations ($):

10.  Cash donations ($):

11.  Media in-kind donations ($):

Complete 12-18 for LITTER PREVENTION events:

12.  # of bags collected at event:

(average 30-gallon bag of litter weighs ~ 10 pounds)

13.  Pounds of litter collected: ______

(if total weight is known)

14.  Pounds of bulky waste collected:

(collected at drop-off location; NOT litter)

15.  Miles of roadways cleaned/beautified:

16.  Acres of parks/public lands/trails improved:

(Acre = 208.7 square feet; approximately 1.3 football fields)

17.  Miles of waterways/shorelines cleaned:

18.  # of tires collected:

Complete 19-23 for BEAUTIFICATION events:

19.  # of new/maintained gardens/greenspaces:

20.  # of trees planted:

21.  # plants, shrubs, flowers and bulbs planted:

22.  # of buildings painted/renovated/built:

23.  # of graffiti sites removed:

Complete 24-34 for RECYCLING efforts:

24.  Pounds of litter/debris recycled: ______

25.  Pounds single-stream/commingled: ______

26.  Pounds of clothing collected for reuse:

27.  Pounds of plastic bags & film plastic: ______

28.  Pounds of glass: ______

29.  Pounds of aluminum: ______

30.  Pounds of plastic bottles (PET):

31.  Pounds of paper/newspaper:

32.  Pounds of electronics:

33.  Pounds of other recyclables collected: ______

34.  Recycling income generated ($): ______

Feedback: Please feel free to share general feedback and comments with Volunteer Program Manager Liz.

Photos: Please be sure to share your photos on our Facebook page!

Please return this form to: Keep Arkansas Beautiful, Attn: Liz Philpott, 1 Capitol Mall, Suite 4A-007, Little Rock, AR 72201; fax to 501-682-2383; or e-mail to .
Thank you for volunteering with Keep Arkansas Beautiful! We hope you will join us again soon.
Be sure to “like” us on Facebook and send us photos from your event(s)!