April 15, 2016
Time Called to Order: / Time Adjourned: / Location: / Minutes By:
9:10 a.m. / 11:05 a.m. / 115 S. Andrews Avenue, A337
Fort Lauderdale, FL / LET
Members Present / Members Absent / Other Participants
Kim Gorsuch
Commissioner Dale
V.C. Holness (via telephone)
Carmen Jones
Robert Mayersohn
Audrey Millsaps
Mickey Pope
Nora Rupert (via telephone)
Laurie Sallarulo
Dan Schevis, Chair
Joel Smith, Vice Chair
Lidia Wallace / Jarvis Brunson
Cassandra Evans, Secretary
Barbara Stuart / Staff:
Mandy Wells, CPD
Deborah Scott, CSA
Scott Silverman, CSA
Linda Thompson, CSA
County Attorney:
Sharon Thorsen
Emery Cowan, Broward Behavioral
Health Coalition
Silvia Quintana, Broward Behavioral
Health Coalition
Catherine Baez Sholl, Children’s Services Council of Broward County
Renee Jaffe, Early Learning Coalition
Item / Action/Discussion/Recommendations / Due Date / Status/
Staff Respon-sible
1. Call to Order / Mr. Schevis, Chair, called the meeting to order at 9:10 a.m. He announced that there was not yet a quorum although it was expected. Since the meeting was noticed as both a business meeting and workshop, Mr. Schevis indicated the meeting would begin with the update on One Community Partnership 2 (OCP 2). He welcomed Ms. Silvia Quintana, Chief Executive Officer, Broward Behavioral Health Coalition and Principal Investigator for OCP2, and Ms. Emery Cowan, OCP 2 Project Director.
2. OCP 2 Update / Ms. Quintana thanked the CSB for the opportunity to provide quarterly updates on OCP 2. She indicated that OCP 2 is designed to transform the child and adult serving systems into a comprehensive, recovery-oriented System of Care (SOC) that is youth and family driven. She indicated that there has been considerable progress since the previous update and asked Ms. Cowan to provide more detail. Ms. Cowan used a PowerPoint presentation to share information.
Ms. Cowan indicated that OCP 2 is offering the Transition to Independence Process (TIP) model for emerging adults as well as a peer support approach. OCP 2 is also offering recovery services that engage youth in successful outcomes in diverse areas including education, employment and housing.
Commissioner Holness and Ms. Rupert joined the meeting by telephone at 9:18 a.m.
Ms. Cowan reported on the TIP kick-off event held on March 29, 2016, with over 70 people in attendance. All six TIP providers gave presentations about their respective TIP services (Gulfcoast, Sunserve, Smith Community Mental Health, Henderson Behavioral Health, Camelot Community Care and South Florida Wellness Network). Ms. Cowan provided an overview of the referral process and indicated that referrals can be made to any of the respective providers or to OCP 2 (Tiffany Smith, Clinical Integration Coordinator). Enrollment began on March 30, 2016, and approximately 135 transition-age youth can be served.
Ms. Cowan reported that supported employment services will be provided by Footprints to Success using the Individual Placement and Support (IPS) evidence-based practice and through coordination with the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation. Through a contract with Henderson Behavioral Health, OCP 2 is providing 10 slots for permanent supportive housing. Other resources include CareerSource Broward, Center for Independent Living of Broward and OIC of South Florida.
Mr. Mayersohn arrived at 9:28 a.m.
Ms. Cowan also provided an overview of the OCP 2 Leadership Council and the initiative’s committees including: Implementation, Learning and Empowerment; Training; Social Marketing; Equity and Evaluation; and Cultural Competency. She distributed a handout that lists all committees, scheduled meeting dates and contact persons. Ms. Cowan encouraged CSB members to attend and to be in touch with her or the committee contact person for more information.
Finally, Ms. Cowan reported on activities planned for Children’s Mental Health Awareness Month and distributed a list of community events scheduled to take place, including the Art as Healing Therapy exhibition at ArtServe (which runs through May 13, 2016) and a Community Wellness Day at Central Broward Regional Park on May 14, 2016. Ms. Wells announced that Commissioners Holness and Wexler are sponsoring a proclamation to designate the month of May as Broward County Children’s Mental Health Awareness Month. It is expected to be presented at the Commission meeting on May 3, 2016.
Following a brief question and answer period, Mr. Schevis thanked Ms. Quintana and Ms. Cowan for the OCP 2 update.
3. Roll Call / At 9:35 a.m., at the request of the Chair, Ms. Wells called the roll. A quorum was established with nine members present. In addition, there were two CSB members on the phone.
3. Approval of Minutes / Ms. Gorsuch moved and Ms. Sallarulo seconded to approve the minutes from the CSB meeting of March 18, 2016. MOTION PASSED.
5. Chair’s Report / Mr. Schevis reported that the Sunset Review process for the County’s Advisory Boards is being initiated. He commented that some concerns had previously been raised by CSB members about the County’s requirements for excused absences at Advisory Board meetings. He and Ms. Raybin had met with Mr. Labrador, Director, Office of Intergovernmental Affairs and Professional Standards, who suggested that the Sunset Review process would be an appropriate avenue to convey any recommendations from the CSB.
Mr. Schevis commented that the Sunset Review process also provides the vehicle to make recommendations about the CSB’s membership categories. With the added emphasis on juvenile justice, there is an opportunity to expand and strengthen the areas of expertise represented on the CSB. Commissioner Holness indicated that it might be helpful to have representatives from the clergy and law enforcement. Ms. Gorsuch suggested having a representative of child welfare. Ms. Pope indicated it would be helpful to have a youth serve on the CSB.
Mr. Smith thought it would be useful to have more specific information on the Human Services Department’s future direction in this area. Mr. Schevis asked staff to follow up on this area. Ms. Wells indicated that recently a report had been released from a Sequential Intercept Mapping project convened by the Broward Behavioral Health Coalition on the behavioral health needs of juvenile justice-involved youth. She thought this might be of interest to the CSB. Mr. Smith asked that the report be shared with the full CSB.
Mr. Schevis requested that the Needs Assessment Committee review the issues of absence criteria and the CSB’s membership categories and bring recommendations to the CSB at its May meeting. Ms. Gorsuch asked if another committee should be appointed for this purpose. Mr. Schevis commented that given the potential benefits and drawbacks of different options, he thought the Needs Assessment Committee would be the best option. He indicated that all CSB members would be invited to attend. If a CSB member was unable to attend but had input, they should provide feedback to Ms. Raybin. She would be able to share it with the Needs Assessment Committee.
Mr. Schevis also encouraged CSB members to join the Needs Assessment Committee or to attend when they have interest in specific agenda items. Staff sends a notification of each Needs Assessment Committee meeting to the full CSB. Ms. Millsaps pointed out that the Needs Assessment Committee was in the process of changing its meeting date and its members would be polled. Ms. Gorsuch suggested polling the full CSB since CSB members’ attendance is also being requested. Mr. Schevis asked staff to poll the full CSB, and then to send a notice of the May committee meeting to all CSB members. / After CSB meeting
When available / L. Raybin
L. Raybin
6. Public Participation Procedure / Mr. Schevis commented that at the previous CSB meeting, assistance from the County Attorney’s Office had been requested to draft a public participation procedure for consideration by the CSB. Mr. Schevis indicated that there have not been any issues related to public participation in CSB meetings; however, a written procedure is required. The draft Public Participation procedure prepared by Ms. Thorsen had been included in the package of meeting materials sent to the CSB. In response to Mr. Schevis’ request, Ms. Thorsen provided a brief overview of the draft procedure, which included the key points discussed at the previous CSB meeting.
Ms. Thorsen indicated that the CSB had not wanted a time limit for speakers’ comments in the procedure. She noted that the Chair could set a time limit at a specific meeting based on relevant factors such as amount of time allocated for an agenda item, number of speakers and remaining time in the meeting. Ms. Thorsen stated that a time limit could not be set based on the content of the speaker’s comments.
Ms. Rupert asked if speakers could complete a speaker request form online. Ms. Wells indicated that speaker request forms would be available at the meeting. The form could also be posted on the Web site, but could not be submitted online. Speakers could bring their completed forms to the meeting.
After further discussion, Mr. Mayersohn moved and Ms. Millsaps seconded to approve the public participation procedure as presented. MOTION PASSED.
7. Committee Updates / Needs Assessment - Ms. Millsaps reported that the Needs Assessment Committee convened on April 6, 2016. She stated that the committee discussed the FY 17 Budget for Children’s Services. The staff is required to identify a strategy for a funding cut in the event that a reduction in funds is forthcoming. Ms. Millsaps commented that Children’s Services funding was cut 11% during the recession and it has not been increased since that time. Over the past few years, the Needs Assessment Committee has recommended and the CSB has approved to send a letter to the Commission opposing any cuts to Children’s Services funding. This year, the committee again voiced strong opposition to a funding cut and also discussed the idea of asking for an increase. However, the committee thought it would be better to indicate in the letter that a future request for a funding increase would be made.
Ms. Millsaps presented the Needs Assessment Committee’s recommendation and Mr. Smith seconded that the CSB send a letter to the Commission opposing any funding cuts to Children’s Services in the FY 17 Budget and that the letter lay the groundwork for submission of a future request for a funding increase. MOTION PASSED.
Ms. Millsaps reported that the Needs Assessment Committee also engaged in a thorough review of information on the FY 16 mid-year utilization and developed reallocation recommendations. She provided a brief overview of the process previously approved by the CSB for funding reallocations.
Mr. Schevis reminded CSB members that if they have a conflict of interest, they must comply with the requirements pertaining to voting conflicts. At the Chair’s request, Ms. Thorsen provided an overview of both the County Ordinance and State Statute on voting conflicts.
Ms. Millsaps commented that staff had included the FY 16 Mid-Year Utilization Review chart in the package of materials for the meeting. She indicated that she would review the document page by page so that members could identify any questions or items they would like to discuss, and she would ask for a vote on items for each page.
Page 1 from Achievement and Rehabilitation Centers to Broward Children’s Center - Ms. Millsaps moved and Ms. Gorsuch seconded to accept the Needs Assessment Committee’s recommendations as presented. MOTION PASSED.
Page 2 from Broward Children’s Center to Camelot Community Care - Ms. Sallarulo declared a voting conflict on the items listed for Broward Regional Health Planning Council, and they were separated from the vote on the other items on page 2. Ms. Millsaps moved and Ms. Jones seconded to accept the Needs Assessment Committee’s recommendations as presented except for the items on the Broward Regional Health Planning Council. MOTION PASSED. Ms. Millsaps moved and Ms. Jones seconded to accept the Needs Assessment Committee’s recommendations as presented for the items on the Broward Regional Health Planning Council. Ms. Sallarulo abstained. MOTION PASSED.
Page 3 from Camelot Community Care to Covenant House Florida - Ms. Millsaps declared a conflict on the item listed for the Children’s Diagnostic and Treatment Center and it was separated from the vote on the other items on page 3. Ms. Millsaps moved and Ms. Wallace seconded to accept the Needs Assessment Committee’s recommendations as presented except for the item on the Children’s Diagnostic and Treatment Center. MOTION PASSED. Ms. Gorsuch moved and Mr. Mayersohn seconded to accept the Needs Assessment Committee’s recommendation as presented for the item on the Children’s Diagnostic and Treatment Center. Ms. Millsaps abstained. MOTION PASSED.
Page 4 from Covenant House Florida to Harmony Development Center - Ms. Millsaps moved and Ms. Jones seconded to accept the Needs Assessment Committee’s recommendations as presented. MOTION PASSED.
Items on Henderson Mental Health on pages 5 and 6 were voted on separately from other items on page 6 due to voting conflicts declared by Ms. Pope and Ms. Rupert. (Page 5 is comprised only of items on Henderson; there are two other items on page 6.) Ms. Millsaps moved and Ms. Wallace seconded to accept the Needs Assessment Committee’s recommendations as presented for the items on Henderson Mental Health. Ms. Pope and Ms. Rupert abstained. MOTION PASSED.
Page 6 from Institute for Child and Family Health to JAFCO Respite and Family Resource Centers - Ms. Millsaps moved and Ms. Jones seconded to accept the Needs Assessment Committee’s recommendations for Institute for Child and Family Health and JAFCO as presented. MOTION PASSED.
Page 7 from Kids in Distress to Lutheran Services Florida - Ms. Millsaps moved and Ms. Gorsuch seconded to accept the Needs Assessment Committee’s recommendations as presented. MOTION PASSED.
Page 8 from Mental Health Association of Broward County to South Broward Hospital District - Ms. Wallace declared a conflict on the Mental Health Association and Ms. Pope and Ms. Rupert declared a conflict on the School Board of Broward County. Both items were separated from the vote on the other items on page 8. Ms. Millsaps moved and Ms. Jones seconded to accept the Needs Assessment Committee’s recommendations as presented with the exception of the items listed for the Mental Health Association and the School Board of Broward County. MOTION PASSED. Ms. Millsaps moved and Ms. Jones seconded to accept the Needs Assessment Committee’s recommendation for the item on the School Board of Broward County as presented. Ms. Pope and Ms. Rupert abstained. MOTION PASSED. Ms. Millsaps moved and Ms. Sallarulo seconded to accept the Needs Assessment Committee’s recommendation for the item on the Mental Health Association as presented. Ms. Wallace abstained. MOTION PASSED.
Page 9 for items on United Cerebral Palsy of Broward County - Ms. Millsaps moved and Ms. Gorsuch seconded to accept the Needs Assessment Committee’s recommendations as presented. MOTION PASSED.
Ms. Millsaps reported that at the March CSB meeting, a motion was approved to undertake a review of eligibility criteria used for contracted services under Children’s Services. The CSB Chair asked the Needs Assessment Committee to take on this major undertaking and bring its findings and recommendations for consideration by the CSB. Due to time constraints at the April meeting, it was not possible to initiate a discussion of the approach to be used. Mr. Schevis asked the Needs Assessment Committee to address this item first at its next meeting.
Special Needs Advisory Coalition (SNAC) - Mr. Mayersohn reported that SNAC had convened on April 7, 2016. There were presentations on OCP 2 and the South Florida Wellness Network, a youth and adult peer-run organization that provides a range of services and activities for youth and families affected by behavioral health problems.
Mr. Mayersohn indicated there was a robust discussion about clients who are dually diagnosed with developmental disabilities and behavioral health problems. A number of issues were identified for further discussion including eligibility and funding constraints, identification, assessment, services, staff training and policy and legislation. A SNAC committee will be formed to discuss these areas. Mr. Mayersohn indicated that the next SNAC meeting is scheduled for June 2, 2016.
8. Public Comment / None.
9. Good of the Order / Ms. Sallarulo introduced Ms. Renee Jaffe, the new Chief Executive Officer of the Early Learning Coalition of Broward County (ELC). Ms. Jaffe commented that she is looking forward to working with the CSB. Mr. Schevis indicated that he will ask Ms. Jaffe back to provide a future update on child care issues.
Mr. Smith distributed a list that he had prepared of possible needs for future funding. He indicated that he would like CSB members to add to or revise it. He hoped that it would be used to spur further discussion of areas for new or additional funding. Mr. Schevis asked staff to send it to the full CSB.
Mr. Smith also distributed a flyer about an event at Tomorrow’s Rainbow. Ms. Gorsuch announced that April is Child Abuse Prevention Month. Ms. Wells commented that April 26 is Denim Day, which is designed to raise awareness of sexual violence. / After CSB meeting / L. Raybin
10. Adjourn- ment / The meeting was adjourned at 11:05 a.m.
The next meeting of the Children’s Services Advisory Board is scheduled for May 20, 2016.

These minutes were approved at the Children’s Services Advisory Board meeting dated May 20, 2016, as certified by