Proposal narratives must use at least 12-point font and 1-inch margins and should be no more than 11 pages in length, including cover sheet, narrative,project work plan and budget. Tables (such as workplans and budgets) that are included in the narrative may use 11-point font and half-inch margins.

  1. PROJECT SUMMARY: (5 points)

Briefly describe the project, goals and objectives, the amount being requested and outline major partners and collaborators. half page.

  1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: (80 total points)

Provide a comprehensive description of the project, the goals and activities to be undertaken and how these are realistic and measurable using the following guidelines:

Project need: (10 pts)

  • Describe your understanding of the barriers to congregations participating in environmental and climate action initiatives, both in their operations and engagement on these issues with congregants.

goals and objectives: (15pts)

  • Describe the goals and objectives of the project and show how they support SF Carbon Fund goals, the City’s Climate and Resiliency goals and Mayor Ed Lee’s commitment to shared prosperity.
  • Based on your understanding of the target audience, give examples of specific City environmental programs and resources that will likely be leveraged for the purpose of this project.

carbon reduction and engagement: (30 pts)

  • Describehow you will create the tool to help congregations and other organizations generate a technically sound and comprehensive assessment of their emissions and areas for improvement.
  • Describe how you will promote use of the tool beyond those congregations targeted through this project.
  • Describe how you will create a formal commitment process and reporting/tracking mechanism for Low Carbon Congregations.
  • Describe how you will create a low carbon roadmap with congregation specific actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and achieve other co-benefits (e.g., climate resilience).
  • Describe how you will ensure that targeted Low Carbon Congregations implement activities and projects that result in measurable carbon emission reductions.
  • Describe how you will help organizations engage with their congregants and others on climate action.
  • Describe how you would ensure coordination with City staff in helping congregations access existing resources.

project evaluation: (10 pts)

Describe how you will track and assess Low Carbon Congregations’ actions toward reducing carbon (e.g. energy savings and reductions, zero waste tons that will be diverted from landfill, etc) after implementing specific actions.

workplan(15 pts)

Using the Workplan format provided

  • Show that the project is well thought-out and includes milestones and deliverables in a feasible timeline.
  • Describe program activities or major tasks (services engaged in and provided to achieve deliverables and goals). Major tasks should include sub-tasks and performance metrics necessary to evaluate project effectiveness.
  • Specify who will be responsible for each task (e.g. Project Manager, Subcontractor, Outreach worker,etc).
    Work plans must include reporting, mandatory grantee meetings and project evaluation. Add additional rows and pages to the workplan template as needed. Specify the dollar amount from your budget that will be allocated to the tasks in each quarter and provide a quarterly total.
  1. QUALIFICATIONS: (20pts)
  • Briefly describe the history and mission of your organization
  • Describe your previous experience working with faith-based organizations
  • Describe the qualifications of your organization, partner organizations and key team members including technical, communication, outreach, and capacity building qualifications, and describe their ability to achieve the goals of the project.
  • Clearly articulate the role of each project partner and their experience/expertise related to the activities they are responsible for.
  • Describe successful management of similar grants and projects, particularly those related to working with faith based organizations and what lessons were learned.
  1. BUDGET : (15 pts)
  • Provide description of each line item in the budget on the budget document.
  • Describe how the proposed project leverages other resources and funding.

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