School Community Council Meeting Minutes – May 11, 2016
Members Present:
Krystle Rawson, Audree Cornet, Kitena Hill, Heidi Willmek, Brenna Kampen, Carol Venn, Tricia Morton, Jason Chambers, Robert Dewey, Kim Hawken, Mike deConinck Smith, Chantelle DeConinck Smith, Rebecca Siemens, Carolyn Siemens.
Others Present:
Janet Dewey
1. Welcome and Introductions
- The meeting was called to order by Tricia Morton at 7:37pm
2. Adoption of the Agenda and reading of March 2 minutes.
- Adopted as read by Krystle Rawson, Seconded by Kim Hawken – all in favor.
3. Treasurer’s Report
- Treasurers report read by Audree.
- Total Balance: $ 29313.57
- Fundraising: $126.00
- Grant: $1879.94
- Playground: 27307.63
- Need to pay for notebooks $160.02
- Raffle savings account had been setup as no fees however was charged $47 in service fees. Received credit back of $41. If we use this account in the future, use transfers from chequing to savings. If we deposit directly to this account there will be fees.
Krystle / THAT the Treasurer’s Report be adopted as presented.
Krystle / THAT the raffle account be kept open for future raffles.
Brenna / THAT the Kim Hawken will be new treasurer effective immediately for D’Arcy SCC bank accounts and changes include signing authority, email and contact info at the bank.
4. Principal’s Report
- Had a goal of reading this year with focus on retelling and comprehension.
- Need to finish annual summary.
- Kids have improved in vocabulary from 2.4 to 4 out of 5.5 rubric. They are reading harder material and have gone from a 2.73 to a 4.2 on comprehension.
- Trends: improving vocabulary and blended learning.
- Strengths: know story parts.
- Improvement: Inferring, synthesizing, summarizing, study skills, coping skills.
- Goal for next year of writing with a personal goal of math in background as well as coping skills – leader and me.
- Jason will fill in A3 and email to SCC.
- Our School Survey – only 5 people have done them.
- At May 10 workshop there was presentation that demonstrated apps that will give out your location. Also one called Famingo that will only allow kids to open approved apps.
- Mental Health – big focus.
- Power School – free app you can log in and look at report cards etc.
Teachers Report: Kitena Hill
- Added to morning routine.
- Sing Oh Canada, yoga and am calm, then a morning song.
- Recess – kids friendly and engaged in continuous play.
5. Old Business
5.1 Updates on SCC Events
5.1.1 Playground Equipment
- Has been ordered. 9 pieces: Apollo, u swing, monkey bars, 2 picnic tables (1 as gift for large order from manufacturer) bench, aluminum bleachers, digger, rock climbing wall.
- Now we just need to decide on layout. This will be done by school division.
- Would like to have playground in place by beginning of school year.
- Have a couple drivers willing to pick up equipment, Curtis Sehn and Kelly Hawken.
- Nathaniel Burlando to donate use of backhoe.
- Parker Friedlund with augur for holes needed in ground.
- Wiseton redimix for cement.
- Snow fence will be needed to put around Apollo while curing – 2 day installation and needs group of 10 people.
- Name plates for donated items – Tricia will follow up with Krista Walsh.
Brenna / THAT the SCC buy 3 picnic tables from Costco.
5.1.2 Friends of D’Arcy name plates
- Gifts are all done, will be handed out at School Out picnic.
- Rebecca, Brenna and Kim to give receipts. Spent $600. Picnic to be on June 24 headed up by SCC with grand and awards at 6pm.
Brenna / THAT the SCC will purchase notepads for literacy day 2016 with a working budget of $220 to cover costs
Heidi / THAT the SCC agrees to purchase the climbing wall, picnic table, and digger as additional pieces to the original quote from prairie playscapes – Blue Imp.
Mike / THAT the SCC will agrees to use the remaining funds in the fundraising account to purchase sand toys, tug of war rope, portable Costco picnic tables, and engraved nameplates for the specifically donated equipment pieces.
Chantelle / THAT the SCC agrees on the color of the Apollo to reflect our school colors: dragon tail (webbing) which is a blend of alternating blue and yellow rope and blue painted frame.
Kim / THAT the SCC agrees That each piece of the playground equipment (not including the Apollo) on order from Prairie Playscapes be primarily blue, secondary yellow and if a third combination is required then the tertiary colour will be red.
6. New Business
6.1 Babysitters
- Chantelle will as Thyra and Theron if they would like to babysit during SCC meetings when needed.
6.2 Earlier start time
- Does not work for most members so start time will remain at 7:30pm
6.3 May 10 in-service.
- See principal’s report.
6.4 Schedule of future SCC meetings.
- 2nd Wednesday of each month with no meetings held in June, July, August or December.
- Meetings on:
- September 14
- October 12
- November 9
- January 18
- February 8
- March 8
- April 12 (AGM)
- May 10
6.5 Costco tables
- See playground update.
6.6 Events for the year
- June 24 – School’s out picnic- Lead: Chantelle. Budget of $1000
- October 13 – Welcome to school/Open house/Grand opening of Playground – Lead: Tricia. Budget of $2000.00
- 2 events to support writing goal. 1- November and 1- Feb/March. Dates to be announced. – Lead: Heidi. Budget of $500.00
- Send out email and paper letter to ask for parent volunteers and respond by email paper or text.
- Annual Fundraiser. Leads: Brenna/Krystle
- Bottle Drive: Brenna
- School Clothing: Heidi
Krystle / THAT the SCC go ahead with the events listed above.
6.9 New BBQ
- Robert Dewey will purchase a new BBQ and donate to the school.
7. Date of Next Meeting – September 14, 2016 at 7:30pm
8. Adjournment
- Carolyn adjourned meeting at 9:30pm