Name ______Date______

Mrs. ChildsBook Log

Finished Book Log Entry

(Use only if you have finished reading allof the pages in your book!)

Directions: Use the questions below to clarify your understanding of and to respond to your independent reading book. Reflect on each question before answering. You must write your answers in complete sentences.

In addition, chooseone of the extended responses at the end of this form. You must write a two or more paragraphs answer to the prompt on the lines provided.

Note: You must use grammatically correct sentences, proper punctuation and accurate spelling in all of your responses.

Optional: If you should decide to type your entry, you will receive 10 points extra credit.

Novel Title(Underline)______


Genre (Category)______

Number of Pages in the Book______

Number of Pages Read During This Cycle______

Elements of the Novel (Don’t forget to use complete sentences (i.e. subject, verb, capitalization and end punctuation.)

1. Who was the protagonist (main character) in the book?______


2. What kind of person is the protagonist? Describe him or her in 2-3 sentences.




3. What evidence from the book supports my opinion of the protagonist?_____




4. Explain the main conflict that the main character faces?______




5. What other important characters are involved in the conflict?______


6. What is the climax of the book?______




7. How is the conflict resolved at the end of the novel?______




8. What is the setting of the story? (Where and when does it take place?)_____


9. What is the theme, or message, that the author wants to leave the reader

thinking about discussed in the book?______



10. Who tells the story—an outside observer (third person) or a character in the

story (first person)?______


11. In a sentence using one or two adjectives, how would you describe the mood

of the story?______


12. Would you recommend this novel to a friend? Why?/Why not?______



Response to the Novel

Rate this book by circling the appropriate word.

13. The characters and dialogue were believable.weakfairstrong

14. The plot engaged your interest.weakfairstrong

15. The novel was written in a style that was clear weakfairstrong

and interesting.

16. Overall, you would rate this book as:weakfairstrong

What are the reasons for your overall rating?______




Readers Response JournalDirections: You must respond to one of the following prompts on the lines provided. Your response should be no less than two paragraphs containing at least five complete sentences each.

A. Is there a character in the novel that you have strong feelings about? Explain your feelings. Does this character remind you of someone you know? If so, in what way? Did your feelings about this character change as the story progressed? Why?/Why not?

B. Is there one event in this novel that was surprising or confusing? If so, write a mini-letter to the author expressing your thoughts. (Don’t forget the greeting and closing,)

Circle the letter of the prompt that you are responding to: A or B.

Write your response here:______


















Name ______Date______

Mrs. Childs Book Log

Unfinished Book Log Entry

(Use only if youhavenot finished reading all of the pages in your book!)

Directions: Use the questions below to clarify your understanding of and to respond to your independent reading book. Reflect on each question before answering. You must write your answers in complete sentences.

You must also write a four-paragraph summary of what has happened in your book so far at the end of this entry. Use the space and lines provided at the end of this form.

Note: You must use grammatically correct sentences, proper punctuation and accurate spelling in all of your responses.

Optional: If you should decide to type your entry, you will receive 10 points extra credit.

Novel title(Underline)______



Number of Pages in the Book______

Number of Pages Read During This Cycle______

(Do not include pages that were previously counted.)

Elements of the Novel (Don’t forget to use complete sentences i.e. subject, verb, capitalization, end punctuation.)

1. Who is the protagonist (main character) in the book?______


2. What kind of person is the protagonist? Describe him or her in 2-3 sentences.




3. What evidence from the book supports my opinion of the protagonist?___




4. Explain the main conflict that the main character faces?______





5. What other important characters are involved in the conflict?______


6. What is the setting of the story? (Where and when does it take place?)_____


7. What is the theme, or message, that the author wants to leave the reader

thinking about in the book?______


8. Who tells the story—an outside observer (third person) or a character in the

story (first person)?______


9. In a sentence using one or two adjectives, how would you describe the mood of

the story so far?______



Response to the Novel

Rate this book by circling the appropriate word.

10. The characters and dialogue are believable.weakfairstrong

11. The plot engages your interest.weakfairstrong

12. The novel is written in a style that is clear weakfairstrong

and interesting.

Plot Summary: Onthe lines provided, write a four-paragraph summary about what has happened in the book that you have been reading. (Don’t forget to indent your paragraphs!)




Mrs. ChildsGrades 7 & 8

English 2009-2010 School Year

Dear Students,

Welcome back to school! I hope that your summer was an enjoyable one and that you are prepared for the productive year ahead. This packet contains everything that you need to know about what we will be doing this year (meaning it is VERY IMPORTANT—DO NOT LOSE IT!).

In it is the following information: required supplies, methods of evaluation, grading policy, classroom guidelines, expectations, (behavior and academic), and book log requirements and deadlines. After we have gone over it in class and all of your questions have been answered, you are required to take it home to have it reviewed and signed by your parent or guardian. This will be your first homework assignment; it will be worth five points.

Note: The New York State English Language Arts Examination for 7th and 8th grade will take place in January (days to be announced). Daily instruction will consistently utilize techniques and strategies to reach and/or exceed the ELA standards on the examinations.

PART I: Required Supplies

Three-ring binder

Five dividers labeled the following way:

  • Writing
  • Journal
  • Book Log Entries
  • Vocabulary
  • Literature



PART II: Methods of Evaluation

You will be evaluated in a number of varied ways:

Participation in class (5%)

Checkmarks (5%)

Independent Reading Behavior and Preparedness (10%)

Classwork (10%)

Homework (10%)

Papers/Essays (15%)

Tests/Quizzes (20%)

Book Log Entries (25%)

Your quarterly average will reflect your performance on everything that is listed.

PART III: Grading Policy

You are responsible for handing your work in on time and for completing assignments to the best of your abilities. You will lose 10% credit for everyday that you are late handing in an assignment. I also reserve the right to have you redo an assignment anytime that it is not of good quality (meaning it was inaccurate, did not follow directions, illegible etc.)

In addition, cheating will not be tolerated. Any attempt to submit work that is not your own will result in a zero.

PART IV: Classroom Guidelines

The following is a list of guidelines that have been established so that the classroom can maintain both a respectful and productive atmosphere.

1. Follow the teacher’s instructions the first time that they are given.

This means:

  • You look at the teacher when she is speaking.
  • You complete the task that your teacher has told you to do.

2. Take responsibility for your own learning.

This means:

You arrive to class on time.

You are prepared and have all of the necessary materials for class.

You demonstrate a mature and positive attitude.

Your homework is carefully and thoughtfully completed and on time.

You complete your own work and do not engage in cheating.

3. Settle differences in a peaceful manner.

This means:

  • You do not engage in fights, either verbal or physical.
  • You do not bully or tease others.

4. You are considerate of the needs, feelings, space and property of others.

This means:

You ask permission to borrow things from others.

You ask the teacher’s permission before you remove anything from the teacher’s desk, tables, or cupboards.

You use appropriate language (no swearing, name-calling, etc.)

You help one another and are well mannered.

You are polite and courteous to the teacher.

5. You move safely throughout the room.

This means:

  • You walk in a calm and orderly fashion.
  • You are in your assigned seat before the bell rings, and at the conclusion of class, you stay in your seat and wait to be dismissed by your teacher.

PART V: Behavior/Academic Policy

If you should decide not to abide by the classroom guidelines, then I want you to be aware of the following consequences:

For anytime that you violate any of the classroom rules, you will be given a checkmark.

After you have received a third checkmark, you will be assigned an after-school detention with me, during which time you will write an essay. Detention will start promptly at 2:55 P.M. (If you enter past that point, you will be considered late and will have to make up the time.) In addition to serving detention, your parents will also be called.

Failure to serve your detention will result in a disciplinary write-up, a call home from the principal’s office and principal’s detention.

(If need be, I reserve the right to have you removed from the classroom in addition to filling out an immediate disciplinary write-up should the situation call for it.)

For those students who make it through the quarter without any checkmarks, then in addition to a higher grade, they will also receive a book log pass to be used for any date of their choosing.

PART VI: Required Reading

You will be required to read a total of 25 books(3750 pages)throughoutthe course of the school year. (This includes your summer reading book and the books that we read in class throughout the year.) In addition to the reading, you must complete book log entries using the forms and the deadlines provided.

If you should choose to take advantage of anything in my classroom library, which I encourage you to do, the following procedure must be followed:

1. During independent reading time (the first 5-15 minutes of class) you must ask for permission to take a book from the classroom library. This book will go home with you for reading at home and be brought back to school for independent reading time.

2. I will sign you out for the book on my list.

3. When you are finished with the book, youwill show it to me first, put it back, and then you may choose to sign out another book.

(NOTE: You are responsible for my borrowed book until I see you return it and check it off on my list.)

PART VII: Book Log Entries & Schedule

You will be required to complete 16 Book Log Entries throughout the course of the school year. You must use one of the two forms provided, depending on whether or not you have finished reading your book.

NOTE: Prizes will be awarded at the end of the year for the English department’s top readers!

I have read and understand what is expected of me.

Student Signature______

I have read and understand what is expected of my son/daughter.

Parent Signature______

Book Log Schedule

For the 2009-2010 School Year

September 4th, 2009- Summer Book Report (in class)

September 18th, 2009- Book Log Entry #1

October 2nd, 2009- Book LogEntry #2

October 16th, 2009- Book LogEntry #3

October 30th, 2009- Book LogEntry #4

November 20th, 2009- Book LogEntry #5

December 11th, 2009- Book LogEntry #6

January 11th, 2010- Book LogEntry #7

January 22nd, 2010- Book LogEntry #8

February 12th, 2010- Book LogEntry #9

March 5th, 2010- Book LogEntry #10

March 26th, 2010- Book LogEntry #11

April 16th, 2010- Book LogEntry #12

May 7th, 2010- Book LogEntry #13

May 21st, 2010- Book LogEntry #14

June 11th, 2010- Book LogEntry #15

Note: Extra-credit book log entries will always be accepted on any given day.