Council Rock High School South
Accelerated 10 English
Ms. Karen Winski
(215) 944-1151
Required Materials:
2 Copybooks
Required Texts
A. Classroom Procedures and Policies
1. Behavior
o There will be a general respect for anyone and everyone who enters this classroom (i.e. watch language, courteous, no toleration of disrespect).
o Specific routines and guidelines outlined in this syllabus (as well as any added throughout the year) are to be followed. There will be immediate consequences for failure to follow classroom rules (i.e. meeting with me after class/after school, calls home, referrals, etc.).
o Those who choose to disrespect the rules will be addressed with more serious consequences.
2. Day to Day Routine
o Enter the classroom prepared and on time!!!!! Consistent lateness will result in the consequences listed above.
o Each day, there will be a journal activity each student will complete prior to the day’s lesson.
** Each student will be required to purchase a journal (copybook) to record their daily activity. This will be separate from a copybook used for note taking and brought to class each day. It will also be collected randomly throughout the year to be graded.
o Daily activities could range from journal questions to brainteasers and should take 1-5 minutes to complete. In regards to journaling, please feel free to say what you want, but do be mindful of content and language (CARES referrals).
3. Homework
o Nightly assignments will either be written on the board or assigned orally. When large assignments are given, handouts will be provided listing the details and requirements.
o When homework is given, students will need to place it in the designated folder located at the front of the classroom prior to the day’s lesson. These assignments will be graded/checked for completion.
4. Absences and Making Up Work
o Students are expected to make up work they have missed when absent.
o I will take roll each day to see who is absent.
o If there are any handouts, extra copies will be set aside for absent students. HOWEVER, IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO FIND OUT WHAT YOU MISSED AND TO RETRIEVE THE MATERIALS.
o If homework or a paper was due the day of your absence, it is expected to be handed in the day of your return. Failure to do this will result in a zero (0) for this assignment.
o If a test was given on the day of an absence, the student will be expected to come to class prepared to take the test.
o Frequent absences will result in a conference with me or a call home.
5. Bathroom Procedures
o Students will be expected to excuse themselves quickly and quietly from the classroom, sign out in the bathroom log, take a hall pass, and return to the classroom the same way without disturbing the lesson or fellow students.
o Students who abuse this privilege by making frequent and regular bathroom visits will be asked to conference with me about their bathroom situation. If this behavior persists, the student will then lose all bathroom privileges.
6. Cell Phone Policy
o Cell phones must be turned off during class.
o Any cell phone used during class will be confiscated by me and appropriate disciplinary actions will be taken.
o This policy will be enforced.
B. Assignments and Course Work
1. Course Work
o All assignments will be given with plenty of time for completion. Large assignments (i.e. research papers/projects) will start off with an explanation of all requirements and due date(s) with the help of a handout listing all guidelines.
o Reading assignments will be given most frequently. Students are expected to complete the readings at home and follow along in class.
o Some of the things we are doing this year are:
o Catcher in the Rye
o Tale of Two Cities
o Fahrenheit 451
o My Antonia
o Julius Caesar
o Short Stories
o Poetry
o Grammar
o I-Search Paper
o Blue Books
o Expository and Creative Writings (6)
o Vocabulary (Chapters 1-15)
2. Participation
o Students are encouraged to participate in classroom discussions and questions as frequent and as much as possible.
o I will only round up grades significantly if you have shown a consistent effort in doing the work and actively make contributions to the class within the marking period.
3. Grading System
o Point System
o Literature 75%
o Vocabulary 25%
o The percentages listed above will vary depending upon the marking period of your I-Search paper and for the final exam.
o Basic Rules When Receiving Grades:
o You will receive grades back as soon as possible.
o Do not discuss grades within this classroom.
o If you have a question/concern about a grade(s), I will have conferences with you ONLY AFTER SCHOOL! I will always be around school until at least 3:00 p.m. in the English IPC.
If you understand and agree to all of the above information, please indicate this by signing the line below. If you have any questions/concerns about anything in this syllabus, do not hesitate to discuss these with me.
Name Date
**This syllabus should always be in your journal/copybook to refer to if needed.
Council Rock School District strongly encourages parents to survey the outstanding collection of challenging literature contained within our program. Much of the content presents important and complex ideas that encourage critical thinking. Any connection discussed in class is made that much stronger by the conversation and connections that are made at home. We invite you to discuss any of the elements of our courses with your child’s teacher.