STORYBOARD – ‘Financial Truth”

Personal savings in America is at a four year low.
29% of Americans have savings less than $1,000
56% of Americans have savings less than $25,000
97% of Baby boomers have not saved enough for their retirement
55% of Americans did not save..
One penny last year.
This year… / .
American personal debt is near an all time high.
Americans have $772 billion in outstanding credit card balances. / .
Over 2.32 Million Americans applying for a mortgage were rejected.
The average student graduates from college with $23,186 in debt. / .
College graduates collectively owe more than $1,000,000,000,000 on student loans.
Last Year… / .
More Americans filed for bankruptcy
than graduated college. / .
More Americans filed for bankruptcy than filed for divorce.
42% of America lives from paycheck to paycheck / .
55% of Americans spend more than their annual income
10,000 Baby Boomers will turn 65 years old today and every day for the next 18 years. / .
34% of adults say they have no money saved for retirement
58% have not calculated their retirement needs / .
33% of retired Americans rely almost entirely on Social Security payments alone.
Social Security (if still around) will provide annual income of approx. $26,000 / .
The U.S Poverty Line for a family of 4: $22,300
62% will retire with Less Than $25,000 / .
Another 35% will retire with Less Than $100,000
Only 2% have an adequate pension or retirement account. / .
What can you (I, We) do?
We’ve faced BIG challenges before: / .
·  World Wars
·  Great Depression
·  .Com bubble burst
·  9.11 Terrorism
·  2008 Meltdown
We always survive and grow stronger / .
Now is no different
It’s Time
Take responsibility / .
Claim your financial Independence
This is how you (I, We) do it / .
Need Vs. Want
Make a Budget, live by it / .
Save 15% of every paycheck
Pay off credit cards every month
Take advantage of employer 401K matching plans / .
Work with a trusted financial advisor
Use the web to monitor and track all your accounts
Adjust and Revise along the way / .
Take charge of your money
·  Save
·  Invest
·  Protect
·  Grow
·  Succeed
Financial Truth

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