UNIT: Developing Concepts and Skills 2.

UNIT OBJECTIVE:Demonstrate movement techniques that demonstrate an understanding of how to acquire skills.

DEEPER MEANING:Developing controlled, coordinated and efficient movement specific to dance, swimming, gymnastics and other sports thatpromotes active participation, increases health benefits andenhances future healthy lifestyle options.

ELEMENTS / Descriptors
A / B / C / D / E
The student work demonstrates evidence of:
Knowledge and
Understanding / Comprehensive understanding and consistent demonstration of efficient sports specific techniquesthat demonstrates the capacity to acquire new skills or refine previous skills. / Thorough understanding and demonstration of mostly efficient sports specific techniques that demonstrates the capacity to acquire new skills or refine previous skills. / Satisfactory understanding and demonstration of generally efficient sports specific techniquesthat demonstrates the capacity to acquire new skills or refine previous skills. / Variable understanding and demonstration of occasionally efficient sports specific techniques that demonstrates the capacity to acquire new skills or refine previous skills. / Rudimentary understanding and demonstration of inconsistent sports specific techniques
and applying / Insightful and accurate application of sports specific skills that maximises performance in a range of selected activities / Effective application of sports specific skills that maximises performance in a range of selected activities / Appropriate application of sports specific skills that maximises performance in a range of selected activities / Variable application of sports specific skills that maximises performance in a range of selected activities / Minimal application of sports specific skills that maximises performance in a range of selected activities
Reflecting / Perceptive use of feedback, resulting in substantial improvement / Informed reflection on feedback,resulting in obvious improvement / Relevant reflection on feedback, resulting in some improvement / Superficial reflection on feedback, resulting in minor improvement. / Cursory use of feedback


UNIT:Developing concepts and skills for physical activity 1

UNIT OBJECTIVE: Demonstrate movement techniques that demonstrate an understanding of how to acquire skills.

To develop controlled, coordinated and efficient movement specific to dance, swimming, gymnastics and other sports that promotes active participation, increases health benefits and enhances future healthy lifestyle options.

UNIT CONTENT:You will be required to implement and apply your knowledge to completea task.

Declarative Knowledge(concepts you need to know) / Procedural Knowledge(skills and processes you need to be able to use and demonstrate)
SUB-ROUTINES – components or phases of selected track and field event
FEEDBACK – recognizing and utilizing the different feedback they received in developing technique
STAGES OF LEARNING Cognitive and Associative - understanding of importance of having a clear understanding of the skill and of practice.
MOVEMENT SKILLS and MOTOR PLAN –establishing an effective motor plan by manipulating basic skills / LOCOMOTOR MOVEMENT SKILLS –
  • Manipulating locomotive skills previously learnt to produce fluent, sequential and effective movement patterns. These locomotive skills may include the elements of flight, rotations, spring, landing and walking patterns
  • Manipulating locomotive skills to music
  • Manipulating skills previously learnt to maximize performance in a different environment


Persisting (Stick at it):For the acquisition of all skills maintaining motivation and cognitive effort are necessary.

Applying past knowledge to new situations:(Think about what you can already do well and what extra you need to do to accommodate the different environment or equipment)

ASSESSMENT TASK: Your assessment is organised into two related elements:

  • Knowledge and understanding: Yourtechnical performance ofthe selected skills
  • Ways of Working: How well you can apply these skills in an authentic environment. E.G. Gymnastics routine, Dance, Sport or modified game.