MPE Weekly Update
Apr16, 2014
Our famous mom's night out fundraiser is almost here. You can't miss it! Come support our school and our kids while having a great time with your friends and enjoying food and drinks. Tickets for The Bash are on sale now! Be sure to register early to take advantage of the Presale Package. Clickhere for the order form. Please contact Kara Baltuch: r Rebecca Diamond: ith any questions. We have amazing prizes you won't want to miss. Some of our prizes include:
Tickets to the Nederlander Theater and a night at the Omni Hotel
4 Park Hoppers to Disney
Dinner at Boloud Sud and a night at the Omni Hotel
$500 Gift card to The Short Hills Mall
Mini iPad
Sehpora Gift Certificate
Soul Cycle Classes
Teeth Whitening
Clarins products
Town Pool Membership
In addition help your child's class win a pizza party! All you need to do is sign up and come to The Bash. The class with the highest percentage of mom's attending The Bash will win their class a pizza party! Come support our school and our kids while having a great time. All proceeds go directly back to your kids and our school! Show your support, don't miss it!!
ASE - Don't miss out on these great classes. We still have a space in a few Afterschool Enrichment classes! Extend your child's day while they have a great time with their friends! Sign up for Creative Clay on Tuesdays ($136) and Tennis on Wednesdays ($152). We still have room for a few more. If you missed registration but are still interested in enrolling your child, please contact Sarah Aronow (201-452-3204) no later than Thursday April 17th. Classes start the week of April 21.
You can purchase a DVD of the entire MPE School Show and relive the fun memories! Click here to order online. DVD’s are on sale until April 16th. If you have any questions please contact
Earth Day 2014 is fast approaching (April 22nd) and to recognize this special day, MPE’s PTA is sponsoring a contest for students. The contest challenges students to demonstrate their understanding of Earth Day through artistic and written expression. Students are asked to answer the question WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE GREEN? Please see the attached flyer for detailedinformation on the essay and the 3D art contest options, and if you have any questions,please email Stacey Rubinstein, Environmental Chair, at .
Children’s Author/Illustrator David Biedrzycki is coming to MPE on May 30, 2013
He is the author of Me and My Dragon, the Ace Lacewing: Bug Detective series, as well as Who Will Guide My Sleigh Tonight and the Dory Storyamong others. Stay tuned as order forms will be sent home soon.
May 23rd, MPE spirit day, is approaching quickly! If you haven't already done so make sure to get your school apparel! Please contact Susan Shangold at or Suzanne Aronson at for available sizes. Click herefor the apparel order form with fantastic merchandise.
FIELD DAY VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!!!!- TUESDAY JUNE 3rd- PLEASE COME HELP OUT & SEE YOUR CHILDREN IN ACTION. Field Day is a great day where all grades spend the morning outdoors moving through various age appropriate stations cheering each other on. There are 2 shifts, 8:45-10:15, and 10:00- 11:15. Pick one or sign up for both! We need parent volunteers to help out at each station to make this event a tremendous success. Click here to volunteer.
Any questions, please contact Leslie Levitt or Paige Hershkin
Join the MPE PTA Executive Board! Here is your chance to get involved and make a difference in your child(ren)'s school!
The following positions are available on the 2014-2015 board - all positions are for a 2 year term:
5 Vice Presidents
To apply for a position, please send an email letter to the Nominating Committee chairperson, Jodi Eisner, () listing previous PTA involvement and the reasons why you are interested in serving on the Executive Board.
Being on the Executive Board is a fulfilling and rewarding experience. We hope that you will consider this opportunity and choose to get involved!
Executive Board - MPMS 2014-2015
· Nominations for the MPMS Executive Board 2014 - 2015 will be accepted till April 11th 2014
· You can nominate yourself for a position on the board if you want to be considered.
· Please contact Michelle Peters (). or Jill Diamond () with any questions.
· The following positions need to be filled (descriptions of the various positions are described below)
· 2 Co-Presidents
· 1 Treasurer
· 2 VP Membership
· 2 VP Programming
· 2 VP Fundraising
· 1 Corresponding Secretary
· 1 Recording Secretary
· 1 Website Manager
As Co-Presidents, you have the responsibility of overseeing the monthly HSA meetings, putting together the HSA calendar, attending PT council, Superintendent and Administrative meetings which are monthly. In some instances there are 2 per month. Usually both Co-Presidents attend but if you want to take turns that is something you will need to work out. Sending out the weekly eblasts, helping the treasurer put together the HSA budget, Overseeing all the VP's and working with Fundraising through-out the entire year.
Treasurer - Responsible for receipt and payment of all monies - creating and maintaining the budget, banking duties on a regular basis.
Recording Secretary - Takes the minutes and emails it to everyone for approval
Corresponding Secretary - receiving and reporting on all correspondence on behalf of the HSA
VP Fundraising - responsible for overseeing the toolkit fundraiser, basket bazaar and all other possible fundraising events!
VP Programming - Help with Fundraising Committees as well as run Activity Night for students and the Teacher Appreciation breakfasts (3 during the school year)
VP Membership - Responsible for the Buzz Book and PTA membership and dues.
Web Manager - Creates the HSA page on the MPMS website and updates and maintains it throughout the year when new information needs to be shared.
For up to date PTA information please check the MPE PTA school website.
MPE Reminder - Mark your calendars!
Apr 16 – Last day to order a school show DVD
Apr 21 – Last day for Bash presale ticket package
Apr 22 – Earth Day Contest entries due
Apr 24 – The Bash
May 23 – School Spirit day
May 30 – Auther David Biedrzycki visit
Jun 3 – Field day