How did Europe survive the fall of the Roman Empire and end up at the Renaissance?

Honor Code Level 2

Purpose: You will be using the readings (primary and secondary), charts and movies we have studied covering the Middle Ages to trace the transformation of Europe from the fall of the Roman Empire (approximately 500 CE) to the beginning of the Renaissance (approximately 1500 CE). You will need to clearly show the progression between each person, idea, belief, innovation, conflict, etc. to explain how Europe transformed during this time.


  • You will be working with a group of 4.
  • At least 12pieces of historical evidence must be used (historical events, terms, people, etc.).
  • Utilize evidence from multiple readings and elements of medieval life in your work (i.e. social, political, economic, cultural, religious, etc.)
  • Assignment is due on Thursday, December 12.
  • Whether visually, or with words your work should EXPLAIN all of your connections and prove that you understand the terms/concepts/events that you included on your chart. However, this is also meant to be a SUMMARY. You want to prove that you understand the idea and its connection to the greater history of the time, without including everything the internet has to say on the topic.
  • Think about showing relationships between events and cause and effect.


Your group will get a large piece of butcher paper in order to express your answer the question above. You may organize your work in any manner, but I need to be able to follow your logic! USE THE WORK THAT YOU COMPLETED IN THIS UNIT TO HELP YOU!

Readings/Assignments for Reference:

  • Chaucer notes and background
  • The Canterbury Tales
  • Middle Ages articles
  • Middle Ages articles note charts
  • Life in the Middle Ages paragraphs
  • Christianity in the Middle Ages notes
  • Crusades primary sources
  • The Dark Ages…Crash Course in World History #14 video
  • The Decameron reading and questions/quotations
  • The Black Death movie notes
  • Introduction to the Renaissance and Humanism textbook notes


Advanced Proficient (4) / Proficient (3) / Partially Proficient (2) / Unsatisfactory (1/0)
All written and artistic elements of the assignment are of a consistently high quality. Superior depth of understanding is demonstrated by consistent use of examples, sophisticated explanations and interpretations, critical and insightful points-of-view, and the ability to deeply consider how one’s own perspective was shaped. / Most of the written and artistic elements of the assignment are of high quality. Solid depth of understanding is demonstrated by use of examples, grade-level explanations and interpretations, critical points-of-view, and the ability to consider how one’s own perspective was shaped. / Detail is missing in the written and artistic elements of the assignment that were submitted. Some depth of understanding is attempted but incomplete. Explanations and interpretations are only attempted in a cursory fashion. Student struggles to consider how his/her perspective was shaped. / Student competence is not yet known or is inadequate. Minimal demonstration of understanding is presented by the student. Most work is incomplete and/or missing. Evidence of learning is unable to be determined.


After the fall of the Roman Empire, the political structure of Europe revolved around a strict class structure known as feudalism. Under this system people received protection from the nobles and knights that owned and guarded the land, and in return worked the land and provided services for the nobility. This system lasted for generations until it was gradually broken down by the social upheavals caused by the fighting of the Crusades and the devastation of the Black Plague.

**Obviously, the final example does not include the correct content, but gives an idea of how to structure your thoughts and examples; HOWEVER, MAKE SURE YOU EXPLAIN EVERY DETAIL ON YOUR WEB!**