Fever itself is not a disease. It is a sign that accompanies a variety of diseases. The normal body temperature varies in a daily cycle with the low point (97.6 F) in the morning and the high point (100 F) in the late afternoon and evening. The so-called “normal temperature” of 98.6 F is the average for the normal daily range. Some children may register a temperature reading which is “below normal”. This is nothing to worry about in an older child who has no other symptoms.

Fever is defined as an oral temperature of 100.3 F (38.0 C) or higher, or a rectal temperature of 101.0 F (38.4 C) or higher.

Newborn babies up to the age of 8 weeks should not have a fever. If they do, it may be the sign of a serious infection. In addition, newborn babies can have an infection without fever, especially if they are feeding poorly, irritable, or more lethargic than usual. If your newborn has a temperature of 100.3 F or greater, or has any of the above symptoms, call us immediately.

It must be understood that fever alone does not cause brain damage. To do so, a fever must be over 106 F, and damage is rare with fevers of less than 107 F.

Do not try to decide whether a child has fever by feeling the forehead. Skin temperature is not a reliable indicator of actual body temperature. Always confirm the temperature with a thermometer. Digital thermometers are accurate and inexpensive. They can be used to take oral, axillary (under the arm) and rectal temperatures. When using a digital thermometer, keep the control button set on the “oral” indicator, regardless of where the temperature is obtained. Fever strips are inaccurate and should not be used. Glass thermometers are filled with mercury. If broken, the small amount of mercury spilled may cause an environmental hazard. Therefore, they should no longer to used.

Fever Management

1.To reduce fever, give your child:

a. [ ] Infants’ Tylenol Concentrated Drops _____ ml. every 4 to 6 hours.

(80 mg. per 0.8 ml.)

b. [ ] Children’s Tylenol Suspension Liquid & Elixir _____ ml. every 4 to 6 hours.

(160 mg. per 5 ml.)

c. [ ] Infant Advil Drops or Infant Motrin Concentrated Drops:

(50 mg. per 1.25 ml.)

_____ ml. every 6 to 8 hours for fever below 102.5 F.

_____ ml. every 6 to 8 hours for fever above 102.5 F.

d. [ ] Children’s Advil Ibuprofen Suspension or Motrin Ibuprofen Suspension:

(100 mg. per 5 ml.)

_____ tsp. every 6 to 8 hours for fever below 102.5 F.

_____ tsp. every 6 to 8 hours for fever above 102.5 F.

Note: The generic equivalent of Tylenol is Acetaminophen. The generic equivalent of Advil and Motrin is Ibuprofen.

Be aware that fever control medicines will often reduce the fever and make your child more comfortable, but they will not shorten the illness that is causing the fever.

2.There is no great benefit in alternating dosages of Tylenol and Advil. If you are instructed to do so by a doctor or nurse, give each medicine only once every 8 hours at the usual dose.

3.Do not overdress your child. Do not wrap your child in a blanket. Usually a diaper or underpants and a T-Shirt are sufficient.

4.Encourage your child to drink liquids.

5.If the temperature is over _____ F, or your child is uncomfortable after given fever control medicine, put him/her is a tub filled with lukewarm water. Do not use cold water to sponge them. Gently sponge your child for 10 to 15 minutes. Vigorous shivering may cause the fever to rise. If this occurs, stop the lukewarm bath and dry your child immediately.

6.Never bathe or sponge a child in alcohol because it can be absorbed through the skin, causing alcohol poisoning.

7.If your child is acting inappropriately, is hard to arouse, or is making unusual muscle movements, call us immediately!


Call us immediately for any fever during the first two months of your child’s life. In the older child, call us if the fever is associated with abnormal behavior, abnormal sleepiness, neck pain, rash, changes in the normal breathing pattern, lightheadedness, seizures, fainting, limp muscle tone, refusal to use an extremity normally, or if you are unsure of whether your child needs to be seen.