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Exploring the resources – write the web site address or name in the space provided. Please place a check by the sites you would like to revisit or find helpful.
ESL Online Classroom Guide:
1. Find a 20-point program for the absolutely beginning ESL student.
2. Find a lesson for “Parents as First Teachers.”
3. Find a worksheet for 1. irregular/regular verbs, 2. Abbreviations.
4. Find a lesson that pertains to “Finding a Job.”
5. Find a web site that has audio/video and full curriculum for learning English.
6. Find a site that has practice forms for School Enrollment.
7. Find a student activity that has audio online for quizzes.
Go to ESL Lesson Plans page:
8. Find a site that has phonics/writing worksheets.
9. Find a site for students to use to practice English and for self-testing.
10. Find a site to help students learn at home online with audio.
Go to special Collections:
Find a lesson on how to write a check.
How could you use one of the above resources in a class you are presently teaching? Discuss the potential of these resources with other instructors.