Request for information – Rapid Response Platform Technologies for Epidemic Preparedness
Use this form to articulate the concept/technology budget and other requested information for the proposed investment. This form, along with the Guidance Document will help to ensure alignment on scope and desired outcomes.
This document should be no longer than five pages in length using the current font and font size.
This is a Request for Information and not a commitment by either CEPI or the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to fund the work.
General InformationProject Title
Proposed Investment Amount (estimate; +/- 20%) / USD$ / Investment Duration
Organizational Information
Organization Legal Name
Primary Contact Name / Mailing Address
Primary Contact Title / Street Address 1
Primary Contact Email / Street Address 2
Primary Contact Phone / City
Website (if applicable) / State / Province
Zip / Postal Code
Request for Information Details
1. Concept Statement (Please reference Guidance Document for further instructions)Describe the concept/technology, preclinical and clinical data generated and the overall approach you will take to develop the platform technology.
2. Organizational capabilities, experience and track record:The purpose of this section is to allow the applicant to provide a brief, high-level summary of their organization’s technical capabilities and track record for research and development.
3. Risks / ChallengesDescribe your initial view of challenges to the success of this project and any preliminary thoughts on mitigation.
4. Sub-awardsDescribe anticipated sub-awards to key partners/vendors at a high level. If partners/vendors have not yet been identified, simply list as “TBD” and indicate the amount of requested budget that is likely to be used for sub-awards.
5. Level and sources of support for this projectIf you are intending to request future funding from BMGF or CEPI for only a portion of the total funding needs to complete and will depend on funds from other sources, please describe your contingency plans if full project funding does not become available. If you have applied for funding from other sources which overlap with the funding requested in this proposal, please indicate the nature and timing of that potential funding. Any expected in-kind contributions (e.g. consumables donations, personnel time) should be included in the description.
Privacy and Non-Confidentiality Notice
Subject to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s Privacy Policy, the foundation may also share information you provide to us (either orally or in writing) with third parties, including external reviewers, key partners and co-funders. This document is subject to the foundation’s Terms of Use.
Information submitted by applicants to this RFI will be accessed by the CEPI Secretariat and External reviewers, and these are bound by CEPI’s Confidentiality and Transparency policy.
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