I may be a humble person when…

1.  I don’t actively seek self promotion but Christ.

2.  I abhor false humility (the appearance of being humble).

3.  I am accurately aware of my selfishness and tendency to promote myself.

4.  I grieve over my willful acts of selfishness.

5.  I actively serve others even if it is inconvenient to my schedule.

6.  I actively seek to enable others to succeed.

7.  I actively serve others even if it means I have to adjust my own desires or priorities.

8.  I actively minister to others even if it costs me something and/or I gain no personal self-centered satisfaction from it.

9.  I am actively seek to glorify Christ, not myself in my decision-making in daily living.

10.  I serve people that I don’t like.

11.  I am actively dependent upon the Holy Spirit in my daily living.

12.  I earnestly invite God to both scrutinize my daily life, thoughts, and activities, and convict, if not chastise me, in those areas where I do promote self-interest over Christ.

13.  I actively discourage any attempt to promote myself over Christ whether it comes from within or from others.

14.  When my conversations do not revolve around me and what I have done…even if it is in the name of the Lord.

15.  I am wronged by others and yet maintain a magnanimous disposition.

16.  I seek no vengeance upon those who have hurt me, whether physically or emotionally.

17.  When my decisions to promote in Christ daily living risks suffering, loneliness, deprivation, persecution, and death.

18.  When I am not fearful of looking foolish by others.

19.  When I am not silent in my proclamations of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

20.  When I am able to love the unlovely.

Receiving everything from Christ. Seeing everything in Christ. Doing everything for Christ. This is life in its simplicity, sufficiency, and satisfaction. This is ministry in peace, power, and progress. Away from this is unrest, dissatisfaction, emptiness, weariness, powerlessness. Apart from this is disappointment, depression, discontent, despondency, and despair. But when Christ is our life, ministry becomes a privilege, a joy, a delight; an ever-deepening experience, and ever-heightening to glory to God. So let us sum up all by saying that for life and ministry Christ is always necessary, Christ is always available, Christ is always sufficient. ~ Dr. W.H. Griffith Thomas