The Central/West Region
of the Department of Developmental Services
Office of Learning and Development
9:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Conference Room D – Brookside Building
C/W Regional Office – Palmer, MA
This five-session series is designed for staff of DDS and DDS-funded agencies that have … or will have… responsibility for conducting staff training programs within their workplace. Through a variety of theoretical, experiential and hands-on activities, the goals of this course will be to engender an understanding of and appreciation for:
The role of training within the learning organization
The value of learning opportunities for all agency staff
The unique opportunities of training within human services
The importance of both organizational and individual commitment to the goals of the learning organization.
Participants will learn and have opportunities to practice the skills of:
Assessing a training need
Clarifying a goal and learning objectives
Organizing Learning Steps
Developing Learning Activities
Using Teaching Aids
Delivering a Training
Assessing the Success of the Training
Throughout the series, we will also address the challenges of adapting a commercial or pre-determined curriculum to meet specific workplace needs. This series is designed to provide participants with the knowledge and skills to provide effective training in a variety of topic areas that are important to human service providers.
If you have any questions, please call Candace Cassin at (413) 284-5080 or Pat Carney at (413) 284-5083.
NOTE: Participants must commit to all five of the sessions to be accepted. This series is limited to 12 (twelve) participants.
Application for Training of Trainers
April 9, 16, 23, 30, May 7, 2010
Name ______
Agency ______
Phone # ______Email ______
Current role ______
Are you currently providing in-house training for your agency? ___yes ___no
If yes, in what topic area(s)? (Please be specific.)
Will you be taking on in-house training for your agency as a result of participating in the Training of Trainers? In what topic area(s)?
Because of the intensive and sequential nature of the content, it is necessary to attend the series in its entirety and to complete assignments between classes. Participants who miss a day will not be able to continue. Can you commit to attending all five days of the series and to completing between-class assignments? (Estimated additional time for between-class assignments is 1-2 hours/week)
Applicant signatureDate
I fully support this application. This employee will be offering in-house training for the agency in the above areas. I will ensure that the applicant’s schedule is arranged to enable her/him to attend all five days of the Training of Trainers and to complete required assignments.
Immediate Supervisor’s name (printed) Signature Date
Program Director or Executive Director’s Signature Date
name (printed)
Please return by March 19, 2010 to
Office of Learning & Development
DDS C/W Region
171 State Avenue
Palmer, MA 01069
Thank you for your interest. You will be notified by March 26th of the status of your application.