6thExpert Meeting
IEA ECBCS Annex 45
Energy Efficient Electric Lighting for Buildings
Date: 3-5October 2007
Place: Laboratoire des Sciences de l'Habitat
École Nationale des Travaux Publics de l'État (ENTPE)
D.G.C.B. - CNRS URA 1652, France
Agenda for the 1st day, 3 October
Beginning of the meeting13:00
- Welcome and Introduction Operating Agent, Professor Liisa Halonen, HUT, Finland
- Introduction of Participants all
- Apologies for Absence
- Approval of the Agenda
- Approval of the Minutes of the Previous Meeting
5thExpert Meeting 18 – 20April 2007, Belgian Building Research Institute, Belgium - Objectives and Structure of the Meeting
- Operating Agent’s Report
- Status Report 6, Timetable, Milestones
- ExCo Meeting, 18 - 20 June 2007, Sweden
- Participants
- Letter of National Participation
- Review of the Status of the Work and Action list
- Subtask A, Professor Marc Fontoynont
- Subtask B, General Manager Wilfried Pohl
- Subtask C, Mireille Jandon and Nicolas Couillaud
- Subtask D, D.Sc. Eino Tetri
15:30 Coffee break
- Presentations
- Sulphur lamp with static bulb / Gilles Courret
- Development of luminaires / Nils Svendenius
- / Jean-Louis Scartezzini
- Lighting control of the office room. Technical implementation and daylight modeling of the system / Jouko Pakanen
Subtask A
1. A1 Introduction on lighting quality. Peter Pertola
2. A2 Overview of lighting standardsMarc Fontoynont
3. A2 European Case Study: standards and best practice OfficesPeter Pertola
4. A2 European Case Study: standards and best practice SchoolsTruus de Bruin-Hordijk
5. A2 Identification of opportunities of evolution of lighting standardsLars Bylund
6. A3 Review of energy codes worldwideMarc Fontoynont
7. A3 Opportunities to update codesPeter Pertola
8. A3 Electric and Electro-Magnetic specificationsZbigniew Mantorski
9. A4 Proposals to upgrade recommendations and codesMarc Fontoynont
Subtask B
1. B1 Questionnaires results Eino Tetri
2. B2 ArchitectureWilfried Pohl
3. B2 Economics Wilfried Pohl (+ET)
4. B2 LEDs and OLEDsEino Tetri
5. B3 Lamps for suppression of MelatoninWilfried Pohl
6. B3 Hybrid lightingWilfried Pohl (+AR)
7. B3 Induction LampWilfried Pohl
8. B3 Colour rendering proposalNils Svendenius
9. B4 Case studiesPeter Dehoff (not present)
10. B5 Proofing of technology informationLaurent Escaffre
Subtask C
C1 Definition of requirements and constraints linked to the different players
C2 State of art of lighting control systems
C3 Case studies on existing and innovative lighting control strategies
C4 Impact of the whole environment concept on lighting control
C5 Commissioning process for lighting/ lighting control systems
- Closure of the Day 18:00
Agenda for the 2nd day, 4 October
Beginning of the meeting 8:30
- Opening of the Second Day, Liisa Halonen
- Group Discussions Subtasks A, B, C
- Discussion of the Objectives, Outcomes, Status of the Work and Guidebook
- Updating the Action List
- Subtask contribution to Newsletter 6
- Visit of the LASH Laboratoire des Sciences de l'Habitat
- Tasks until the next meeting, Group Discussion
Work to be done in the next 6 months, group discussion
Subtask A: Professor Marc Fontoynont
Subtask B: General Manager Wilfried Pohl
Subtask C:Mireille Jandon and Nicolas Couillaud
Subtask D:D.Sc. Eino Tetri
- Closure of the Day 18:00
Agenda for the 3rd day, 5 October
Beginning of the meeting 8:30
- Subtasks Leaders’ presentations of Tasks until the next meeting
- Annex 45 Newsletter 6 and Website, Eino Tetri
- Time and place for the next meetings
- 16-18 April 2008 Rome, Italy
Arranged by Simonetta Fumagalli, ENEA and Fabio Bisegna, University "La Sapienza", Dept. Fisica Tecnica
- ExCo Meetings
Belgium: 14 -16 November 2007
Denmark: June 2008 (joint ECBCS / SHC Meeting)
USA: 13 -15 November 2008
- Other business
- Lunch with the press 11:30
Potential for energy conservation in lighting
Innovative lighting solutions
Discussion about energy codes and future regulations
New technologies
Large size national and international programmes
- Closure of the Meeting13:00