JULY 26, 2005
The meeting was called to order by David J. Waskowicz, Acting Chairman, at 9:40 A.M.
in Room 117 of the State Office Building, 165 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, Connecticut.
Members Present: David J. Waskowicz, Acting Chairman - Unlimited Journeyman
George DeVincke - Unlimited Journeyman
Robert W. Hollis, III - Contractor
Anthony D. Moscato - Fire Marshal
Ralph Carl Miller - Fire Marshal
Kevin M. Wypychoski, Contractor
Members Absent: William Zisk, Sr. - Public Member
Lisa Vereneau - Public Member
Board Vacancies: One Contractor
One Public Member
Board Counsel Present: None
DCP Staff Present: Nelson Leon, Board Secretary
Richard M. Hurlburt, Director
Anthony Santoro, Administrative Hearings Attorney
France Lee, Paralegal Specialist II
Jerry Padula, Legislative & Administrative Advisor
Public Present: Michael R. Livingstone, Sprinkler Fitters 676
Paul Lunney, Sprinkler Fitters 676
Tammy Colapietro, Northeast Fire Prevention
Jozef Bieluch, Select Energy
Charles E. Hickey, Esquire, Crest Mechanical
Note: The administrative functions of this Board are carried out by the Department of Consumer Protection, Occupational and Professional Licensing Division.
For information contact Richard M. Hurlburt, Director at (860) 713-6135.
The Board voted unanimously to approve minutes of the May 24, 2005 Fire Protection Sprinkler Systems Work Examining Board meeting with amendments to page-5, second line of the first paragraph to read “which compromises the sprinkler system, endangering the public”, in addition to adding comments by Mr. Livingstone who informed the Board that Kevin McEachern took the PSI exam four times within a period of one year and that “Dry Systems” would soon be approved for residential systems.
Resignation acknowledgement letter dated May 9, 2005 from Governor M. Jodi Rell, concerning the resignation of Board member William A. Fiondella, effective May 9, 2005.
Attorney Farrell swore-in Kevin M. Wypychoski as a Fire Protection Sprinkler Work Contractor, in succession to John E. Jansen, Jr., who resigned.
Allen D. Lombardi, Parsippany, NJ – (F-1) Unlimited Contractor Application – Denied
The Board voted unanimously to deny Mr. Lombardi’s application due to non-completion of an approved bona fide Fire Protection Sprinkler Work apprenticeship training program.
Maurizio Boscarino, Middletown, CT – (F-2) Unlimited Journeyperson Application – Approved
The Board voted unanimously to approve Mr. Boscarino’s application.
Peter Capirchio, East Greenwich, RI – (F-2) Unlimited Journeyperson Application – Approved
The Board voted unanimously to approve Mr. Capirchio’s application.
Martis J. Costin, New Haven, CT – (F-2) Unlimited Journeyperson Application – Approved
The Board voted unanimously to approve Mr. Costin’s application.
Cesar A. Galindo, Stamford, CT – (F-2) Unlimited Journeyperson Application – Approved
The Board voted unanimously to approve Mr. Galindo’s application.
Wayne D. Guitard, Bristol, CT – (F-2) Unlimited Journeyperson Application – Approved
The Board voted unanimously to approve Mr. Guitard’s application.
Michael S. Trowbridge, Wethersfield, CT – (F-4) Limited Journeyperson Application – Approved
The Board voted unanimously to approve Mr. Trowbridge’s application.
Michael T. Wilkins, Middletown, CT – (F-4) Limited Journeyperson Application – Denied
The Board voted unanimously to deny Mr. Wilkin’s application due to non-completion of an approved bona fide Fire Protection Sprinkler Work apprenticeship training program.
The Board voted unanimously to review the following late arriving applications:
Eric C. Carter, Leominster, MA – (F-2) Unlimited Journeyperson Application – Denied
The Board voted unanimously to deny Mr. Carter’s application due to non-completion of an approved bona fide Fire Protection Sprinkler Work apprenticeship training program.
Shawn J. Baldwin, Terryville, CT – (F-2) Unlimited Journeyperson Application – Approved
The Board voted unanimously to approve Mr. Baldwin’s application.
Jason R. Pronovost, Wolcott, CT – (F-2) Unlimited Journeyperson Application – Approved
The Board denied Mr. Pronovost’s application at their 5/24/05 meeting due to non-completion
of an approved bona fide Fire Protection Sprinkler Work apprenticeship training program.
Mr. Pronovost has also failed to complete page-2 of the application.
Mr. Pronovost’s employer has requested to appear before the Board at today’s meeting in order to convey to the Board that Connecticut does not have an approved bona fide Fire Protection Sprinkler Work training program, that the AFSA Contren Learning Series Fire Protection Sprinkler Work training program is nationally recognized throughout the United States, and that the Plumbing Board has approved many applicants in the past who have completed the “AFSA Contren Learning Series Fire Protection Sprinkler Work” training program certificate as their school related instructional experience.
After further review of Mr. Pronovost’s application at today’s meeting, the Board voted unanimously to approve his application.
Thomas W. Ray, Jr., Springfield, MA – (F-2) Unlimited Journeyperson Application – Denied
The Board denied Mr. Ray’s application at their 9/28/04 meeting due to lack of required documentation relating to his occupational related experience. The Board also requested a copy of the course curriculum relating to the certificate submitted with his application relating to the
“576 Hour Sprinkler Fitter Program” he attended.
Mr. Ray has requested to appear before the Board at today’s meeting in order to expand on his occupational and school related instructional experience.
Mr. Ray was a no-show at today’s meeting. After further review of Mr. Ray’s application at today’s meeting, the Board voted unanimously to deny his application due to submittal of an incomplete application (page-2 – occupational related school information) and non submittal of occupational related instructional experience.
Albert W. Swallow, Coventry, CT – (F-2) Unlimited Journeyperson Application – Denied
The Board denied Mr. Swallow’s application at their 5/24/05 meeting due to non-completion of an approved bona fide Fire Protection Sprinkler Work apprenticeship training program.
Mr. Swallow has requested to appear before the Board at today’s meeting in order to expand on his occupational and school related instructional experience.
Mr. Swallow was a no-show at today’s meeting. After further review of Mr. Swallow’s application,
the Board voted unanimously to deny his application due to non-completion of an approved bona fide
Fire Protection Sprinkler Work apprenticeship training program. The Board voted unanimously to refer Mr. Swallow’s application to DCP Trade Practice Division for investigation as well as to the Department of Labor for wage enforcement issues. The Board further suggested that DCP have an inspector visit Crest Mechanical, who employs Mr. Swallow, concerning his employment with them and being unlicensed, as well as their hiring and apprentices registration practices.
American Fire Sprinkler Association Contren Learning Series – Apprenticeship training program for fire Sprinkler Fitters Series C, Book I (150.5 Credit Hours)
1. The Board informed Mr. Padula to keep them informed concerning any legislative proposal regarding Fire Protection issues prior to any public hearings and/or action.
2. Attorney Santoro asked the Board if a member would be willing to decide on granting continuances concerning Formal Administrative Hearings. The Board voted unanimously to have Attorney Santoro contact the Board Chairman concerning continuances.
3. Mr. Hurlburt asked the Board of their interest concerning the next PSI examination workshop.
The Board suggested a workshop be scheduled by spring of next year.
In the Matter of Crest Mechanical Contractors and Engineers, Inc. Docket No. 05-545
Paul J. Breglio Docket No. 05-547
Michael P. Devanney, Sr. Docket No. 05-548
Bahrija Begovic Docket No. 05-549
Jozef Bieluch Docket No. 05-550
The Board granted complaint counsel a continuance on this matter at their 5/24/05 meeting, to be continued to their next meeting scheduled for Tuesday, July 26, 2005.
The Board voted unanimously at today’s meeting to accept a Stipulation consisting of a Cease and Desist Order to the prospective employers and all employees, a Civil Penalty in the amount of $50,000.00, in addition to requiring that Crest Mechanical Contractors and Engineers, Inc. provide DCP with monthly reports reflecting jobs and employees for a period of three years, and that such reports to be submitted by the 15th of every month.
In The Matter of Jose J. Vendrell Docket No. 05-546
The Board voted at their 5/24/05 to table this matter to their next meeting scheduled for Tuesday,
July 26, 2005 for further review and consideration of complaint counsel request to withdraw the administrative complaint on the above matter, due to information received not placing the above party at the time and place alleged by the complaint.
Pursuant to information provided by Mr. Santoro, the Board voted unanimously at today’s meeting to dismiss this matter based on the fact that Mr. Vendrell was not present at time and/or place of said site of violation alleged by the complainant.
In the Matter of Rainmaker Fire Systems Corp. Docket No. 05-131
Junior Rodriguez Docket No. 05-132
Jason Nowles Docket No. 05-133
Migel Ortiz Docket No. 05-134
Tyrone Rodriguez Docket No. 05-135
Kevin Machinski Docket No. 05-136
The Board held a Formal Hearing concerning this matter on 3/22/05 and the hearing was concluded. The Board voted at their 3/22/05 & 5/24/05 meeting to table their decision on this matter until such time DCP further investigate the General Contractor involved and provide the Board with its findings for their review.
The Board voted unanimously at today’s meeting to accept a Final Decision and Order consisting of an Immediate Order of Discontinuance and a Civil Penalty in the amount of $27,000.00.
In the Matter of Mark Corcoran Docket No. 04-1006
The Board voted unanimously to accept a Final Decision and Order consisting of an Immediate Order of Discontinuance and a Civil Penalty in the amount of $250.00.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11:31 A.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Nelson Leon
Board Secretary
The next regular meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 27, 2005, at 9:30 A.M. in Room 117.
Fire Protection Sprinkler Systems Work Examining Board Minutes – July 26, 2005