R.H. Pate’s website for EDHS 721: Suggestions
HOME PAGE – looks good; no suggestions; link to your bio works
American Psychological Association (APA) style is the accepted standard for the University of Virginia Counselor Education Program and the counseling profession. A workbook that covers APA style is a suggested text and one class will be devoted to APA style. The APA Publication Manual (5th ed.) is available for purchase through the APA web site and at bookstores.
(Maybe move the reference to the APA manual to the beginning? Helps with flow – each paragraph or sentence is followed by Internet link or reference)
American Psychological Association (2001). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (5th Ed.). Washington, DC: Author.
For learners who have not used APA style a starting point for your work is the linked Ohio State guide. (I would suggest re-writing this sentence for clarity – perhaps “For learners not familiar with APA style a link to Ohio State University’s “Guide for Citing References – APA Style” is provided below.”) This is a resource you can print and keep with you as a quick and easy reference. Thanks to Kay Buchanan from the Education Library for suggesting this resource for us.
(Delete link to) Ohio State Guide for Citing Resources - APA Style
For a more complete listing of APA style tips, go to
There are commercial programs that will format papers in APA style. The following links below will lead you to information on two of those programs. EndNote is more sophisticated and more expensive. Reference Point is less complex and less expensive, but it is adequate for most student uses.
Reference Point
If you want a text on APA style specific to the counseling profession as well as the suggested APA reference for the entire Curry School Counselor Education program, the following will be worth examining.
Szuchman, L. T. (2002). Writing with style: APA style for counseling. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole.
An introduction and professional orientation to: the history of the profession of counseling, including a review of guidance and personnel services; the social, economic, philosophical, theoretical, and political bases of the profession; the major legal and ethical issues facing counselors; and a survey of career opportunities for counselors.
EDHS 721 is intended for Counselor Education majors or students (learners?) with the permission of the instructor. This course is required of all Counselor Education master's degree students in the School Counseling and the Clinical Mental Health Counseling specializations.
Course Objectives (click to follow link)
Course Format
The course will be primarily lecture/discussion with emphasis on the discussion component. The lectures will supplement and cover topics not in the assigned and suggested reading. Time will be provided in each class meeting for questions and discussion related to the readings. The discussion of suggested readings will be based on an assumption of prior reading and there will not be a lecture summary of the reading. Some class discussions and activities will be conducted in student learning teams. The student learning teams are described in a separate page. One class meeting will be presentations of career plans in student learning teams.
The focus of this course is the profession of counseling and not on surveys (surveys - word choice?) of material that is the subject of separate courses. Most emphasis will be placed on topics that do not have a concurrent or a following core course. The Curry School (or perhaps the Counselor Ed program?) offers separate core courses on individual counseling theories and techniques, essential counseling skills, group counseling, career counseling, multicultural counseling, assessment, and research.
Counselor Education faculty members who you will not meet in fall courses have been invited to visit the class to introduce themselves. Learners will also have an opportunity to learn something about the counseling specialty (or track) different from the one they have selected.
No comments/suggestions for course objectives or learning teams link. Both links worked fine.
Suggested changes for clarity are highlighted and noted.
Instructions for discussion follow. The discussion questions will be posted on the bottom section of this page.
Instructions for accessing and using e-cussion:
1. Link to e-cussion site (click to follow link). This link will take you to the EDHS 721 e-cussion site
2. Log-in. You will be prompted to register with a log on ID and student ID to establish a password. If you have difficulty we will work on registration during the first class meeting.
3. Create a posting. The best way to create a posting is to use a word-processing program (e.g., Word) and copy and paste the posting to the discussion window. You will then need only to insert the topic and submit the posting.
First question for e-cussion posting
This first question will give you an opportunity to learn to use the course discussion board and to respond to the postings of others. Your posting should have the topic title "expectations."
POST BY 9/xx/04; Posting title = Expectations: What are my expectations for EDHS 721: Introduction to the Profession of Counseling and what to (change to do) I believe I can contribute to the learning of others course members?
(Will the questions be numbered or dated? Are students expected to post by a certain date? Is posting an answer to the questions required, but responding to others’ postings optional? Or are both required? If so, how much response is enough?)***Ah-hah, I see that this is explained in Requirements. Since students likely will pose the aforementioned questions, maybe mention that details regarding this exercise will be explained in the requirements section of the website?
FEEDBACK PAGE – no comments
There will be no penalty for assignments submitted early. Some previous students have asked that assignments not be due at the end of the semester. If you submit a plan outlining earlier due dates for the semester’s assignments and you successfully meet this schedule, you will have the envy of your peers, extra time at the busy end of the semester, and a big checkmark on your to do list. Materials submitted by the due date will be returned with comments by the scheduled examination date, December 17. (Does this include tests? Or just papers and plans?)
American Counseling Association link
(Perhaps in parentheses state “Link to information on ethics through Resources”. I was a little confused at first where to find Resources for Ethics)
All links worked.
The course web site is complete but it will be updated and errors corrected. The web site is intended and designed to be a learning resource for your (change to you) and not a static course syllabus posted on the Internet.
There is no course text per se. There are required readings on topics and a variety of texts for introductory courses are reserved in the Education Library (Third floor - Ruffner Hall). The course requirements section explains the required text readings requirement. This is an (change to a) trail (trail? Do you mean trial? Or this is on a trial basis based upon? It is a bit confusing what you mean here) base on the feedback from previous students about the high price of introductory texts that would not be retained in a professional library. Students who elect can purchase a single text and Gladding (2004) is suggested for those who want to own a text.
Maybe reword last sentence – “For those students who elect to buy one or more of the texts below, Gladding (2004) is suggested.”
Need to add a period after (2000) in the ref below:
Nugent, F. A. (2000). Introduction to the profession of counseling (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill/Prentice-Hall.
Through the link for PowerPoint slides at:
http://toolkit.itc.virginia.edu/2004 Fall_EDHS721-1/materials
1. I got a pop-up message when I tried to OPEN Classes1-5.ppt that read, “Some of these files are not in the expected location on this web page. Do you want to open them anyway?” Then the window froze with a blank screen, even when I did not choose “yes” or “no”, which was rather odd. This happened twice. I had to use my Task Manager to get out of it each time and that required shutting Internet Explorer down as well and having to reopen your website. FYI - I have a fast modem and satellite Internet at home. I think it’s a problem with the connection to the ppt. documents from Toolkit, not a tech issue on my end. When I tried to SAVE Classes1-5.ppt I got a pop-up that said there was a “problem during load”.
2. The title of one of the ppt. presentations is misspelled - “Porfessional Advocacy”.
3. All other ppt. presentations were easily opened.
I am still checking all the pdf connections, but so far so good.
In D(2). “The content is real content and will serve as a demonstration vehicle for an Internet unit.” I do not understand what this means- is this related to what we discussed on Wed about having an Internet-based class? If that is so, then if you and I had not had that discussion on Wed, I would not understand what you intended to convey.
Nothing happened when I clicked on University toolkit quiz maker system or Go to reviews! Perhaps these links are not set up yet?
In directions above the schedule,
Date links or topics that are "live" are underlined and "clicking on" the link will take you to the topic guide for the date or topic.. (Delete second period)
Through Sept 7 link,
Collison, B. B. (2000) The counselor's professional identity. In H. Hackney (Ed.), Practice issues for the beginning counselor (pp. 9-22). Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon. (Need to add a period after (2000).)
Through Sept 21 link,
Gibson, R. L., & Mitchell, M. H. (2003). Introduction to guidance and counseling (6th ed.). Merrill/Prentice-Hall. Chapter 1: Historical perspective (Need to add a period at end of reference)
Gladding, S. (2004). Counseling: A comprehensive profession (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. Chapter 1: History and trends in counseling (Need to add a period at end of reference)
Nugent, F. A. (2000) Introduction to the profession of counseling (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill/Prentice-Hall. Chapter 2: Historical perspective (Need to add a period after (2000) and at end of reference)
SCHEDULE (cont’d.)
Through Sept 28 link,
Links to CACREP, NBCC, VA Board of Counseling (Did you intend to have hyperlinks here?)
Reserved readings (This is a link to the electronic periodical reserve) (This web page was “temporarily unavailable” when I attempted to follow link)
Collison, B. B. (2000). The counselor's professional identity. In Hackney, H. . Practice issues for the beginning counselor (pp. 9-22). Boston: Allyn and Bacon. (Replace second period after H. with a comma)
Gladding, S. (2004). Counseling: A comprehensive profession (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. Chapter 1: History and trends in counseling. Chapter 2:Personal and professional aspects of counseling (Need space between 2: and Personal and period at end of reference)
Lambert, M. J., & Cattani-Thompson, K. C. (1996). Current findings regarding the effectiveness of counseling: Implications for practice. Journal of Counseling & Development, 74, 601-608 (Need period at end of reference)
Sutton, J. M. (2000). Counselor licensure. In Hackney, H. . Practice issues for the beginning counselor (pp. 55-78). Boston: Allyn and Bacon. (Replace second period after H. with a comma)
Through October 5 link,
Link to American Counseling Association (ACA) and ACA divisions( especially ASCA); Link to American Mental Health Counselors Association (AMCHA); Link to Virginia Counselors Association (VCA). (Spacing needs to be corrected where highlighted above; also were there meant to be links here?)
Reserved readings (This is a link to the electronic periodical reserve) (When I clicked to follow link, I received same message as noted above – “temporarily unavailable” – please note that this was the case wherever this link appeared in Schedule)
SCHEDULE (cont’d.)
Through October 5 link (cont’d.),
Smith, H. B. (2003). Counseling: A view from an association management perspective. Dingman, R. L., & Weaver, J. D. (Eds.). (2003). Days in the lives of counselors (pp. 205-211). Boston: Allyn& Bacon. (Should there be In before Dingman?)
Smith, H. B. (2000). Counselor advocacy: Promoting the profession. In H. Hackney (Ed.), Practice issues for the beginning counselor (pp. 153-169). Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon. . (Delete second period)
Through October 19 link,
Whiston, S.C., & Brecheisen, B. K. (2002). Practice and research in career counseling and development -2002. The Career Development Quarterly, 51, 98-154. (? -2002)
Through October 26 link,
The font looks strange on this page. Don’t know if you care about that.
Pate, R. H. (2000). Ethics andcounseling practice (pp. 102-118). In Hackney, H., Practice issues for the beginning counselor (pp 102-118). Boston: Allyn and Bacon (Spacing in title, need a period after 2nd pp. and a period at the end of reference)
Corey, M. S., & Corey, G. (2003). Becoming a helper. (4th ed.) Brooks/Cole: Pacific Grove, CA. Chapter 9: Ethical and Legal Issues Facing Helpers and Chapter 10: Managing Boundary Issues. (Need period after (4th ed.).)
Nugent, F. A. (2000) Introduction to the profession of counseling (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill/Prentice-Hall. Chapter 3 (Need period after (2000).)
Woodworth, C. B.(2000). Legal issues in counseling practice. In Hackney, H. . Practice issues for the beginning counselor (pp. 119-136).. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. (Replace second period after H. with comma and delete second period after pages numbers)
SCHEDULE (cont’d.)
Through Nov 2 link,
Counseling and spirituality
The reports should show the sources your used (change to you)
Topic 4: What should a counselor do if a client holds firmly to a religious belief that the counselor cannot endorse and thinks violates the principle of beneficence. This question assumes referral would honor the principle of client autonomy but could violate beneficence. Posting title = Values conflicts (Change period to question mark)