Acts of the Apostles
chs. 24&25

St. ______Evangelist is the human author.

Historically, “______” or deeds of great men were recorded and spread so that their virtuous example could be followed and the city built up.

As the Evangelists employed the genre of ancient biography, relying on ______, for the Gospels…Luke uses the genre of “acts”/deeds to show the building up of the ______.

If Christ is the King…

…there must be a ______

Acts is about the building up of that kingdom.

The book can be divided up into three parts based on the ______of the ______to expand the Kingdom of God:


Jesus send the HS & the Apostles witness in Jerusalem


Persecution leads to scattering so the Gospel reaches Judea and Samaria

The “end of the ______”

Gospel reaches the Gentiles through the mission of the Apostles and their disciples.

“In the first book, O Theophilus, I have dealt with all that Jesus ______ to do and teach” (Acts 1:1 in RSV emphasis added)

The word began implies that Jesus ______to work. Now He works through His ______, the ______.

Parallels between ______in Luke and the ______in Acts

Jesus the New ______

In addition to being present with Moses at the ______on Mt. Tabor, Jesus is present with Elijah also.

Remember the prophets ______& his successor ______?

In 2 kings 2:9 Elisha asks for a double portion of Elijah’s spirit. Elijah says that if Elisha sees him ______to ______he would receive what he requested.

Elisha did see Elijah ascend to heaven and he did receive a ______of his ______.

Elisha performs ______as many ______as Elijah and his ministry lasts twice as long

Jesus the new Elijah

Like Elijah, Jesus ______to heaven while his disciples looked on….they waited ten days but then they received ______.

The ______, like ______performed many mighty deeds in the name of Jesus.

The Vacant ______

“May another take his ______” – In Acts 1:20 St. Peter quotes Psalm 109 referring to the need to fill Judas’ vacant office

This indicates an understanding on the part of the Apostles that their office remains even ______…Their offices are filled by the ______who succeed them.

Judas’ office was filled by ______

Was the Apostolic Office a ______Office?

______indicates that the office was priestly.

In the beginning of Luke’s Gospel, Zechariah was chosen by lot & now Matthias in the beginning of Acts.


Jesus is the new ______

120 gathered in ______

The Apostles ______

The Apostles were having great ______& the number of disciples significantly increased.

The ______had Peter and the Apostles arrested but an angel releases them & tells them to go to the Temple and preach the Word of Life.

______in Jesus’ name

Like______(who healed a lame man Lk 5:17-26) St. ______encounters a lame man and says “In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk” (Acts 3:6)

The lame man leaped up and went into the ______to praise God

At Joppa St Peter ______Tabitha(Acts 9:40) from the dead…Just as ______raises ______(Jn 11:43), Jarius’ daughter(Lk 8:54), and the Widow of Nain’s Son(Lk 7:14) from the dead.

Martyrdom of ______


Hands on the Story of ______(like Jesus did on the road to Emmaus)

Points out that the Jewish leaders are like their ______who killed the ______

They produce false ______against Stephen

______for his enemies

He sees the Lord at the right hand of the Father (same event Jesus referred to during His trial)

Commends his ______to Jesus (as Jesus did on the Cross)

Semen est sanguis Christianorum (The ______of Christians is ______) -Tertullian

______of Tarsus, who was present at the stoning of Stephen, starts an ______of persecution of the Christians.

This results in a ______of the Christians into ______

Remember what Jesus said “you will be my witnesses in ______, throughout ______and ______, and to the ends of the ______” (1:8)

What He said is ______

St Peter & the Gentiles

Peter has ______commands from god to slaughter and eat unclean animals.

Like the OT prophet ______, who was sent from ______by God to the gentile Ninevites, Peter is called from Joppa to the house of a ______, Cornelius.

Peter’s dad was named ______, probably after the prophet, so he knows the story well.

Unlike Jonah, Peter ______God right away and offers baptism to Cornelius & his whole household.

“God shows no partiality, but in ______anyone who fears him and does what is rights is acceptable to him” (10:34-35 emphasis added)