Acts of the Apostles
chs. 24&25
St. ______Evangelist is the human author.
Historically, “______” or deeds of great men were recorded and spread so that their virtuous example could be followed and the city built up.
As the Evangelists employed the genre of ancient biography, relying on ______, for the Gospels…Luke uses the genre of “acts”/deeds to show the building up of the ______.
If Christ is the King…
…there must be a ______
Acts is about the building up of that kingdom.
The book can be divided up into three parts based on the ______of the ______to expand the Kingdom of God:
Jesus send the HS & the Apostles witness in Jerusalem
Persecution leads to scattering so the Gospel reaches Judea and Samaria
The “end of the ______”
Gospel reaches the Gentiles through the mission of the Apostles and their disciples.
“In the first book, O Theophilus, I have dealt with all that Jesus ______ to do and teach” (Acts 1:1 in RSV emphasis added)
The word began implies that Jesus ______to work. Now He works through His ______, the ______.
Parallels between ______in Luke and the ______in Acts
Jesus the New ______
In addition to being present with Moses at the ______on Mt. Tabor, Jesus is present with Elijah also.
Remember the prophets ______& his successor ______?
In 2 kings 2:9 Elisha asks for a double portion of Elijah’s spirit. Elijah says that if Elisha sees him ______to ______he would receive what he requested.
Elisha did see Elijah ascend to heaven and he did receive a ______of his ______.
Elisha performs ______as many ______as Elijah and his ministry lasts twice as long
Jesus the new Elijah
Like Elijah, Jesus ______to heaven while his disciples looked on….they waited ten days but then they received ______.
The ______, like ______performed many mighty deeds in the name of Jesus.
The Vacant ______
“May another take his ______” – In Acts 1:20 St. Peter quotes Psalm 109 referring to the need to fill Judas’ vacant office
This indicates an understanding on the part of the Apostles that their office remains even ______…Their offices are filled by the ______who succeed them.
Judas’ office was filled by ______
Was the Apostolic Office a ______Office?
______indicates that the office was priestly.
In the beginning of Luke’s Gospel, Zechariah was chosen by lot & now Matthias in the beginning of Acts.
Jesus is the new ______
120 gathered in ______
The Apostles ______
The Apostles were having great ______& the number of disciples significantly increased.
The ______had Peter and the Apostles arrested but an angel releases them & tells them to go to the Temple and preach the Word of Life.
______in Jesus’ name
Like______(who healed a lame man Lk 5:17-26) St. ______encounters a lame man and says “In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk” (Acts 3:6)
The lame man leaped up and went into the ______to praise God
At Joppa St Peter ______Tabitha(Acts 9:40) from the dead…Just as ______raises ______(Jn 11:43), Jarius’ daughter(Lk 8:54), and the Widow of Nain’s Son(Lk 7:14) from the dead.
Martyrdom of ______
Hands on the Story of ______(like Jesus did on the road to Emmaus)
Points out that the Jewish leaders are like their ______who killed the ______
They produce false ______against Stephen
______for his enemies
He sees the Lord at the right hand of the Father (same event Jesus referred to during His trial)
Commends his ______to Jesus (as Jesus did on the Cross)
Semen est sanguis Christianorum (The ______of Christians is ______) -Tertullian
______of Tarsus, who was present at the stoning of Stephen, starts an ______of persecution of the Christians.
This results in a ______of the Christians into ______
Remember what Jesus said “you will be my witnesses in ______, throughout ______and ______, and to the ends of the ______” (1:8)
What He said is ______
St Peter & the Gentiles
Peter has ______commands from god to slaughter and eat unclean animals.
Like the OT prophet ______, who was sent from ______by God to the gentile Ninevites, Peter is called from Joppa to the house of a ______, Cornelius.
Peter’s dad was named ______, probably after the prophet, so he knows the story well.
Unlike Jonah, Peter ______God right away and offers baptism to Cornelius & his whole household.
“God shows no partiality, but in ______anyone who fears him and does what is rights is acceptable to him” (10:34-35 emphasis added)