10/11/06 Burke Park Log Cabin Committee
Ron Shouse chair called the meeting to order at 6:30. There were 14 people in attendance: Ron Shouse, Terri Daugherty, Glen and Mary Billingsly (753-8667), George and Ruth Ann Rooks, George and Karen West, Rus Whitley (734-1110 or 1111), Lois Dennis, Roger Dotson, Kay Sheilds, Debby Jenkins, Shirly Shiply and Mark Rose
The meeting began with an overview of last week’s start up meeting. There were 33
people present representing a wide range of skills and talents. A power point presentation
was presented that showed the present condition of the cabins. It is the committee chair’s desire to keep the meetings to an hour. Robert’s Rules of Order will be followed. Officers were selected: Ron Shouse-Chair
George Rooks and Howard Daugherty-Co Chairs
Terri Daugherty-Treasurer
Lois Dennis-Secretary
The treasurer reported a zero balance but accepted a $300.00 donation from Rus Whitley. Bethel Feed Mill has also donated $100.00
New Business: Ron has contacted the Greater Cincinnati Foundation for possibly providing matching funds for the cabin restoration project. Lois Dennis noted 2 grants that were affiliated with the school: one is a hands on student learning initiative through State Farm and the other is a drug free grant giving kids a chance for involvement in community activities. Terri Daugherty and Lois Dennis will investigate the possibility of applying for these grants as both need to be submitted by early November.
The quote for restoring one of the cabins that was submitted to council last year was discussed. It is the desire of the committee to restore both the cabin and the blacksmith shop, even if it means carrying out the project in 2 phases. Ron Shouse has contacted 3 different companies to secure bids: 1.) Steve Herndon-Wolfhauser Log Homes-Maple Creek Artisan Center; 2.) Charles Sizemore-Govenor Bebb-Butler County Park System; 3.) an unnamed 3rd contractor. Gauche Park/ Tom Ross would possibly be another contact.
It was mentioned again that the Burke Foundation stated that they would assist in financing to some extent.
The committee wants to approach council about taking down the front porch of the cabin to eliminate the villages’ liability as well as to reinforce the lean to by the blacksmith shop.
The committee also wants to involve school children in the area so show that children have a say in their citizenry. Total community involvement will be needed in this project. So it will be necessary to contact local businesses, government, schools/educators and the local churches.
Terri Daugherty talked to the Clermont County Historical Society and they stated that we can piggyback on them as a nonprofit 501C3 non profit organization. She stated that she would also be willing to serve as the Education Committee Chair. Ron stated that a generic committee needs to be created so that everyone can be involved in securing funding sources. Lois Dennis stated that she would serve as a newspaper contact with Michelle Shaw and Marsha Mundy.
A plan is required to be presented to Bethel Village Council by the second week of November. The school campaign will begin as soon as possible. Sub committee meetings will be conducted independently as needed. To all persons who read these minutes and have not signed up for a sub committee, please know that you are needed and try to sign up to help out on at least one of the sub committees. The following people volunteered to serve on these committees:
Education- Terri Daugherty
Lois Dennis
Down Home Christmas-Ron Shouse
George and Ruth Rooks
Contractors-Rus Whitley
Ron Shouse
Fund Raising-Ron Shouse
George and Ruth Rooks
Grant Writing-Lois Dennis
Terri Daugherty
The next meeting will be on November 1st at 6:30 in the Bethel Community Building. We hope that everyone who reads these minutes will plan to attend our next meeting. George Rooks motioned to adjourn and Terri Daugherty seconded the motion.
Respectfully submitted by Lois Dennis-Secretary.