California Environmental Technology Education Network

Course Summary

The Introduction to Geospatial Technology course is designed to be delivered in a blended/flipped learning format using EdModo as the online instructional platform. It provides direct instruction through a serious of short videos with assignments with each video. Most of the assignments can be done in the classroom. The online instructor serves as a co-teacher with the classroom teacher within the EdModo group. In this way the students benefit from the expertise of an individual with an in-depth knowledge of geospatial technologies.

This course is primarily designed for high school student’s grades 9 and 10, but there are sections which are appropriate and can be used with lower grades. This course is intended to be augmented instruction to existing course curriculum, in particular for career academy and pathway programs. The content of the course is based upon a number of one unit foundational CaliforniaCommunity College courses. The course is presented in sections broken into multiple parts. Each of the sections can be utilized as stand alone units. There are a number of parts within sections which can also stand alone.

This course summary outline is presented in an ideal sequence, but teachers can feel free to modify the sequence to meet the curriculum sequences and needs of their classrooms. Our online instructors are flexible to meet the needs of your classrooms.

Course Introduction And Welcome

Video – 5:58

This is an introduction to the purpose of the course and what students will need to do for success. Even if you are doing only a single section, this section is recommended.

Assignment - Students post a short biographical statement on EdModo. This assignment is intended to provide students with the basic functions of EdModo and to introduce themselves to the online instructor.

Map Basics

Part 1 – What Is On A Map

Video – 5:59

This lesson provides students the fundamentals of the contents of a map and the different types of maps.

Assignment – Students will search the internet for different maps copy the image and paste into Paint or other image program and indicate the different parts of the map as presented in the video and identify the type of map. The students will post the image as an attachment. This assignment is intended to teach students the basics of map content and types. It also provides the skill set to work with computer image functions.

Part 2 – Coordinate Systems

Video – 10:17

This lesson introduces students to three different coordinate systems (Latitude/Longitude, UTM, and Township & Range) with emphasis on the purpose of each and mathematical basis of each. The lesson is also designed to encourage students to think and relate the Earth and coordinate systems in a three dimensional context.

Assignment – Students will work with exercises plotting and interpreting coordinate systems. These exercises are extracted from an introductory college level physical geography laboratory textbook.

Part 3 – Topographic Maps

Video – 5:54

This lesson introduces students to topographic maps and rules of contour lines.

Assignment – Students will work on two exercises applying the knowledge gained in the video. The first assignment is interpreting a topographic map and plotting contour lines from given elevations. This assignment is also extracted from an introductory college level physical geography laboratory textbook. The second assignment is to draw topographic profiles from topographic maps.

History and Development of Navigation and Geospatial Technology

Part 1 – Navigation Methods

Video – 9:28

This lesson presents the evolution of navigation techniques from the sailors of antiquity to the development of modern geospatial technologies of today’s space/computer age. The lesson provides a strong connection to mathematics in particular applied geometry.

Assignment – Students will simulate the process of radio navigation of the early 20th century plotting unknown points from given tabular radio transmission data.

Part 2 – Map Making

Video – 9:36

This lesson explores the history of map making from antiquity to the modern computer age of geographic information systems. An emphasis is placed on the development of USGS maps beginning in the late 19th century.

Assignment – Students create a map of the campus using the methods of the early USGS surveyors.

Part 3 – Aerial Images

Video – 4:32

This lesson presents the history in the development of aerial imagery.

Assignment – Students will do a short research essay/report of how aerial imagery is used in various careers.

Global Positioning Systems (GPS)

Part 1 – How It Works

Video – 6:48

This lesson presents the technical processes which make GPS work and the variations in the signal. There is a strong connection to mathematics in particular applied geometry.

Assignment – Students will simulate the GPS/trilateration process by finding unknown points on a paper map using time tabular data.

Part 2 – GPS Units

Video – 13:06

This lesson presents the basic aspects of GPS units and techniques/methods for the best use the units for scientific data collection. There is a mathematical connection to the ideas of accuracy, precision, and resolution.

Assignments – There are two exercises with this lesson which involve using GPS units. The first is a simulated treasure hunt. The second is to collect data points which will be processed and displayed in ArcGIS Online. For those sites doing the Online Services section, the data will be retained and the students will process it as an additional exercise during that section.

Basic Concepts Of Geographic Information Systems

Part 1 – What And How

Video – 6:48

This lesson introduces students to what geographic information systems (GIS) is and the basic data processes and structure.

Assignment – Students will watch episodes one and two of the PennState production, ‘The Geospatial Revolution’ and answer questions.

Part 2 – Using GIS

Video –6:33

This lesson presents students with how GIS data is used and presented.

Assignment – Students will watch episodes three and four of the Penn State Production ‘The Geospatial Revolution’ and answer questions.

Online Services

Part 1 – Overview

Video – 4:10

This lesson provides the students an overview of the different online/internet based geospatial technology services.

Part 2 – itouchmap

Video – 5:10

This lesson introduces students to the itouchmap website section which works with latitude and longitude.

Assignment – Students will use the itouchmap website latitude/longitude section to determine coordinates and to locate given coordinates.

Part 3 – ArcGIS Online Overview, Creating An Account, Gallery, and Attributes

Video - 10:01

In this lesson students will be introduced to ArcGIS Online, given step by step instructions to create a public (free) account, how to use the gallery, and acquire attributes.

Assignment – Students will create a public account and explore the map gallery.

Part 4 – ArcGIS Online –Data Files, Symbols, and Base Maps

Video – 13:57

In this lesson students will be given step by step instructions in bringing data files from the ArcGIS Online library, how to make changes in symbols, and how to change base maps.

Assignment – Students will work with a structured exercise to change map symbols.

Part 5 – ArcGIS Online – Saving and Sharing Maps/Layers

Video – 9:30

In this lesson students will be given step by step instructions in saving and sharing maps and layers including management of the My Content page and providing an online link.

Assignment – Students will create a map using the skills learned in part 4 and post the map using an online link.

Part 6 – ArcGIS Online – Dropping Data

Video – 5:19

In this lesson students will be given step by step instructions of how to prepare tabular (spreadsheet) point data to be displayed as a layer in ArcGIS Online.

Assignment – Students will acquire and input locations from their home community and import (drop) them into ArcGIS Online and display them as a map layer.

Part 7 – ArcGIS Online – Onscreen Digitizing

Video – 7:45

In this lesson students will be given step by step instructions of how to digitize (draw) points, lines, and areas as a layer to be displayed in ArcGIS Online.

Assignment – Students will use the digitizing/map notes tool to connect point data as an area.

Part 8 – ArcGIS Online – Web Application Maps

Video – 11:38

In this lesson students are introduced to web application maps and given step by step instructions of how to convert web maps into web application maps.

Assignment – Students will convert the web map created in Part 6 to a Web Application Map.


Part 1 – Overview

Video – 6:17

In this lesson students are given an introduction to the basic history and concepts of aerial photography and satellite based imagery including how it is used in society.

Assignment – Students will complete a short research report/essay on an Earth Orbiting satellite.

Part 2 – Aerial Photography

Video – 9:30

In this lesson students will be introduced to the basic principals of aerial photography analysis. This lesson has some connections to mathematics.

Assignment – Students will interpret aerial images based upon the principals presented.

Part 3 – Remote Sensing

Video – 10:25

In this lesson students will be introduced to the basic concepts of remote sensing and how it works. This lesson contains strong physical science concept links to light and the electromagnetic spectrum.

Assignment – Students will match unknown spectral signatures to known spectral signatures.

Part 4 – Bands

Video – 8:17

In this lesson students will examine the different electro magnetic bands and color coding combinations used in remote sensing.

Assignment – Students will compare images of the same scene presented using different combinations of bands.