Chapter 8-9

Activity 1-Vocabulary

Use your dictionary and context clues to find a correct short definition, and/or list one or two synonyms for each word. Then write a sentence from the novel in which the word was used. You need to underline or highlight the vocabulary words in the sentences. Page numbers are in parenthesis for that purpose. Study the definitions.

1.  seldom (139) 6. wade (142) 11. haste (171) 16. current (181) mm

2.  sharp (139) mm 7. peer (142) 12. grimly (171) 17. pier (185)

3.  inquisitive (139) 8. taut (143) 13. nimble (173)

4.  scuttling (139) 9. disquieting (146) 14. portcullis (175)

5.  brink (141) 10. trudge (149) 15. decent (179)

Activity 2-Questions

Use facts from the novel & your own experience (when needed) to answer questions. Know the answers.

1. Why is the enchanted river dangerous? How was the hobbit helpful in crossing the river?

2. Why do you think the dwarves and Bilbo disregarded Beorn's warning and strayed from the path?

3.  After Gandalf left, who became the leader of the expedition?

4.  Why did the elfish-looking folk disappear when the dwarves went running into their camp?

5.  How did Bilbo get separated from the dwarves? Does this happen anywhere else in previous chapters? If so, when?

6.  How did Bilbo feel after killing the spider? What name did he give to his sword-blade after killing that first spider?

7.  How did Bilbo manage to escape the giant spiders? What are some of the names/insults he called out to the spiders?

8.  Describe how Bilbo was able to rescue the dwarves from the spiders.

9.  Why does Bilbo tell the dwarves about the magic ring? Does this change their opinion of him? Which dwarf insists merrily on hearing Bilbo's adventure with the ring over again?

10.  Why was Thorin captured by the Wood-elves?

11.  Why do you think Thorin was determined not to reveal his true reason for being in the forest to the Elven-king?

12.  Why did the Wood-elves capture the dwarves and not Bilbo? Why didn’t the dwarves put up a fight?

13. How did Bilbo get in and out of the closely guarded palace?

14. Why didn't Thorin and the dwarves tell the king why they were in the woods?

15. Describe Thorin's opinion of Bilbo when be discovered him whispering to him outside his dungeon door?

16. How did Bilbo help his friends escape? How did he escape?

17.In the river village, what clues did Bilbo leave of his presence even though he had on the magic ring? What was he able to steal to eat?

18.Why didn't the elves and raftman look inside the heavy barrels?

Activity 2-Figures of Speech

"Soon the light at the gate was like a little bright hole far behind, and the quiet was so deep that their feet seemed to thump along while all the trees leaned over them and listened." (page 139)

1.  Find the simile. Identify on your paper the two things being compared. (Remember: Simile is a figure of speech in which a comparison between two unlike objects is stated directly, using the words "like" or "as".)

2.  Identify what inanimate object is being personified. What phrase identifies the personification? (Remember: Personification is when a non-human or inanimate object is given human qualities.)

Activity 3-Compare & Contrast

How were the elves different from the trolls in previous chapters? How were they similar? Quote phrases from the novel to support your opinion.

Activity 4-Analyze

"Bond" from the chapter title, has multiple meanings. Write at least (3) three different meanings for "bond." Give your interpretation of what the title means in relation to what you've read in the chapter and also based on your opinion of what bond means in the title.


Examine the title of this chapter. How is it or what makes it, an appropriate title?